Deposition of Pesticides on the Soil Surface

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 11-13 20-24 28-32 33-35 49-50 59-68 87-89 Growth stage (BBCH) 95% lower mean 95% upper FOCUS Figure 2. Deposition of spray liquid on the soil surface below spring barley based on 2000-2001 experiments. The figure includes mean values and 95% upper- and lower- confidence limits for each growth stage interval. FOCUS 2002 values are included for comparison. FOCUS changes from 50 (BBCH 20-29) to 30 (BBCH 30-39). Figur 2. Afsætning af sprøjtevæske på jord under vårbyg baseret på resultaterne fra 2000-2001. Tabellen indeholder gennemsnit, samt 95% øvre- og nedre konfidensinterval for hvert vækststadieinterval. FOCUS 2002 værdierne er inkluderet til sammenligning. FOCUS skifter fra 50 (BBCH 20-29) til 30 (BBCH 30-39).