Waste 21 Appendix E FractionsE 1 Batteries and accumulators E 2 End-of-life vehicles E 2 End-of-life vehicles E 4 Waste electrical and electronic equipment E 4 Waste electrical and electronic equipment E 5 Packaging waste E 5 Packaging waste E 6 Hazardous waste E 6 Hazardous waste E 8 Impregnated wood E 8 Impregnated wood E 10 Municipal sewage sludge E 10 Municipal sewage sludge E 11 Refrigeration equipment E 11 Refrigeration equipment E 12 Organic domestic waste E 12 Organic domestic waste E 13 Organic waste from industry and food waste from catering centres E 13 Organic waste from industry and food waste from catering centres E 14 Paper and cardboard E 14 Paper and cardboard E 18 Residues from waste incineration plants E 18 Residues from waste incineration plants E 19 Residues from power plants E 19 Residues from power plants E 20 Shredder waste E 20 Shredder waste E 22 Foundry waste E 22 Foundry waste A number of waste fractions are discussed below. Several fractions play a significant role in Waste 21. Waste fractions have been selected because they constitute a special environmental problem. Waste fractions are described whether or not new initiatives will be launched. The EU has surveyed a number of waste streams with a view to having the Commission put forward proposals for regulation of these fractions. These fractions - the so-called "priority waste streams" - are discussed. Priority waste streams are health-care risk waste, end-of-life vehicles, waste electrical and electronic equipment, tyres, building waste, and chlorinated solvents. For these waste streams, initiatives have already been launched in Denmark. Under each waste fraction status, future initiatives, objectives year 2004, and measures to be implemented to meet objectives are described. Implications of initiatives for national and local authorities are also described, and waste treatment capacity is assessed. In order to achieve objectives for year 2004, the State and local councils must live up to their obligations, including the preparation of necessary rules and regulations, and citizens and enterprises must contribute to good waste solutions. Information and development activities planned require substantial support from the Environmental Council for Cleaner Products. E 1 Batteries and accumulators
Objective year 2004
E 1.1 Status Special collection schemes and suitable recycling methods exist for lead accumulators and nickel-cadmium batteries. The collection schemes work well. In 1998, 14,900 tonnes of lead accumulators were sold in Denmark. This corresponds to the amounts of accumulators that, on an average, become waste every year. The collection rate for spent lead accumulators is 98 per cent, and the objective of 99.9 per cent in year 2000 is expected to be achieved. It is assessed that 86 per cent of discarded batteries and accumulators derives from the service sector, 10 per cent from domestic waste, 2 per cent from bulky waste, and 2 per cent from industry. Accumulators mainly derive from the service sector, and from bulky waste. Batteries may be subdivided roughly into two categories: single-use batteries and rechargeable batteries (see table).
In 1998 around 2,500 tonnes batteries were sold of which 260 tonnes were rechargeable. According to assessments, some 120 tonnes of waste nickel-cadmium batteries were generated in 1997. Of these, 95 tonnes were collected for recycling. Nickel-cadmium batteries and lead accumulators are reprocessed in Sweden or France. Experience from many years' collection of batteries in Denmark shows that it is difficult for consumers to distinguish between different types of battery, despite the fact that recyclable batteries carry a special recycling label. The result is that many consumers either collect all batteries regardless of type, or dispose of all types in domestic waste. As a consequence, around half the discarded batteries are collected as a mixture of single-use and rechargeable batteries. The rest are disposed of in domestic waste. Local authorities, municipal waste companies, and Kommunekemi A/S separate Ni-Cd batteries for recycling. The rest of collected batteries are landfilled. Mercury-bearing batteries are normally landfilled at the Kommunekemi A/S special landfill site, and other types at conventional landfills. Mercury contents in batteries have in the past been an obstacle to reprocessing. In future, the major part of single-use batteries will not contain mercury, and in future they may be recovered. At international level, significant progress has been seen in the development of new technology for recovery of resources in new battery types. It is therefore expected that far more batteries can be recovered in future. However, it is a prerequisite for efficient recycling that, in addition to recovery technology, reliable separation technologies are developed. In a draft amendment to the EU Directive on batteries it is suggested that all batteries should be collected for separate reprocessing of different fractions. Measures
E 1.2 Future initiatives Initiatives to support the development of suitable methods of treatment and separation will be promoted. When such methods have been developed, requirements for separate collection of all batteries will be made. E 1.3 Regulation Collection of batteries is regulated in the Statutory Order on waste80. Nickel-cadmium batteries, lead accumulators and lithium batteries as well as unseparated batteries are classified as hazardous waste, whereas clean fractions of, for example, non-heavy-metal-containing batteries are normally not considered as hazardous waste. The collection of nickel-cadmium batteries and lead accumulators is also regulated by economic instruments, and collection is assumed by both private and public companies. Collection of lead accumulators is ensured in an agreement between the Minister for Environment and Energy and the battery industries (Returbat), under which Returbat is liable for collection of all spent lead accumulators in Denmark. The agreement is supplemented by two Statutory Orders. The first Statutory Order81 lays down conditions for being registered as collector and thereby obtain subsidies. The second Statutory Order82 gives the financial basis for the scheme. Returbat administers the scheme and, on the basis of an approved budget, receives funds from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency for remuneration. Remuneration of maximum DKK 0.80/kg is granted to collectors delivering spent accumulators to approved recycling plants. An environmental fee83 is levied on nickel-cadmium batteries. The fee is remunerated for the collection of spent nickel-cadmium batteries. In connection with the scheme, a Statutory Order has been issued84, stating criteria to be met by collectors of spent nickel-cadmium batteries in order to achieve a registration as a professional collector and thereby be granted remuneration. The scheme is administered by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. A remuneration of DKK 120/kg is granted for spent Danish batteries delivered to an approved recycling plant. E 1.4 Capacity Capacity for recovery of lead, cadmium and nickel is available in Sweden and France. Mercury-bearing batteries may be sent for treatment in, for example, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. E 1.5 Environmental assessment The establishment of collection schemes for all batteries may lead to an even higher collection rate - also for nickel-cadmium batteries. Furthermore, in the longer term, collection of all types of battery will lead to better financial utilisation of resources in more types of battery. However, it is a prerequisite for utilisation of resources that mercury contents in batteries are reduced to a level where they do not present an obstacle to reprocessing. E 1.6 Economic aspects Exact treatment costs for all types of battery cannot be calculated before treatment methods have been developed. E 1.8 Implications for national authorities An amendment to the Statutory Order on waste is necessary to state that all batteries are to be collected when new treatment methods have been developed. E 1.7 Implications for local authorities In their waste management planning, local authorities will take into account the collection of all batteries when new treatment methods have been developed. E 2 End-of-life vehicles (ELV)
Objective year 2004
E 2.1 Status Different waste fractions are generated both before and after shredding (scrapping) of vehicles. End-of-life vehicles contain waste such as iron and metal parts, tyres, plastic, glass, oil, and other liquids. For tyres, waste oil, and lead accumulators special schemes have been introduced, and they are described under the relevant sections of this Appendix. After shredding, recyclable fractions such as iron, aluminium, and copper arise. The residue (shredder waste) is landfilled today (see also Section E 20). End-of-life vehicles contain environmental contaminants, which end up in residues from incineration plants and at landfills. Management of end-of-life vehicles will be improved, ensuring increased recycling and environmentally appropriate treatment of environmentally harmful fractions. In 1997, around 130,000 tonnes of vehicles were discarded, of which around 1,000 tonnes were hazardous waste. A rough estimate shows that 95 per cent of waste from ELV is collected via car scrappers and similar service enterprises, and 5 per cent comes directly from industry. Of total amounts of waste from ELV, it is assessed that around 75 per cent was recycled and around 20 per cent landfilled. The remaining 5 per cent was incinerated. The objective for year 2000 of 80 per cent recycling is to be achieved by increased recycling of tyres and windscreens85. Various projects have been launched to develop new separation technologies with a view to recovery of glass by recycling. Environmental guidelines have been prepared for public purchasers of vehicles. A draft Directive on end-of-life vehicles has been tabled in the EU. E 2.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1999, a Statutory Order will be issued on management of end-of-life vehicles. Recyclable and environmentally harmful fractions will be separated for recycling or environmentally appropriate disposal. A certification scheme will be introduced for enterprises reprocessing ELV. Such a certification scheme will mean that waste can only be assigned to enterprises documenting that they comply with requirements stated in the Statutory Order. The requirement for a certification scheme requires an amendment to the Danish Environmental Protection Act. Initiatives supporting the development of new separation technologies for recovery of windscreens by recycling, will be promoted. Results will be evaluated regularly. The legal base for increased recycling of windscreens will be amended as necessary. E 2.3 Regulation Management of end-of-life vehicles is regulated in overall rules in the Statutory Order on waste and in environmental approvals of enterprises shredding and scrapping vehicles. E 2.4 Capacity Today, around 350-400 enterprises exist for the reprocessing of end-of-life vehicles. Of these, five are shredder enterprises. The planned Statutory Order on management of waste from end-of-life vehicles will have an impact on the number of dismantling enterprises which is expected to drop to some 100-150 enterprises. Capacity is not expected to present an obstacle to achieving new objectives for recycling. E 2.5 Environmental assessment It is expected that the planned Statutory Order on management of end-of-life vehicles will lead to:
