FAR-25 |
Federal Aviation Regulation - Part 25 - Appendix F - Part 1 (USA). |
JAR-25 |
Joint Aviation Regulation the European regulations identical to FAR-25. |
Law no.1324/1988 |
Consumer Protection, The Furniture and Furnishing (Fire)(Safety)
Regulation 1988. Statutory Instruments 1988 No.1324. England Scotland & Wales. |
Regulation No.34 |
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the
prevention of fire risks. Annex to Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform
condi-tions of approval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment
and parts. United Nations. Detailed regulations for vehicles 1998. Department of Road
Traffic, Denmark. |
BR 95 |
Bygningsreglement 1995. |
BR-S 98 |
Bygningsreglement for Småhuse 1998. |
BS 476: Part 6 |
British Standard. Method of test for fire propagation for products.
Determination of the fire test performance of products used as internal linings in
buildings. |
BS 476: Part 7 |
British Standard. Fire tests on building materials and structures. Part 7.
Method for classification of the surface spread of flame of products. |
BS 2782:Part 1: |
Method 140A:1992British Standard. Methods of testing plastics. Thermal
properties. Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in
contact with a small-flame ignition source. |
BS 2782:Part 1: |
Method 140B:1993British Standard. Methods of testing plastics. Thermal
properties. Determination of the burn-ing behaviour of flexible vertical specimens in
contact with a small-flame ignition source |
BS 2782:Part 1: |
Method 140C:1993British Standard. Methods of testing plastics. Thermal
properties. Determination of the com-bustibility of specimens using a 125 mm flame source. |
BS 2782:Part 1: |
Method 140D:1997British Standard. Methods of testing plastics. Thermal
properties. Flammability of a test piece 550 mm x 35 mm of thin polyvinyl chloride
sheeting (laboratory method). |
BS 4066:Part 1:1980 |
British Standard. Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Method
of test on a single vertical insu-lated wire or cable. |
BS 4066:Part 3:1994 |
British Standard. Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Tests on
bunched wires or cables Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Method of test on
a single small vertical insulated wire or cable. |
BS 5438:1989 |
British Standard. Methods of test for flammability of textile fabrics when
subjected to a small igniting flame applied to the face or bottom edge of vertically
oriented specimens |
BS 5852 |
British Standard. Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered seating by
smouldering and flaming ignition sources. |
BS 5867: Part 1 |
British Standard. Specification for curtains and drapes. Part 1. General
requirements. |
BS 5867: Part 2 |
British Standard. Specification for curtains and drapes. Part 2.
Flammability requirements. |
BS 6807 |
British Standard. Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses upholstered
divans and upholstered bed bases with primary and secondary sources of ignition. |
BS 6853 |
British Standard. British Standard Code of practice for Fire precautions
in the design and construction of railway passenger rolling stock. |
DIN 4102 Part 1 |
German Standard. Brandverhalten von Baustoffe und Bauteilen; Baustoffe;
Begriffe, Anforderungen und Prüfungen. |
DIN 4102 Part 14 |
German Standard. Brandverhalten von Baustoffe und Bauteilen; Bodenbeläge
und Bodenbeschichtungen; Be-stimmung der Flammenausbreitung bei Beanspruchung mit einem
Wärmestrahler. |
DIN 5510 |
German Standard.Vorbeugender Brandschutz in Schienenfahrzeugen.
Brennverhalten und Brandneberscheinungen von Werkstoffen und Bautreilen.
Klassifize-rungen, Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren. |
DIN 55 050 |
Brennverhalten von Werkstoffen. Grosser Brennkasten. |
DIN 53 438 Part 1 |
Prüfung von brennbaren Werkstoffen. Verhalten beim Beflammen mit einem
Brenner. Allgemeine Angaben. |
DIN 53 438 Part 2 |
Prüfung von brennbaren Werkstoffen. Verhalten beim Beflammen mit einem
Brenner. Kantenbeflammung. |
DIN 53 438 Part 3 |
Prüfung von brennbaren Werkstoffen. Verhalten beim Beflammen mit einem
Brenner. Flächenbeflammung. |
DIN 54 341 |
Prüfung von Sitzen für Schienenfahrzeuge des öffentlichen
Personverkehrs. Bestimmung des Brennverhaltens mit einem Papierkissen. |
DIN 54 837 |
Prüfung von Werkstoffen, Kleinbauteilen und Bauteilabschnitten für
Schienenfahrzeuge. Bestimmung des Brennverhaltens mit einem Gasbrenner. |
DS/EN 469 |
Danish Standard/European Standard/ CEN. Protective clothing for
firefighters - Requirements and test methods for protective clothing for firefighting. |
DS/EN 470-1 |
Danish Standard/European Standard/ CEN. Protective clothing for use in
welding and allied processes - Part 1: General requirements. |
DS/EN 531 |
Danish Standard/European Standard/ CEN. Protective clothing for industrial
workers exposed to heat (excluding firefighters’ and welders’ clothing). |
DS/EN532 |
Danish Standard/European Standard/CEN. Protective clothing - Protection
against heat and flame - Test method for limited flame spread. |
DS/EN 533 |
Danish Standard/European Standard / CEN. Protective clothing- protective
against heat and flame - limited flame spread materials and material assemblies. |
DS 1063.1 |
Danish Standard. Fire classification - Roof coverings. |
DS 1063.2 |
Danish Standard. Fire classification - Floorings. |
