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Report from the Sub-committee on Agriculture



Table 5.8
Estimated percentage losses resulting from pests, etc., in different crops in the 0-scenario. Only direct yield losses are included. Losses due to the increased cost of weed control are not included in this table.
  Loss 1
Loss 2
Loss 3
Loss 5
Total average loss Average maximum loss
  Postponed sowing etc. Disease attack Pest attack Crop damage Weed increase Multiplicative 1 factor gives max
Wheat, 1st yr., sandy soil 8 7 2 7 6 27 45
wheat, 1st yr., clayey soil 7 9 4 7 6 29 50
Wheat, 2nd yr., sandy soil 9 7 5 7 6 30 68
wheat, 2nd yr., clayey soil 7 7 4 7 6 27 43
Spring barley, sandy soil - 7 3 1 7 17 33
Spring barley, clayey soil - 6 6 1 7 19 30
Winter barley, sandy soil 7 11 0 3 3 22 32
Winter barley, clayey soil 7 10 0 3 3 21 28
Winter rye 3 4 3 1 2 12 28
Peas - 2 9 5 7 21 26
Winter rape - 2 5 0 0 7 26
Spring rape - 2 17 0 5 23 48
Sugar beet - 2 12 0 0 14 22
Mangolds - 2 12 0 0 14 22
Clover seed - 0 50 0 50 75 100
Seed grass - 1 0 ? 50 50 100
Potatoes - 38 6 0 0 42 100
Wholecrop - 3 2 1 8 13 16
Grass - 0 0 0? ? 3 4
Oats - 5 3 1 8 16 25
Maize - 0 3 5 8 16 16