Within two to three years, the development of new separation technologies for recycling of windscreens is expected to lead to requirements for dismantling and recovery of glass. Around 2,000 tonnes of windscreens per year will presumably be recycled. E 2.6 Economic aspects The implementation of the Statutory Order on management of end-of-life vehicles is expected to lead to additional costs for consumers of DKK 30-40 million. Consumers normally pay today DKK 300-400 per scrapped end-of-life vehicle. The future scrapping price is expected to be DKK 600-700 per vehicle. E 2.7 Implications for national authorities A Statutory Order on management of end-of-life vehicles will be issued. E 2.8 Implications for local authorities In their waste management plans, local authorities will ensure assignment of waste to plants complying with requirements of the Statutory Order for management of end-of-life vehicles. E 3 Tyres
E 3.1 Status Objective year 2004
Tyres contain rubber, steel, and textiles. Waste tyres are an important resource which should be recycled or incinerated. Resource utilisation of waste tyres is not sufficient today. Until now, it has only been possible to recycle small tyres, and the objective for 1997 for recycling of such tyres has been achieved86. The objective before year 2004 is recycling or incineration of 80 per cent of all discarded tyres. In 1997, waste tyres amounted to around 40,000 tonnes, of which around 25,000 tonnes were recycled. The remaining part was incinerated or landfilled87. Around 40 per cent of total amounts of tyres is assessed to derive from private consumers, and 60 per cent is assessed to come from industry and commerce. It is furthermore believed that the major part of tyres is disposed of via the service sector. Studies on recycling of rubber powder have been started. E 3.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1999, the Statutory Order on fees and subsidies for disposal of tyres88 will be revised and sent to hearing. Requirements will be made for collection and granting of subsidies to enterprises either recycling or incinerating large tyres. Initiatives to support the development of new recycling possibilities for rubber powder will be promoted. Legislation and objectives will be revised as necessary. As part of the take-back agreement, the Danish Tyre Trade Environmental Foundation carries out information campaigns with the purpose of limiting damage in fitting and promoting sales of retreaded tyres. According to the plan of action for public purchasers, environmental guidelines will be prepared in the planning period for public purchasers of tyres. E 3.3 Regulation On 20th February 1995, the Minister for Environment and Energy entered an agreement with the Danish Motor Trade Association, the Association of Danish Recycling Industries and municipal associations on a take-back scheme for discarded tyres. Through the agreement it is ensured that discarded tyres are collected and recycled or incinerated, avoiding thereby landfilling and ensuring resource utilisation of waste tyres. The collection and disposal system is designed on the following prioritisation: retreading, rubber powder production, incineration. The agreement requests enterprises selling tyres to take back a corresponding number of discarded tyres without additional costs for the consumer. Professional collectors are required to receive all tyres from enterprises collecting or receiving discarded tyres, including municipal collection schemes, and to deliver these for recycling or incineration. Further to the agreement, a fee was introduced on tyres89 to finance collection and treatment, administration of the scheme, and information campaigns90. Subsidies are granted to tyre collectors that must be registered under the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Registered enterprises must state in which municipalities tyres are collected. On certain conditions, enterprises are required to collect tyres from waste producers. The payment of subsidies for collection is effected only when tyres have been delivered to a reprocessing plant (rubber powder manufacturer). No subsidies are granted for tyres delivered for reuse, including retreading. An intermediary objective is that at least 80 per cent of all discarded tyres from private cars, vans, and motorbikes will be collected and recycled or incinerated before 1997. According to the agreement, 80 per cent of all discarded tyres must be recycled or incinerated before year 2000. In 1999, the rules will therefore be extended to cover large tyres. E 3.4 Capacity Around 40 reuse plants exist in Denmark, retreading small tyres. In addition, one recycling plant exists, manufacturing rubber powder from tyres. It is not considered that existing plant capacity constitutes a barrier to achieving the objective for year 2004 for recycling or incineration. E 3.5 Environmental assessment It is expected that the amendment to the Statutory Order will lead to all tyres being covered by the fee and subsidy scheme. Thereby, at least 90 per cent of total waste tyres will be recovered through reuse, material recycling, or incineration with energy recovery. E 3.6 Economic aspects The costs to industry and commerce of also introducing a fee for large tyres are expected to amount to some DKK 20 million. Costs of collection and landfilling large tyres today are DKK 14-16 million. Therefore, extra costs of the new scheme will be DKK 4 to 6 million. E 3.7 Implications for national authorities In the coming planning period, Statutory Order no. 799 of 4th September 1996 on fees and subsidies for disposal of tyres will be revised. E 3.8 Implications for local authorities Local authorities are to assign tyres to special treatment. E 4 Waste electrical and electronic equipment
Objective year 2004
E 4.1 Status Electrical and electronic equipment primarily covers radio and television equipment, IT products, regulation and monitoring equipment, white goods, and office equipment. A special scheme for the treatment of refrigeration equipment exists, see Section E 11. Management of waste electrical and electronic equipment will be improved. Products are managed today in the conventional waste management system and account for a large part of environmental contaminants ending up in residues and landfills. Recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment's contents of metals, glass etc. will be increased, and as far as possible this waste fraction will be kept away from incineration plants and landfills. Mass flow analyses for copper and lead show that 60 per cent of copper and 40 per cent of lead going to landfills and incineration plants derives from waste electrical and electronic equipment. Total amounts of waste electrical and electronic equipment, with a deduction of refrigeration equipment, which is discussed in Section E 11, have been calculated at 103,000 tonnes in 199791. The largest part is assessed to come from municipal bulky waste schemes (48 per cent). The remaining part is assumed to come from domestic waste (15 per cent), from institutions, trade and offices, the service sector (20 per cent), and industry (15 per cent). The remaining 2 per cent comes from the building and construction sector. Around 6,000 tonnes electronic equipment were subjected to special treatment in 1997, and 60,000 tonnes electrical equipment were mainly led to shredder plants. Against this background, it is assessed that around 30,000 tonnes were recycled in 1997, corresponding to around 30 per cent of calculated amounts of waste electrical and electronic equipment. A Directive on disposal and reprocessing of waste electrical and electronic equipment is expected to be presented in the EU in 1999. E 4.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1998, a Statutory Order on management of waste from electrical and electronic products was issued92. It is required that such waste is treated in an environmentally appropriate manner. Further to the plan of action for public purchasers, guidelines were prepared in 1998 for public purchasers on a number of electronic office equipment, and eco-labelling criteria will be prepared for several products. The integrated product policy will improve products by considering waste management already in the design of products. A product panel for electronics will be established in 1999. Development of new technologies for reprocessing waste electrical and electronic equipment will be evaluated regularly. If there is a need for amending rules and regulations with a view to using best available technology, this will be done currently. E 4.3 Regulation Management of waste electrical and electronic equipment has so far been regulated in general rules in the Statutory Order on waste, the Statutory Order on management of waste from electrical and electronic products, and through environmental approvals of enterprises managing, reprocessing or disposing of this waste fraction. E 4.4 Capacity Of total amounts of electronic equipment, it is assessed that a further 20,000-30,000 tonnes will be collected and treated separately. Around ten disassembly enterprises exist today. Present capacity is around 12,000 tonnes per year, but the industry has stated that there will be no capacity problems in future. E 4.5 Environmental assessment Separate treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment will increase recycling of heavy metals contained in the products. The possibility of recycling slag from incineration plants will also be improved. It is expected that the Statutory Order on management of waste from electrical and electronic products will shift around 25,000 tonnes of electronics from waste incineration and landfilling to recycling. This corresponds to 40 per cent of copper landfilled today. The integrated product policy is expected at the same time to lead to products more suitable for recycling and products containing less environmental contaminants. E 4.6 Economic aspects Total costs of reprocessing waste electrical and electronic equipment are calculated at DKK 100-200 million/year. It is assessed that the Statutory Order will lead to an increase in the annual waste collection fee for households of some DKK 40. For enterprises and institutions, the costs of managing 10-15,000 tonnes of electronic products will amount to some DKK 5,000/tonne compared to present costs of maximum DKK 800/tonne. The purchase price of a television set or a computer is today from DKK 2,000 to DKK 10,000. Costs of disposal with today's requirements amount to DKK 10 to 20 per unit. Further to the new requirements, costs of disposal will increase to DKK 100 to 200. It is seen that costs of disposal will still constitute a small proportion of the purchase price. E 4.7 Implications for local authorities Local authorities will ensure that waste electrical and electronic equipment is collected and assigned to separate treatment at approved enterprises. E 5 Packaging waste
