Deposition of Pesticides on the Soil Surface

Table 5.   Deposition of spray liquid on the soil surface (% of applied) in different agricultural crops according to FOCUS 2002. Tabel 5.   Afsætning af sprøjtevæske på jorden (% af udsprøjtet mængde) I forskellige afgrøder ifølge FOCUS 2002. Bare – Emergence Leaf develop- ment Tillering & stem elongation Flowering    Senescence Ripening BBCH Crop 00-09 10-19 20-39 40-89 90-99 Beans (field + vegetable 100 75 60 30 20 Cabbage 100 75 60 30 10 Carrots 100 75 40 20 20 Cotton 100 70 40 25 10 Grass* 100 60 40 10 10 Linseed 100 70 40 30 10 Maize 100 75 50 25 10 Oil seed rape (summer) 100 60 20 20 10 Oil seed rape (winter) 100 60 20 20 10 Onions 100 90 75 60 40 Peas 100 65 45 15 15 Potatoes 100 85 50 20 50 Soybean 100 65 45 15 35 Spring cereals 100 75 50 (20-29) 30 (30-39) 10 10 Strawberries 100 70 50 40 40 Sugar beets 100 80 30 (rosette) 10 10 Sunflower 100 80 50 25 10 Tobacco 100 50 30 10 10 Tomatoes 100 50 30 20 50 Winter cereals 100 75 50 (20-29) 30 (30-39) 10 10 * A values of 10 is used for applications to established turf.