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Report from the Sub-committee on Agriculture



Table 10.5
Chemicals that can be used for the applications mentioned in a 0+scenario.
Seed-dressing agents for cereals Stinking bunt etc. in wheat, stripe smut in rye
Stripe smut in barley
Loose smut in barley
Bitertanol+fuberidazole, fenpiclonil
Imazalil, maneb Carboxin, tebuconazole
Weeds in seed grass Mono- and dicotyledonous weeds Clopyralid, fluroxypyr, MCPA, ioxynil, methabenzthiazuron, isoxaben, thifensulfuron methyl, difenzoquat
Seed potatoes Potato blight
Pre-harvest desiccation
Maneb, Mancozeb, Propamocarb,
Wild oat In cereals
In broad-leafed crops
Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, Flamprop-M-isopropyl, Difenzoquat,
Fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop
Colorado beetle Seed potatoes Pyrethroids, dimethoate,
Specific problems in greenhouses Pests Pyrethroids, pyriproxyfen, mercaptodimethur, carbuforan, azinphos-methyl
Specific problems in nursery cultures Pests Carbofuran, dimethoate, pyrethroids, chlorfentezine, fenbutatin-oxyd,
Chemicals that can be used for the applications mentioned in a + scenario
Disease control in potatoes Potato blight Maneb, mancozeb, propamocarb, fluazinam
Band-spraying and seed-dressing in beets Seed-dressing
Weed control
Thiram, imidacloprid
Phenmedipham, ethofumesatw,

thifensulfuron-methyl, metamitron
Control of specific species of weed in cereals Camomile
Patch-control of perennial species of weed Thistles MCPA
Prevention and control of diseases in cereals Mildew, stripe rust and septoria Propicoazole, fenpropimorph, azoxystrobin, prochloraz, tebuconazole
Pollen beetle in spring rape, pests in peas, aphids in barley and wheat Assessed on basis of damage threshold Pyrethroids, pirimicarb, dimethoate
Band-spraying in maize Weeds Pyridat, bentazone , terbuthylazin, pendimethalin
Control of couch grass in 1 in 10 years Couch grass Glyphosate
Specific problems in fruit growing Diseases
Bitertanol, maneb, chlorothalonil, triforin,
Diflubenzuron, dimethoate, pyrethroids, clofentezine
Specific problems in greenhouse production Diseases
Prochloraz, triforine, propamocarb, iprodione
Specific problems in outdoor vegetables Diseases
Maneb, mancozeb, chlorothalonil, iprodione
Chlorfenvinphos, carbofuran, dimethoate