E 5.1 Status Objectives year 2001
Contrary to many other countries, Denmark has chosen not to establish one separate management system for all packaging waste. Instead, focus is put on how best to utilise various recyclable materials in waste from different sectors - and this also applies to packaging waste. Packaging waste covers many different waste fractions such as glass, paper and cardboard, and plastic. Fractions are also discussed in separate sections in this Appendix. As a general rule, it has been chosen not to include sales packaging of paper and cardboard, metal and plastic in recycling systems. Considering environmental economics and occupational environment and health aspects, such sales packaging is thought to be less suitable for material recycling than transport packaging. This is partly due to the fact that a fraction of, for example, plastic packaging from households will contain different types of plastic, and that the fraction will typically be contaminated with residues of foodstuffs, detergents, and similar. The objective for material recycling of paper and cardboard is primarily achieved by recycling transport packaging from industry and commerce, in accordance with the voluntary agreement on recycling of transport packaging which was made in 1994 between the Minister for Environment and Energy and the Confederation of Danish Industries, the Danish Plastics Federation, and the Packaging Industry. In 1996, the rate of recycling for transport packaging of paper and cardboard amounted to 66 per cent. The objective for plastic packaging is also expected to be primarily achieved through transport packaging from industry and commerce. Material recovery of metal packaging covers recycling of steel drums from industry and commerce, as well as recycling metal scrap from incineration plants which arises from incineration of, among others, domestic waste. Material recycling of glass packaging is done partly by recycling end-of-life beer and soft drink bottles, partly by recycling bottles for wine and spirits, as well as packaging glass collected in municipal schemes. The objective for recycling of glass packaging in year 2001 is set at 65 per cent93. On the basis of national objectives for each packaging fraction, it is expected that total recycling of packaging waste will be around 45 per cent. National objectives for recycling of packaging waste will be revised no later than year 2000. By far the major part of remaining packaging waste is incinerated with energy recovery. On the basis of launched and planned initiatives in packaging waste management and waste management as a whole, including the ban on landfilling of waste suitable for incineration, it is expected that total recovery of packaging waste will exceed 80 per cent. Specific Danish initiatives for prevention of packaging waste and reuse of packages are described in Appendix A 2.3 on specific requirements for packaging and packaging waste. E 5.2 Future initiatives Measures
In future, citizens will have the opportunity to separate cardboard packaging for recycling, for example via bulky waste schemes. It will be studied how best to design a bring scheme for plastic bottles and drums from households. An information campaign will be launched to increase glass collection from households. Studies have shown that many citizens are not aware that municipal glass collection schemes cover other packaging glass than bottles for wine and spirits. E 5.3 Regulation Rules on management and recovery of packaging waste are included in Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997. Requirements for manufacture and composition of packaging are laid down in Statutory Order on certain requirements for packaging no. 298 of 30th April 1997. Requirements for packaging for beverages are laid down in Statutory Order on packaging for beer and soft drinks, no. 124 of 27th February 1989, with subsequent amendments. E 5.4 Capacity, environmental assessment and economic aspects Reference is made to sections on plastic, paper and cardboard, and glass. E 5.5 Implications for local authorities Further to the Statutory Order on waste local authorities must, in their waste management planning, give a statement of initiatives for prevention and recycling of packaging waste. E 6 Hazardous waste
E 6.1 Status Objective year 2004
Hazardous waste is waste which is highly inflammable or constitutes a risk for health or the environment. Rules for hazardous waste are regulated in the EU and are developed regularly. Amounts of hazardous waste in 1997 were around 1.5 per cent of total waste amounts.94. Hazardous waste covers many different waste fractions and is generated in all sectors (see table below). Some fractions are described separately in this Appendix: batteries and accumulators, health-care risk waste, PCB/PCT, and waste oil. For these fractions, separate schemes have been established. The remaining part of hazardous waste is mainly treated by destruction or landfilling at Kommunekemi A/S. In addition, some residues from waste incineration plants are classified as hazardous waste, viz. filter dust and flue gas cleaning products. These fractions are discussed separately in Section E18 of this Appendix.
Sources: (1) Registrations under the EU regulation on shipments of waste, (2) Subsidies granted for disposal of waste oil, (3) ISAG reporting 1997, (4) Odense University Hospital, but only for 1995, (5) Elsam, (6) Figure under special treatment means that waste is in storage, (7) Kommunekemi A/S, (8) Calculations from Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Differences between total amounts of waste hermetically sealed Ni-Cd accumulators (120 tonnes) and amounts collected for recycling reflect the fact that batteries are not collected separately, but included in general waste collection. In addition to waste incineration plants, Kommunekemi also generates residues. These residues are also classified as hazardous waste, see Table below. Hazardous waste from Kommunekemi
1) Reduction in amounts of ash from 1997 to 1998 is due to reduced operation in
1998 because of renovation of flue gas system in F4. Figures in brackets state the
calculated part of thermal treatment of soil etc. in F1 Criteria for hazardous waste are laid down in the EU Directive on hazardous waste95 and are based on the European Waste Catalogue96. Like many other EU Member States, Denmark has supplemented the national list of hazardous waste with more fractions than those stated on the European list of hazardous waste. National proposals for improvement of the European list of hazardous waste are being negotiated in the European Commission. In parallel, rules on hazardous waste are being interpreted regularly. In 1998, a development project was launched in co-operation between the Nordic countries, the European Commission, and France with the purpose of developing criteria for the property "environmental risk". As a consequence of new criteria for hazardous waste, requirements for reporting hazardous waste to the ISAG have been extended, so that the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in future will collect much more detailed information on hazardous waste. A need has been seen among enterprises and local authorities to clarify rules for hazardous waste and to have a guideline on environmentally correct management of hazardous waste. E 6.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1999, guidelines on hazardous waste will be prepared. The purpose is to enhance understanding of how to apply hazardous waste criteria. The basis for the tax exemption for hazardous waste will be re-evaluated. Initiatives for recycling hazardous waste such as flue gas cleaning products, will be promoted. E 6.3 Regulation Hazardous waste is regulated in the Statutory Order on waste97. Rules for hazardous waste were incorporated in Danish legislation in 1996. Enterprises are responsible for assessing whether waste is hazardous, and they must notify local authorities thereof. Local authorities must collect all hazardous waste. E 6.4 Capacity 28 per cent of hazardous waste is recycled today:
21 per cent is incinerated:
45 per cent is subjected to special treatment:
6 per cent is landfilled:
A number of enterprises have been established, pre-treating hazardous waste, for example by separating non-hazardous fractions from hazardous waste (oil filters, paint drums, water components in waste oil). Hazardous fractions are mainly delivered to Kommunekemi A/S or to district heating plants (waste oil). For a few waste fractions (silver from the photographic industry, organic solvents) recycling enterprises exist (recovery of silver, cooling liquids), but generally only few treatment methods have been developed, for example, for recovery or recycling of hazardous waste fractions. Filter dust and flue gas cleaning products from waste incineration plants account for around 30 per cent of total hazardous waste amounts. These residues are today sent abroad for landfilling. Initiatives have been launched to establish three landfills receiving stabilised flue gas cleaning products from the whole country. When the sites have been established and stabilisation methods are operational, residues will be deposited at these landfills. E 6.5 Environmental assessment Improved collection of hazardous waste will ensure environmentally appropriate management of this waste. E 6.6 Implications for national authorities Guidelines on hazardous waste will be prepared. E 6.7 Implications for local authorities Local authorities will inform citizens on municipal schemes for hazardous waste. E 7 Glass
