An introduction to Life-Cycle Thinking and Management

Further information and sources of inspiration

General literature concerning cleaner products and life-cyclebased environmental initiatives
Kirsten Schmidt, m.fl.: Manual on Product-oriented Environmental Work. Environmental News No 64, Danish EPA 2002. (Gives an introduction to a product-orientated and life-cycle-based environmental initiative along the same lines as this booklet).
Livscykluscheck (LCC) - Stimulering af mindre virksomheders interesse for arbejdet med renere produkter. Teknologisk Information Center, 2002 (See - clarification of needs, life-cycle check and about forty fact sheets).
Intensified Product-oriented Environmental Initiative. Environmental Project No. 460, 1999.
Arne Remmen: Renere produkter - nye værktøjer, aktører og relationer. Evaluation of completed projects under the Danish Ministry of Environment's Cleaner Technology Action Plan 1993-97. Orientering nr.12, Danish EPA, Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2000.

A) Environmental and life-cycle assessment:
Torben Lenau, m.fl.: Miljørigtig udvikling i produktfamilier - en håndbog. Miljønyt Nr. 67, 2002. (Based on an environmental assessment, the most significant improvement possibilities are listed for related product groups).
Kirsten Pommer, m.fl.: Håndbog i miljøvurdering af produkter - en enkel metode, Miljønyt, nr. 58, Danish EPA 2001. (A manual for a simplified environmental assessment).
DS-håndbog 126. Livscyklusvurderinger - en kommenteret oversættelse af ISO 14040 til 14043. Dansk Standard, 2001. (A presentation and discusssion of LCA standards).
Jesper Olesen, m.fl.: Miljørigtig konstruktion. UMIP publikation, Danish EPA and the Confederation of Danish Industries, 1996. (Discusses how the designer / engineer can integrate environmental considerations into product development).
Henrik Wenzel, m.fl.: Miljøvurdering af produkter. UMIP publikation, Danish EPA and the Confederation of Danish Industries, 1996.
Astrup Jensen et. al.: Life-cycle Assessment - a guide to approaches, experiences and information sources. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 1997
Pablo Frankl & Frieder Rubik: Lifecycle Assessment in Industry and Enterprise. Adoption Patterns, Applications and Implications. Springer Verlag, 2000. (Discusses European enterprises' experiences with lifecycle assessments). Further information and sources of inspiration

B) Eco-design / design for the environment:
Han Brezet & Carolien van Hemel: ECODESIGN - A promising approach to sustainable production and consumption. UNEP 1997. (Based on Dutch experience, this handbook gives an introduction to ecodesign).
Ursula Tischner,,: How to do EcoDesign? A Guide for environmentally and economically sound Design.Verlag form praxis, 2000. (Contains a comprehensive discussion of a number of Eco-design tools).
Herman Meinders: Point of no return. Phillips EcoDesign guidelines. Phillips, 1997. (Phillip's suggestions regarding integration of environment into design and product development).
Sustainable Solution Design Association: A Handbook on the Environment for the Textil and Fashion Industry 2002. (How the environment may be taken into consideration in textile design).
Eco-Conscious Design of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. (Danish CD-rom about eco-design and simple environmental assessment of electronic products).

C) Environmental communication and product chain cooperation
Håndbog i miljødialog.The Confederation of Danish Industries, 2001. (A brief introduction to how an enterprise selects interests, areas, goals and means for environmental dialogue. The subjects are handled in greater depth in a series of booklets listed below).
Hans Niemann, m.fl.: Planning and Organising an Environmental Dialogue. Environmental News, No. 63, The Danish Agency for Trade and Industry & the Danish EPA, 2001.
Hans Niemann, m.fl.: Miljødialog med kunder. Miljønyt nr. 46, the Danish Agency for Trade and Industry & the Danish EPA, 2000.
Anette Petersen, m.fl.: Miljødialog med leverandører. Miljønyt nr. 48, the Danish Agency for Trade and Industry & the Danish EPA, 2000.

The following booklets are also included in the same series. (All booklets are available on the internet:
Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation, Miljønyt nr. 42, 2000.
Miljødialog gennem pressen, Miljønyt nr. 44, 2000.
Miljødialog med kollegaer, Miljønyt nr. 45, 2000.
Katalog over midler til miljødialog, Miljønyt nr. 47, 2000.