DS 1065-1 |
Danish Standard. Fire classification - Building materials - Class A and
class B materials. |
DS 1065-2 |
Danish Standard. Fire classification - Coverings - Class 1 and Class 2
coverings. |
DS/INSTA 411 |
Danish Standard/Inter Nordic Standard. Fire tests - Coverings: Fire
Protection Ability. Identical with the Nordtest method NT FIRE 003. |
DS/INSTA 412 |
Danish Standard/Inter Nordic Standard. Fire tests - Building products -
Heat release and smoke generation.Identical with the Nordtest method NT FIRE 004. |
DS/INSTA 413 |
Danish Standard/Inter Nordic Standard. Fire tests - Roofings - Fire
spread. Identical with the Nordtest method NT FIRE 006. |
DS/INSTA 414 |
Danish Standard/Inter Nordic Standard. Fire tests - Floorings - Fire
spread and smoke generation. Identical with the Nordtest method NT FIRE 007. |
EN 597-1 |
European Standard / CEN. Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of
mattresses an upholstered bed bases - Part 1: Ignition source: Smouldering cigarette. |
EN 597-2 |
European Standard / CEN. Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of
mattresses and upholstered bed bases - Part 2: Ignition source: Match flame equivalent. |
EN 1101 |
European Standard, CEN, Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour
- Curtains and drapes - Detailed procedure to determine the ignitability of vertically
oriented specimens (small flame). |
EN 1021-1 |
European Standard, CEN. Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of
upholstered furniture - Part 1: Ignition source: Smouldering cigarette. |
EN 1021-2 |
European Standard, CEN. Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of
upholstered furniture - Part 2: Ignition source: Match flame equivalent. |
EN/IEC 884-1 |
European/International Standard. International Electro- technical
Commission. Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes. |
EN/IEC 60065 |
European/International Standard. International Electro-technical
Commission. Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and related apparatus for
household and similar general use. |
EN/IEC 60335 |
European/International Standard. International Electro-technical
Commission. Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. |
EN/IEC 60 598-1 |
European/International Standard Luminaires Part 1: General requirements
and tests. |
EN/IEC 60695-2-1 |
European/International Standard Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test method
- section 1/ Sheet 0 , Glow-wire test method - General. |
EN/IEC 60695-2-2 |
European/International Standard. International Electro-technical
Commission. Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 2: Needle-flame test. |
EN/IEC 60950 |
European/International Standard. International Electro-technical
Commission. Safety of information technology equipment. |
EN/IEC 332-1 |
European International Standard. International Electro-technical
Commission. Tests on electrical cables under fire conditions. Part 1: Test on single
vertical insulated wire or cable. |
EN/IEC 332-2 |
European International Standard. International Electro-technical
Commission. Tests on electrical cables under fire conditions. Part 2: Test on a single
small vertical insulated copper wire or cable. |
EN/IEC 332-3 |
Technical Report. International Electrotechnical Commission. Tests on
electric cables under fire conditions. Part 3: Tests on bunched wires or cables. |
FTP Code |
International Code for Application of Fire Test Proce-dures. International
Maritime Organization. IMO-884E |
ISO 1210 |
International standard. Plastics - Determination of the burning behaviour
of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source. |
ISO 3795 |
International Standard. Road vehicles and tractors and machinery for
agriculture and forestry - Determination of burning behaviour of interior materials. |
ISO 5657 |
International Standard. Fire tests - Reaction to fire - Ignitability of
building products. |
ISO 6940 |
International Standard. Textile fabrics - Burning behaviour -
Determination of ease of ignition ofvertically oriented specimens. |
ISO 6941 |
International Standard. Textile fabrics - Burning behaviour - Measurement
of flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimens. |
ISO 9773 |
International Standard. Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour of
thin flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source. |
ISO 10351 |
International Standard. Plastics - Determination of the combustibility of
specimens using a 125 mm flame source. |
MMM 7.5.1. |
Materials & Methods Manual, Scandinavian Airlines System. |
UIC 564-2 |
Internationaler Eisenbahnverband. Vorschriften über Brandverhütung und
Feuerbekämpfung für die im inter -nationalen Verkehr eingesetzten Schienenfahrzeuge, in
denen Reisende befördert oder die der Reisezuwagen - bauart zugeordnet werden. |
UL 94 |
UL Standard for Safety for Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for
Parts in Devices and Appliances. HB: Horizontal Burning Test.
V-0, V-1, V-2: 20 mm Vertical Burning test.
5V: 500W (125mm) Vertical Burning Test. |
UL 910 |
Test for Cable Flame-Propagation and Smoke-Density Values for Electrical
and Optical-Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transporting Environmental Air. |
VDE 0471, part 2-1 |
Prüfung mit dem Glühdraht und Anleitung. Equivalent to IEC 695 - 2 - 1. |