E 7.1 Status Objective year 2004
Recycling of glass leads to a reduction of energy consumption in the manufacture of new glass. Furthermore, raw materials (glass) are utilised several times. Collection of bottles and packaging glass for recycling must therefore be improved. Total amounts of waste glass in 1997 were 190,000 tonnes. Of these, 115,000 tonnes glass were collected separately 98(bottles and packaging glass), corresponding to a collection rate of 61 per cent. Bottles are collected in municipal schemes (60 per cent), by retailers and wholesalers (32 per cent), and from restaurants, bars and cafés (8 per cent). Separate collection will be increased through enhanced information efforts directed at citizens. Studies show that one quarter of the population is not aware that packaging glass may be delivered for recycling under present schemes. This means that only a minor part of packaging glass is collected compared to bottles. Incorrect separation is also taking place, as one fifth of the population does not know that ceramics, stoneware, and chinaware are not to be delivered together with recyclable glass. Recycling of whole bottles may also be increased through the development of collection equipment reducing the rate of cullets. Recycling of cullets may be increased by improving colour separation of cullets. Measures
E 7.2 Future initiatives A return bottle system for packaging for beer and soft drinks is one of the key elements in the achievement of the Government's objective for waste minimisation. The system ensures reuse of packaging and thereby a considerable reduction of both waste arisings and resource consumption99. A return bottle system will be maintained. In 1999, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will evaluate the Daish market for bottles for reuse and assess environmental impacts from export of bottles for reuse abroad. On the basis of this evaluation, development work will be launched aimed at reducing the rate of cullets in collection through further development of collection equipment. In year 2000, an information campaign will be launched aimed at increasing collection of packaging glass from households and relevant enterprises. The campaign will also aim at reducing incorrect separation in the form of, for example, delivery of ceramics, stoneware, and chinaware together with recyclable glass. In year 2000, information will be distributed to local authorities on the possibilities of colour separating glass, so that the rate of discarded glass is reduced. E 7.3 Regulation Local councils are under an obligation100 to establish collection of glass from built-up areas with more than 2,000 households. Collection will be designed so that significant parts of glass are recycled. In most municipalities, bring-schemes have been introduced with glass banks located at central places in the area, and at recycling centres. Citizens have the duty to use collection schemes as described in municipal waste regulations. E 7.4 Capacity It is expected that recycling industries are able to receive increasing amounts of recyclable glass. E 7.5 Environmental assessment Increased colour separation and reduced rate of cullets will bring down raw material and energy consumption in the manufacture of new glass. Reduction of the rate of cullets may lead to increased reuse of whole bottles, ensuring a significant reduction of energy consumption. Reuse only requires around 15 per cent of the energy needed to produce a new bottle. Amounts of domestic waste for incineration will be reduced, which will bring down slag amounts from incineration plants. E 7.6 Economic aspects Increased collection of glass packaging is not thought to have an effect on waste collection fees. E 7.7 Implications for national authorities An information campaign will be launched to increase collection of packaging glass and reduce incorrect separation. Information will be distributed to local authorities on colour separation. A study will be carried out on the possibilities of reducing the rate of cullets by use of better collection equipment. E 7.8 Implications for local authorities Local authorities will participate in the information campaign to increase collection of glass for recycling. Furthermore, local authorities will assess possibilities of increased collection and recycling by more frequent collections and more dense location of glass banks. Local authorities must take into consideration information to be distributed in year 2000 on the possibilities for colour separation of glass, thereby reducing the rate of discarded glass. E 8 Impregnated wood
Objective year 2004
E 8.1 Status Impregnated wood is treated with impregnators containing, for example, chromium, copper, arsenic (CCA), tin, and creosote. Impregnated wood containing heavy metals causes problems in incineration, as substances are not decomposed but remain in slag and flue gas waste. Creosote-treated wood (for example sleepers, wood from wharfs) can be decomposed in incineration, as creosote is destroyed. This requires, however, that such wood is pre-treated (crushed), ensuring complete incineration, and that the incineration temperature is sufficiently high. Sources of waste impregnated wood are primarily bulky waste and the building and construction sector. Impregnated wood is mostly disposed of today by landfilling, but small amounts of impregnated wood are incinerated. New and better treatment methods are being developed, allowing for utilisation of resources contained in impregnated wood (energy, chromium, cobber, arsenic). In the coming years, increasing amounts of waste impregnated wood are expected. It is assessed that since the 60s, around 2.7 million tonnes impregnated wood have been used (accumulated), and that in year 2010 it will be necessary to dispose of some 100,000 tonnes impregnated wood101.
E 8.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1999, it will be ensured that impregnated wood is separated as waste not suitable for incineration. Rules for the treatment of creosote-treated wood will be prepared in 1999. Initiatives for the development of methods to destroy creosote-treated wood completely, and to recover heavy metals from impregnators will be promoted. When new treatment methods have been developed, all impregnated wood will be collected and treated separately. Until then, impregnated wood is to be landfilled. E 8.3 Regulation Management of impregnated wood is regulated today in general waste regulations. This means that local councils must assign disposal possibilities for impregnated wood. E 8.4 Environmental assessment Impregnated wood is today disposed of by both incineration and landfilling. By avoiding impregnated wood at incineration plants, heavy metal contents in slag and flue gas cleaning waste will be reduced. Some 50,000 tonnes of separated impregnated wood are expected in year 2004. E 8.5 Economic aspects In the next few years, no considerable extra costs of disposal of impregnated wood are expected. At present, it is not possible to assess treatment costs in new treatment technologies. E 8.6 Implications for national authorities The Statutory Order on waste will be revised to include a ban on assignment of heavy metal-containing impregnated wood to incineration. E 8.7 Implications for local authorities In their planning, local authorities will take into consideration that impregnated wood may not be incinerated. They will also plan for separate treatment when suitable treatment methods have been developed. E 9 Health-care risk waste
E 9.1 Status Objective year 2004
Health-care risk waste is generated in both the primary and the secondary health sectors. The characteristic feature of health-care risk waste is that it may be infectious by direct contact. According to the ISAG, 8,800 tonnes of health-care risk waste were generated in 1997. Due to its infectious nature, health-care risk waste is classified as hazardous waste102. Almost all health-care risk waste is generated in the service sector. Waste is incinerated both at special incineration plants and at conventional plants in compliance with special conditions reducing the risk of contact with waste. From an environmental point of view, the incineration process is similar to incineration of, for example, domestic waste. Incineration leads to inactivation of waste, energy recovery, reduction in volume and unrecognisability, which is preferable, especially for tissue waste. Disposal requires a relatively large amount of packaging. To the extent that improved separation will reduce amounts of health-care risk waste, it will indirectly reduce overall waste amounts, as packaging needs would be reduced correspondingly. A guideline on health-care risk waste was issued in 1998103. The European Commission has informed that by the end of 1998, initiatives will be taken to discuss definitions and requirements of management of health-care risk waste. This may be in the form of a proposal for a Directive. E 9.2 Future initiatives No new initiatives are envisaged for health-care risk waste. E 9.3 Regulation. Health-care risk waste management is regulated in the Statutory Order on waste. Health-care risk waste is classified as hazardous waste, and under the terms of the Statutory Order on waste, local councils must therefore establish collection schemes for such waste. E 9.4 Capacity Disposal of health-care risk waste takes place at one special plant and seven conventional waste incineration plants. E 9.5 Implications for national authorities E 9.6 Implications for local authorities E 10 Sludge from municipal wastewater treatment
E 10.1 Status Objective year 2004
The contents of both fertiliser and energy in sewage sludge may be utilised in recycling. Today, it is often only the fertiliser content that is recovered, as sewage sludge is applied directly to farmland due to the content of nutrients, especially phosphorus. In 1997, around 1,209,000 tonnes sludge (wet weight) were generated at municipal wastewater treatment plants. Of this, 72 per cent was recycled, fulfilling the Government's objective for 50 per cent recycling in year 2000. 20 per cent was incinerated and 8 per cent landfilled. Requirements for the content of certain chemical substances in sludge, which took effect in 1997 will become stricter in year 2000104, and this means that in a transitional period alternatives to application to farmland must be found. The present high rate of application of sludge to farmland is not expected to be upheld. The objective is therefore 50 per cent recycling in year 2004. It is expected that 30 per cent will be incinerated and 20 per cent landfilled in year 2004. The quality of sludge and possibilities of increased recycling are expected to improve by reducing the use of xenobiotic substances. The contents in sludge of certain of the chemical substances for which limit and cut-off values have been introduced, are therefore expected to be reduced in the long term. A number of studies have been launched in order to assess regularly requirements in connection with recycling sludge. The studies deal with assessment of decomposition of xenobiotic substances in sludge by different forms of treatment, long term effects of application of sludge to farmland, and the assimilation in plants of xenobiotic substances. E 10.2 Future initiatives Measures