The following reports regarding product chain cooperation and the environment will be published:
Heidi Stranddorf, m.fl. Miljøledelse i produktkæder. Danish EPA, 2002 (A good description of enterprise examples).
Kirsten Schmidt, m.fl.: Miljøledelse i produktkæder - supplerende eksempler med fokus på miljømærker og internationale forhold. Danish EPA, 2002.

All publications by Danish EPA (the Ministry of the Environment) may be found at

Enviromental news

Nr. 25: Alternative transportløsninger i landdistrikterne. - 2. udg.
Nr. 26: Trafik og miljø i kommuner - ny inspiration
Nr. 27: Badevandskort 1998
Nr. 28: Sørestaurering i Danmark
Nr. 29: Miljøbevidst design af grafiske produkter
Nr. 30: Begrænsning af trafikstøj
Nr. 31: Forsigtighedsprincippet
Nr. 32: CO2-virkemidler på transportområdet - et samarbejdsprojekt med Svendborg kommune
Nr. 33: Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands
Nr. 34: Miljøkapacitet som grundlag for byplanlægning - Generel del
Nr. 35: Precautionary Principle
Nr. 36: Badevandskort 1999
Nr. 37: På rette vej
Nr. 38: Borgernes miljørettigheder
Nr. 39: Miljø og arbejdsmiljø
Nr. 40: Dansk miljøeksport af produkter og rådgivningsydelser til vandsektoren 1998
Nr. 41: Danish Environmental Exports of Products and Consultancy Services Within the Water Sector 1999
Nr. 42: Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation
Nr. 43: Tilrettelæggelse af miljødialog
Nr. 44: Miljødialog gennem pressen
Nr. 45: Miljødialog med kollegaer
Nr. 46: Miljødialog med kunder
Nr. 47: Katalog over midler til miljødialog
Nr. 48: Miljødialog med leverandører
Nr. 49: Badevandskort 2000
Nr. 50: Vejen til bedre miljø ved produktion af tekstiler
Nr. 51: Kriterier for prioritering af trafikstøjbekæmpelse
Nr. 52: Håndbog til kommunerne om eksport af elektronisk affald
Nr. 53: Håndbog i produktorienteret miljøarbejde
Nr. 54: Alternatives to Methyl Bromide; Integrated Pest Management in Danish flour mills
Nr. 55: Alternatives to Methyl Bromide; IMP in three typical danish flour mills
Nr. 56: Håndbog om trykimprægneret træ og mulige alternativer
Nr. 57: Evaluering af miljøtrafikuge 2000
Nr. 58: Håndbog i miljøvurdering af produkter
Nr. 59: Miljøledelse - katalog over 66 projekter
Nr. 60: Dansk miljøeksport af produkter og rådgivningsydelser indenfor affaldssektoren i 1999
Nr. 61: Danish Environmental Exports of Products and Consultancy Services within the Waste sector in 1999
Nr. 62: Miljøstyring og miljørevision i danske virksomheder
Nr. 63: Planning and organising an environmental dialogue
Nr. 64: Manual on Product-Oriented Environmental Work
Nr. 65: Renere produkte

Did you know:

that more than 700 Danish enterprises have a certified environmental management system that is consistent with the ISO 14001 standard or the European EMAS regulation

that environmentally certified enterprises are increasingly taking a cradle-to-grave approach to their products as part of their preventive initiatives concerning environmental issues

that the detergent Bluecare, that has the Swan label, 12-doubled its market share after a test showed that it was the cheapest, best and most environmentally friendly detergent

that more than 90% of fridges sold in Denmark today have the energy labels ’Class A’ and ’Class B’ – a twofold increase compared to sales five years ago

that good design = longevity of a product = better environment

that at present environmental labelling criteria exist for 68 product groups in accordance with the Nordic Swan label or the European Flower label

that 51 procurement guidelines have been published for public-sector and privatesector procurement officers, and that procurement officers from within the public sector annually spend a total of DKK 140bn.

that there is a list of 60 substances that the environmental authorities want to phase out the use of as soon as possible

that consultancies can establish how a product affects the environment for DKK 20- 30,000.00

that as much as 66% of the ’load’ lorries are driving around with is ’air’. This means that huge environmental improvements can be achieved by optimising transport capacity and logistics plans

that a product is already made more environmentally friendly, if it is easier to repair

that more than 80% of a new car can be recycled, and that an increasing number of the big car manufacturers require that their suppliers introduce certified environmental management