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Report from the Sub-committee on Agriculture



Table 8.8
Table showing the principal agricultural crops and their need for treatment with seed-dressing agents against diseases and pests. Indication of damage thresholds and expected losses from severe attacks (Nielsen et al., 1998).
Crop Need for seed-dressing when Expected loss in severe attack
Fungal diseases that damage shoots Over 15% of grains attacked Approx. 5%
Glume blotch Over 5% of grains attacked Approx. 5-10%
Stinking bunt When present Up to 70% (unsuitable for bread and fodder)
Fungal diseases that damage shoots Over 15-30% of grains attacked Approx. 3-5%
Barley strip/leaf spot Over 5% of grains attacked Just under 1% per percentage of plants attacked
Naked smut Over 0.2% of grains attacked Approx. 0.75% per percentage of plants attacked
Fungal diseases that damage shoots Over 15% of grains attacked Approx. 5%
Stripe smut When present Just under 1% per percentage of plants attacked
Phoma/soil-borne fungal diseases and pests No guideline damage threshold Severe attacks cause plant death. Additional yields achieved in trials: 68 hkg/ha or 971 feed units. Latest pesticide produces 113 hkg/ha or 1614 feed units because of better long-term effect.
Leaf and pod spot When present Average additional yield in trials: 1.2 hkg/ha
Fungal diseases that damage shoots Over 25% of grains attacked Largest losses measured 8.3 hkg/ha
Alternaria/grey mould/etc. No guideline damage threshold No importance attached to attacks
Thrips/flea beetle Attacks vary from year to year verage additional yield in trials: 2-4 hkg/ha.