In the study programme for biogas, funds will be provided for detailed studies of biogasification of sludge prior to application to farmland. The intention is that as much sewage sludge as possible will be subjected to biogasification in the long term. Against the background of results from studies and evaluations, it will be considered to revise rules for application of sewage sludge to farmland. In late 1999, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will prepare a status report for recycling of organic domestic waste and sewage sludge. This will be done on the basis of, partly, results of ongoing studies. This status report will form the basis for a plan of action for recycling organic waste. E 10.3 Regulation Application of sludge to farmland is regulated in the Statutory Order on sludge105, and the Statutory Order of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries on inspection of the quality of municipal sewage sludge and composted household waste applied to farmland106. The Statutory Order on sludge lays down limit values for a number of heavy metals and cut-off values for organic xenobiotic substances NPE, DEHP, LAS, and certain PAHs. Cut-off values for organic substances took effect on 1st July 1997 and will, together with limit values for cadmium, become stricter as per 1st July 2000. E 10.4 Capacity Capacity for treatment of sludge at biogas plants is expected to increase. In year 2004 these plants are expected to be able to treat 100,000 tonnes of sludge (wet weight). E 10.5 Environmental assessment In biogasification, the energy contents of sludge are utilised. For example, biogasification of 100,000 tonnes of sludge will generate energy in the range of 100-150 TJ. The process is evaluated not to degrade the fertiliser potential of sludge, but on the contrary, in some cases to improve this potential. E 10.6 Implications for national authorities If an evaluation shows it necessary, the Statutory Order on sludge may be revised. In the end of 1999, a status for recycling of organic domestic waste and sewage sludge will be prepared. E 10.7 Implications for local authorities Local authorities will investigate possibilities of biogasification of sewage sludge, for example by contacting centralised biogas plants, co-digesting manure and organic waste, and will find alternatives to application to farmland, in cases where limit values and cut-off values cannot be complied with. E 11 Refrigeration equipment
E 11.1 Status Objective year 2004
Refrigeration equipment contains CFCs and other environmentally harmful fractions. Refrigeration equipment must be managed in an environment-friendly way, and separation of environmental contaminants for separate treatment must be ensured. Furthermore, separation of recyclable fractions (iron and metal parts) must be ensured. For waste electrical and electronic equipment a special scheme exists (see Appendix E 4). Total amounts of waste refrigeration equipment were around 15,000 tonnes in 1997. It is estimated that 12,500 tonnes of refrigeration equipment were collected in 1997, corresponding to 83 per cent of the potential. 80 per cent of waste refrigeration equipment is collected in municipal bulky waste schemes, and 15 per cent derives from institutions, trade and offices. The remaining 5 per cent is collected from industry. E 11.2 Future initiatives No new Danish initiatives for refrigeration equipment are planned in the coming planning period. The existing scheme will be maintained. E 11.3 Regulation Collection and management of CFC-containing refrigeration equipment is ensured by an agreement between the Minister for Environment and Energy and relevant associations on the disposal of CFC-containing refrigeration equipment, as well as in a Circular107 on municipal regulations on disposal of CFC-containing refrigeration equipment. The objective of the agreement is to collect a minimum of 90 per cent of the total amount of discarded refrigeration equipment for treatment, in compliance with requirements laid down in the Circular. The Circular states that local councils are under an obligation to establish assignment or collection schemes for discarded CFC-containing refrigeration equipment and certain waste fractions. At least 95 per cent of the content of the cooling agent CFC-12 must be extracted and collected. The frothing agent CFC-11 must be extracted at a rate of at last 80 per cent. Extracted CFC-12 must either be recycled or disposed of . CFC-11 must be disposed of. In municipal regulations, rules are laid down for processing of refrigeration equipment, ensuring resource recovery of recyclable waste fractions. The Circular also states that rules should be laid down for removal of mercury switches and condensers (PCB), see Section E15. E 11.4 Capacity Around five enterprises exist that extract CFCs from refrigeration equipment. E 11.5 Environmental assessment It is estimated that around 250,000 pieces of refrigeration equipment (corresponding to some 12,500 tons) are managed in compliance with the Circular, and that around 100 tonnes CFCs are extracted and destroyed in an environmentally appropriate manner. E 11.6 Implications for national authorities E 11.7 Implications for local authorities Local authorities are to establish assignment or collection schemes for discarded refrigeration equipment, and environmentally correct treatment should be ensured. E 12 Organic domestic waste
E 12.1 Status Organic domestic waste is a resource which is not utilised sufficiently today in composting or biogasification. Biogasification is the highest priority treatment form for organic domestic waste, as both energy and fertiliser contents of waste are recovered. Composting, including home composting, is still a suitable form of treatment to utilise the fertiliser contents of waste. Organic domestic waste is both vegetable and animal food waste, and other putrescible organic material. Organic waste accounts in general for 40-45 per cent of total domestic waste108. In 1997, around 70,000 tonnes of domestic waste were recycled in biological treatment109, corresponding to some 4 per cent of domestic waste. Residues from biological treatment of organic domestic waste must comply with the same requirements as sewage sludge from municipal waste water treatment plants with respect to contents of heavy metals and xenobiotic substances in relation to application to farmland (see also Appendix E 10). On the basis of contents of heavy metals and xenobiotic substances, it is evaluated that in general there will be no problems with biological residues and their compliance with limit and cut-off values. A number of studies, including studies on the effects of composting and biogasification processes on the decomposition of xenobiotic organic substances, have been launched. Objective year 2004
Long term objective
Recycling is today far from the objective for year 2000110. This is primarily due to the fact that mandatory dual collection of organic waste and residual waste, allowing composting and biogasification, has not been introduced, for organisational and technical reasons. Positive experience has been gained with treatment of organic domestic waste at biogas plants based on manure, and at a plant for co-digestion of sludge and organic domestic waste. However, more experience is needed, and technologies shall be better documented. The objective is to recycle a total of 150,000 tonnes of organic domestic waste, corresponding to 7 per cent of total amounts of domestic waste in year 2004. Longer term objectives are still to recycle organic domestic waste corresponding to 20-25 per cent of total domestic waste amounts. E 12.2 Future initiatives Measures
It is planned to launch a full-scale pilot project to gain further documentation and demonstration of biogasification. The project will be located in a number of municipalities with collection of organic domestic waste and treatment at centralised biogas plants co-digesting manure and organic waste. Under the Danish Energy Agency's development programme for biogas, funds will be granted to studies of optimisation of environmental and financial aspects of sorting, collection, pre-treatment, and biogasification of organic domestic waste. In late 1999, on the basis of results from ongoing studies, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will prepare a status report for recycling of organic domestic waste and sewage sludge. This status report will form the basis for a plan of action for recycling of organic waste. Mandatory separate collection will be introduced when experience from biogas plants is sufficient. The expected extension of centralised biogas plants co-digesting manure and organic waste, cf. Energy 21, will be based on future experience with biogas technology. It is a prerequisite for meeting long term objectives for recycling of organic domestic waste that mandatory dual collection is introduced. E 12.3 Regulation Under the terms of the Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997, local councils must establish collection of domestic waste from households in built-up areas accommodating permanently more than 1,000 inhabitants. In municipal regulations, local councils may permit home composting of the vegetable fraction of domestic waste. In 1994, the Minister for Environment and Energy entered an agreement with the National Association of Local Authorities in Denmark, the City of Copenhagen, and the Municipality of Frederiksberg on organic waste. It was established that biogasification of organic waste is environmentally superior to alternative forms of treatment, and that a flexible solution should be chosen, supporting local initiatives for introduction of separate collection and treatment of organic domestic waste. E 12.4 Capacity Capacity at existing biogas plants amounts to 20,000 tonnes organic domestic waste per year, and utilisation is far from maximum. With some reconstruction of plants, capacity may be increased to 50,000 tonnes/year. According to the Government's plan of action for energy - Energy 21 - energy supply from biogas will increase from 2 PJ today to 20 PJ in year 2020111. With some reservations, including rules from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, it is assessed that in year 2004 around 100,000 tonnes of organic domestic waste may be treated at biogas plants based on manure, and thereby objectives will be achieved. E 12.5 Economic aspects Establishment of separate collection and biological treatment of organic fractions requires that investments are made in collection systems and treatment capacity. Calculations show that costs of total operation (including interest payment and depreciation) will not necessarily exceed costs of today's single-string system. Costs will largely depend on types of housing and chosen systems. E 12.6 Environmental assessment Biogasification of 100,000 tonnes of organic domestic waste will give a gain of energy of 50-100 TJ compared to incineration of the same amounts of organic domestic waste. Furthermore, the digestate from biogasification of 100,000 tonnes of organic domestic waste may replace around 780 tonnes of chemical fertilisers. E 12.7 Implications for national authorities Full-scale tests will be launched on collection and biogasification of organic domestic waste. In late 1999, a status report for recycling of organic domestic waste and sewage sludge will be prepared. E 12.8 Implications for local authorities Local authorities should start planning new waste collection systems with source separation and separate collection of organic domestic waste. They should investigate possibilities for co-operation with existing biogas plants based on manure or establishment of new biogas plants. E 13 Organic waste from industry and food waste from catering centres
E 13.1 Status Organic waste is generated both in industry and catering centres. Some waste from industry is homogeneous by-products and is therefore not included in the ISAG (Information System for Waste and Recycling, see Appendix B). Objective year 2004
In industry, just below 8.5 million tonnes of organic waste are generated each year. This waste is biologically decomposable waste such as abattoir waste, dairy waste, fishery waste etc., often with a low content of dry matter112. The major part is recycled. Part of this waste is used directly as fertiliser on farmland, and some waste substitutes other raw materials. The remaining tenth is subjected to biogasification113. Only around one per cent is incinerated or landfilled. It is expected that the landfilled amount will decrease, further to the ban on landfilling of waste suitable for incineration, which took effect on 1st January 1997. Overall, no disposal problems for such residues are encountered. Food waste from catering centres114 is generally reprocessed into animal fodder and similar. Reprocessing plants estimated in 1996 that the potential for collection of food waste was between 22,000 and 30,000 tonnes/year, of which around 22,000 tonnes were reprocessed. E 13.2 Future initiatives Measures
Alternative recycling possibilities for food waste from catering centres will be studied, with due respect to rules issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. E 13.3 Regulation The collection scheme for food waste from catering centres is based on a Statutory Order115, according to which local authorities must establish collection of food waste from catering centres for reprocessing into fodder or similar. E 13.4 Capacity Due to the extension of biogas plant capacity planned under the Government's plan of action for energy, Energy 21, there is thought to be sufficient treatment capacity at biogas plants. E 13.5 Environmental assessment No significant changes in environmental aspects are expected. E 13.6 Implications for national authorities Depending on possibilities of applying alternative treatment forms for food waste, rules on collection of food waste from catering centres will be amended. E 13.7 Implications for local authorities Local authorities will maintain their present efforts. E 14 Paper and cardboard
E 14.1 Status Objective year 2004
Paper and cardboard collection can be improved, and citizens, enterprises, public and private institutions will have an important role to play in this respect. In 1997, 583,000 tonnes of paper and cardboard were collected, corresponding to 43 per cent of paper consumption116. The rate of collection increased steadily from 1985 to 1997. In 1996, collection efficiency was assessed to be around 32 per cent from households, and around 63 per cent from enterprises and institutions117. Amounts of paper and cardboard suitable for recycling118are smaller in households than in all other sectors put together, which is one of the reasons for differences in collection efficiency. E 14.2 Future initiatives Measures
Collection of paper from households will be doubled by using more efficient collection systems and collecting more types of clean paper. From year 2000, kerbside collection schemes from households are to be established. Schemes are to be introduced allowing householders to separate cardboard for recycling, for example via bulky waste schemes. Collection of paper and cardboard from industry and commerce may be improved by enhancing local authorities' responsibility for ensuring separation. In 1999, a guideline will be prepared, clarifying responsibility for separation. In order to limit problems and increase recycling possibilities for paper and cardboard, factors inhibiting possibilities of recycling (for example glue and inks) will be studied, and know-how on environmental aspects of paper and cardboard recycling will be updated. E 14.3 Regulation Rules on collection and recycling of paper and cardboard are laid down in the Statutory Order on waste119. Local councils are under an obligation to collect paper for recycling from built-up areas with more than 2,000 households. In most municipalities, bring-schemes have been established with paper banks located at central places and at recycling centres. In many housing estates, collection schemes have been introduced, and waste paper is delivered to the same place as domestic waste. Requirements for collection of paper from households will be amended in future, and in year 2000 local councils are to establish kerbside collection schemes with permanent collection equipment. For a number of years, local councils have been under an obligation to ensure recycling of paper and cardboard from commercial enterprises. With effect from 1st July 1998, this obligation has been extended to comprise all enterprises as well as public and private institutions. In 1994, an agreement was made between the Ministry of Environment and the Confederation of Danish Industries, the Danish Plastics Federation and the Packaging Industry on transport packaging. The agreement set up the objective that 80 per cent of transport packaging of plastic, cardboard and paper was to be recycled before year 2000, either by reuse or material recycling. In 1998, the agreement was adjusted so that the definition of transport packaging now follows the definition of the EU packaging Directive, and so that the objectives expressed in percentages now only apply to material recycling. E 14.4 Capacity Recycling capacity is sufficient in Denmark. The market for recycled paper is good both at national and international levels, but prices fluctuate greatly. Around 20 enterprises exist in Denmark today, marketing waste paper. Five enterprises exist reprocessing waste paper into new products. Treatment capacity is sufficient for recycling increasing waste paper amounts. E 14.5 Environmental assessment Recycling waste paper is environmentally superior to manufacturing new paper. Increased recycling of paper entails CO2 reduction in all countries affected by the Danish waste paper cycle. Amounts of domestic waste for incineration will also decrease, reducing capacity needs. E 14.6 Economic aspects The extension of paper schemes will lead to additional annual costs of around DKK 125 million, corresponding to DKK 60 - 100 per household. This is due to the fact that costs of collection systems and collection equipment are higher than for present systems. E 14.7 Implications for national authorities The Statutory Order on waste will be amended, stating requirements for establishment of kerbside collection schemes from year 2000. A guideline will be prepared, clarifying rules for collection of paper and cardboard from enterprises and public and private institutions. E 14.8 Implications for local authorities In their future planning, local authorities will:
E 15.1 Status Objective year 2004
PCB is a group of polychlorinated biphenyls, and PCT is a group of polychlorinated terphenyls. Substances are heavily decomposable and accumulate in the food chain. PCBs and PCTs are mutagenic, carcinogenic and are also suspected of having hormonal effects on reptiles and mammals. High concentrations of PCBs and PCTs have been found in fat tissues of, for example, polar bears, seals, and birds of prey. In a 1986 report from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency is was documented that PCB/PCT constitutes a risk to the environment. PCBs and PCTs have been used as cooling and insulation liquids in electrical equipment such as transformers and condensers. They have furthermore been used in heat pumps, gas turbines, hydraulic systems, glue, fire inhibitors, sealing compounds etc. In Denmark and internationally, special efforts have been made to phase out the use of these substances. Import and marketing of PCB/PCT as well as equipment containing these substances have been prohibited in Denmark since 31st October 1986. Furthermore, since 1st January 1995 the use of PCB/PCT-containing condensers and equipment above a certain limit (total weight > 1 kg or effect > 2kW) has been banned. Therefore, large transformers (>5 l PCB) do not exist in Denmark. Smaller condensers and transformers may be used until the end of their useful life. As from 1st January 1999, requirements are in effect that transformers with a PCB concentration above a certain limit (>0.05 per cent by weight) must be decontaminated as soon as possible. The delivery of PCB-containing waste to Kommunekemi A/S peaked in 1995. In 1997, 6,805 kg PCB-containing waste were delivered, corresponding to around 13 per cent of deliveries in 1995. E 15.2 Future initiatives. No new initiatives for PCB/PCT waste are planned. E 15.3 Regulation In the Statutory Order on waste, PCB/PCT waste is regulated as hazardous waste. As a consequence, local authorities are responsible for collecting such waste. In 1998, a Statutory Order on PCB, PCT and substitute substances was emitted120and took effect on 1st January 1999. Furthermore, in the Statutory Order on waste from electrical and electronic products121 regulations are laid down for PCB-containing condensers. E 15.4 Capacity Kommunekemi is the only treatment plant in Denmark authorised to destroy PCB/PCT condenser and transformer oils with a PCB/PCT content above 50 ppm. E 15.5 Environmental assessment New requirements will ensure controlled disposal of remaining PCB/PCT. E 15.6 Implications for local authorities In parallel to the decontamination of transformers with PCB-containing oils, local authorities must collect waste. E 16 Plastic
E 16.1 Status Objective year 2004
In Denmark, plastic consumption is stated at around 420,000 tonnes, and waste amounts at around 240,000 tonnes in 1996122. Amounts of plastic in waste are estimated lower than consumption, as plastic is part of many products with a very long useful life, such as water and sewage pipes, electricity and telecommunication cables, district heating pipes, and building materials. Consumption of plastic packaging in 1995 has been calculated at some 150,000 tonnes. Plastic accounts for some 7 per cent of domestic waste, corresponding to around 120,000 tonnes in 1996. Of this, plastic packaging is the dominant part and corresponds to 90,000 tonnes. Almost all plastic in domestic waste is incinerated. In 1996, around 29,000 tonnes of plastic were recycled; of this, just below 13,000 tonnes were packaging waste from industry and commerce. There is thought to be rather high levels of plastic in the burnable part of waste from industry and commerce (institutions, trade and offices, as well as industry), but no statements of plastic contents in these fractions are available. It is assessed that a total of 190,000 tonnes of plastic are incinerated each year. Plastic is also found in two environmentally harmful waste fractions: PVC and shredder waste. See also Sections E17 and E20. Denmark will comply with minimum requirements in the EU Directive on packaging: a minimum of 15 per cent of packaging plastic, around 22,500 tonnes, will be recycled in year 2001. Recycling of plastic is faced with a number of barriers:
Denmark has primarily focused on transport packaging made of plastic in achieving EU objectives, and this is due to the fact that it is easier to overcome barriers for this type of waste, as it is normally found in the form of large, clean, and relatively homogeneous fractions. E 16.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1999-2000, studies will be carried out to identify existing separation criteria, collection equipment, and especially treatment methods that may ensure a market for and an environmentally acceptable recycling of plastic bottles and drums. Such recycling is only done to a very limited extent in Denmark today. It exists, for example, in Germany, but environmental advantages are not known in detail, and it is uncertain to what extent experience from abroad can be transferred to Danish conditions. On the background of these studies, local authorities will be ordered to give citizens the opportunity to separate relevant packaging for recycling from year 2002. E 16.3 Regulation Under the terms of the Statutory Order on waste, local councils have a duty to ensure recycling of plastic transport packaging from enterprises.123 This duty is to be seen in continuation of the agreement on transport packaging entered between the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Confederation of Danish Industries, the Danish Plastics Federation, and the Packaging Industry in 1994. The schemes are expected to result in increased recycling of plastic film of around 10,000 tonnes in year 2001 compared to 1996 figures. A future recycling scheme for plastic bottles and drums will require an amendment to the Statutory Order on waste. E 16.4 Capacity It is assessed that sufficient capacity for reprocessing transport packaging and other homogeneous fractions of plastic film is available in Denmark. Capacity for reprocessing plastic bottles and drums is not known, but a survey will be carried out in connection with the above-mentioned study of possibilities for starting recycling of these fractions. E 16.5 Environmental assessment Plastic is normally manufactured on the basis of oil, which is a non-renewable resource. The conversion of oil into plastic is very energy intensive. The consumption of oil is close to 2 kg per 1 kg plastic manufactured. Recycling of plastic, replacing virgin plastic with recycled plastic, will therefore give a significant environmental benefit. When plastic is incinerated, the energy that was used for the conversion of oil into plastic is lost. Energy utilisation of plastic in conventional incineration plants is poor, as power generated only corresponds 20 to 25 per cent of energy fed in. If significant parts of waste plastic cannot be recycled nor prevented, it should be considered whether it would be advantageous to separate plastic for energy recovery at special plants, ensuring optimum utilisation of the calorific value of plastic, so that it is only the conversion from oil into plastic that causes a loss of resources. E 16.6 Implications for national authorities The Statutory Order on waste will be amended at the turn of the year 2000/2001, when the above-mentioned studies on plastic recycling have been finalised. E 16.7 Implications for local authorities In their future planning, local authorities are to take into consideration that from year 2002 a requirement will come to give citizens the opportunity to deliver certain bottles and drums of plastic for recycling, for example at recycling centres. E 17 PVC
E 1.17.1 Status A focused effort will be made for environmental problems related to PVC. Additives harmful to the environment and human health will be phased out, and PVC-containing waste be kept away from waste incineration plants. Alternative methods for treatment of PVC waste will be developed. It is estimated that around 34,000 tonnes of PVC waste were generated in 1997124. PVC waste is generated in the building and construction sector, industry and commerce, and households, each accounting for around one third. Objective year 2004
Amounts of PVC waste from the building and construction sector are expected to increase. From the other sectors, amounts will decrease. The present rate of recycling PVC building waste is 10 - 15 per cent. Raw PVC is not manufactured in Denmark. PVC contains various additives such as colorants, stabilisers, anti-static agents, fire inhibiting substances, fillers and plasticisers. Different environmental aspects are connected to the different additives. PVC-containing waste is primarily treated today by incineration at conventional waste incineration plants. During the incineration of PVC, acids are formed that must subsequently be neutralised by adding lime. This increases amounts of flue gas cleaning waste for landfilling (1 kg PVC results in around 2 kg residues in dry/semi-dry cleaning). Heavy metals (lead and cadmium) are concentrated in residues in the incineration process. Alternative treatment methods are being developed that allow for utilisation and recycling of resources in PVC waste (energy, NaCl, heavy metals). E 17.2 Future initiatives Measures
In 1999, a PVC statement and a plan of action for phthalates will be prepared. Specifically, descriptions will be made of future initiatives for reducing consumption of phthalates and PVC. As to future efforts to reduce the use of PVC products and additives, including lead, reference is made to the PVC statement. In 1999, rules for the treatment of PVC waste will be issued. It will, for example, be ensured that PVC waste is separated. What cannot be recycled is to be landfilled. It is recommended that local authorities assign PVC waste to landfilling in separate cells, allowing subsequent alternative treatment of such waste. Certain recycling possibilities exist today for hard PVC building waste. However, it is not expedient to recycle all hard PVC building waste, including such waste that contains cadmium. Initiatives supporting the development of better treatment methods, allowing utilisation of resources contained in PVC waste, will be promoted. When new treatment methods have been developed, new requirements for management of PVC waste will be made. E 17.3 Regulation The Minister for Environment and the Danish Plastics Federation made an agreement in 1991 on the management of PVC waste. The overall purpose of the agreement was to avoid delivery of PVC to waste incineration plants. The agreement lays down specific targets for building materials, packaging, and other products, as well as heavy metals and fire inhibitors125. Non-recyclable PVC waste has so far been regulated in general provisions of the Statutory Order on waste. E 17.4 Environmental assessment In future building projects, it will be possible to a far greater extent to substitute part of conventional PVC products by less environmentally harmful products. Increased application of environmentally correct design is expected to result in certain PVC products with harmful effects on the environment in a life-cycle aspect to be substituted by alternative products. Separation of PVC with a view to avoiding delivery to waste incineration plants will lead to a reduction in amounts of flue gas cleaning waste. Reduced delivery of PVC waste to incineration plants will also lead to improved quality of slag for recycling. However, it is assessed that part of PVC waste cannot be identified as such. This waste will still be delivered to incineration plants. E 17.5 Economic aspects In the first years, no significant additional costs are expected in the disposal of PVC waste. At present, it is not possible to evaluate costs of treatment in future technologies. E 17.6 Implications for national authorities The Statutory Order on waste will be amended to state that non-recyclable PVC waste must be separated and landfilled. When suitable treatment methods have been developed, new requirements for management of PVC waste will be made. A Statutory Order will be issued prohibiting import, marketing, and use of lead and products containing lead. The Statutory Order will include regulation of the use of lead-containing pigments and stabilisers in PVC. E 17.7 Implications for local authorities Local authorities are to ensure that non-recyclable PVC waste is assigned to landfilling. It is recommended that local authorities assign PVC waste to landfilling in separate cells, allowing subsequent alternative treatment of such waste. When new treatment methods have been developed, new requirements for management of PVC waste will be made. E 18 Residues from waste incineration plants
E 18.1 Status Objective year 2004
Residues from waste incineration contain heavy metals. Residues cover slag and flue gas cleaning waste, including fly ash. In 1997, 82 per cent of slag was recycled, and the rest was landfilled. Flue gas cleaning waste is now being stored temporarily, but a permanent solution is being established. Requirements for recycling of residues will be adapted so that groundwater resources are protected. The objective of recycling residues from incineration plants has been achieved126, as 77 per cent of residues from waste incineration plants was recycled in 1997. In 1997, 493,800 tonnes of slag and 61,300 tonnes of flue gas cleaning waste were generated. Flue gas cleaning waste contains large amounts of environmental contaminants, and it results in very high leaching of salts and heavy metals. Flue gas cleaning waste is classified as hazardous waste. Slag and flue gas cleaning waste are generated at 31 waste incineration plants and Kommunekemi A/S, as well as the special incineration plant SWS. Slag from waste incineration is primarily recycled in building and construction works. Present criteria for recycling will be adjusted so that groundwater resources are protected. In 1997, around 35,000 tonnes of flue gas waste were stored in temporary storage, and around 25,000 tonnes were exported for landfilling in Norway and Germany. Temporary storage is used, as so far no suitable methods for stabilisation of flue gas waste have been developed, and no suitable locations for landfilling of stabilised flue gas cleaning waste found. A method for stabilisation of flue gas cleaning waste has now been developed. Dansk Restprodukthåndtering, Danish Residues Treatment, has carried out pilot tests of the method, but full-scale tests are still outstanding. Measures
E 18.2 Future initiatives In 1999, a Statutory Order regulating recycling of slag will be submitted to hearing. The purpose of the Statutory Order is to ensure recycling of residues in due respect of groundwater resources. Initiatives have been launched to establish three landfills receiving stabilised flue gas cleaning products from the whole country. In respect of principles of proximity and self-sufficiency, export of flue gas cleaning products will no longer be permitted when these landfills have been established and started operation. In connection with the preparation of Waste 21, the European Commission has been notified of these measures in accordance with regulations in Article 4, section 3 a) i) in Council Regulation (EEC) no. 259/93. In parallel to these initiatives, Dansk Restprodukthåndtering, Danish Residues Treatment, will investigate possibilities of recycling residues. E 18.3 Regulation According to general rules on waste127 local authorities must assign slag to disposal, and they are responsible for collecting flue gas cleaning waste. Recycling of slag is regulated by Statutory Order no. 568 of 6th December 1983 on the use of slag and fly ash, and for other construction works by rules of the Danish Environmental Protection Act128 on heavily polluting enterprises. Landfilling of flue gas cleaning waste is regulated in a Circular on landfilling of residues from waste incineration plants (dated 19th January 1989). This Circular has so far constituted guidelines for regional authorities in the landfilling of such waste. A supplementary Circular on guidelines for temporary storage of residues was issued on 29th October 1993. A Statutory Order will be issued including a ban on import, marketing and use of lead and lead-containing products. The Statutory Order will have an effect on products containing lead transferred to waste incineration plants. E 18.4 Capacity Through the establishment of permanent landfills for stabilised flue gas cleaning products, suitable and sufficient plants for disposal of this type of waste will be ensured in Denmark. In respect of principles of proximity and self-sufficiency, export of flue gas cleaning products will no longer be permitted when these landfills have been established and started operation. It may be necessary to landfill increasing amounts of slag, due to stricter rules for recycling. E 18.5 Environmental assessment The establishment of the above-described landfills for flue gas cleaning waste and new rules for recycling of slag will lead to enhanced protection of groundwater resources. E 18.6 Implications for national authorities When the coastal landfills receiving waste from the whole country have been established, requirements will be issued to the effect that waste is removed from present temporary storage to these landfills. At the same time, it will be required that future flue gas cleaning waste arisings are landfilled at these sites. E 18.7 Implications for local authorities In their future planning, local authorities must take into consideration new rules for the management of residues from waste incineration plants, including future landfilling of flue gas cleaning waste. In case the amendment to the Statutory Order on recycling of residues leads to landfilling of larger amounts of slag, local councils must plan for increased landfill capacity. E 19 Residues from power plants
E 19.1 Status Energy generation at power plants is today based on either coal, oil, natural gas, or biofuels. During the process, a number of residues are generated which can be recycled for various purposes. According to Energy 21, the use of coal for energy generation will be phased out within the next 30 years. Phasing-out will be done in parallel to the extension of energy generation based on biofuel. As a consequence, the generation of residues from coal-fired power plants will drop in this period, whereas amounts of residues from bio-based power plants will increase. Objective year 2004
Hardly any residues are generated at oil and natural gas-fired power plants. Residues from biofuel Residues cover fly ash and bottom ash. Amounts of bioash in year 2000 are expected to be 60,000 tonnes. Fly ash contains much cadmium, and consequently total amounts of ash cannot be recycled. It is therefore necessary to develop methods to separate cadmium-bearing fly ash. Part of bottom ash can thereby be recycled in agriculture. Recycling of ash has high priority and will be done with due respect for groundwater resources. Residues from coal-fired power plants Residues from coal-fired power plants are slag, fly ash, gypsum, TASP, and sulphuric acid. Residues from coal-fired power plants contain a number of heavy metals, limiting possibilities of recycling. In 1997, 1.8 million tonnes of residues were generated, which is far below the level of 1996. The objective for recycling of residues from coal-fired power plants has been achieved129, as 73 per cent was recycled in 1997130. The following figure shows the development of treatment of residues from coal-fired power plants.
A good 70 per cent of recycled residues in 1997 was used in industrial production as recyclable materials (see table below). The remaining part of residues is recovered in building and construction works in the form of backfilling below buildings, roads and squares, backfilling of cable conduits and trenches, for harbour backfilling, or for construction of barriers.
27 per cent of residues was landfilled. This is a relatively large decrease compared to 1996 (703,000 tonnes landfilled against 475,000 tonnes in 1997). For the disposal of large amounts, coastal landfilling is preferred in order to protect groundwater resources. Danish power supply companies expect to completely stop landfilling fly and bottom ashes from coal-fired power plants within the next three years. An initiative for the creation of a centre for management of residues has been taken by operators in the area. The purpose of the centre is to improve possibilities of recovery and reduce environmental impacts from landfilling or recovery of residues. Measures
E 19.2 Future initiatives In 1999, a Statutory Order on recycling of residues will be submitted to hearing. The purpose of the Statutory Order is to protect groundwater resources in connection with recycling. In 1998, a Statutory Order on the application of bioash to farmland was prepared. Closer co-operation between operators in the area is envisaged. Initiatives for the development of methods for increased recycling of residues from biofuel will be promoted. Methods for separating fly ash from bottom ash in energy generation using wood, chips, and energy crops as fuel will be promoted. E 19.3 Regulation Recycling of slag and fly ash from coal-fired power plants is regulated in Statutory Order no. 568 of 6th December 1983 on the use of slag and bottom ash in connection with establishment of roads, paths, squares, foundations, and cable conduits and trenches, and for other construction works in the rules of the Danish Environmental Protection Act on heavily polluting enterprises. A waste tax was introduced on residues on 1st January 1998. The purpose was to ensure permanent incentives to reduce residues, or alternatively to recycle residues. In connection with the increase of the waste tax on 1st January 1999, the rate for landfilling of residues was increased to DKK 375/tonne, corresponding to the general rate for landfilling. The use of bioash is regulated by the Statutory Order on sludge131. E 19.4 Environmental assessment In the long term, energy generation based on coal will be phased out. This will reduce amounts of residues from coal-fired power plants. E 19.5 Implications for national authorities In 1998, the Statutory Order regulating recycling of slag and fly ash will be revised so that respect of groundwater resources is better ensured in the recycling of residues. E 19.6 Implications for local authorities In their future planning, local authorities are to take into consideration changed conditions for management of residues from coal-fired power plants. If the revision of the Statutory Order on recycling of residues leads to larger amounts of residues for landfilling, this will have implications for local planning. E 20 Shredder waste
E 20.1 Status Objective year 2004
Shredder waste arises in the form of production waste at enterprises crushing various metal-containing products, such as vehicles and white goods. The major proportion of shredder waste is landfilled today. Shredder waste has a high content of environmental contaminants (heavy metals, PCB). The treatment of waste from shredder plants will be improved, and the possibility of developing new treatment techniques will be investigated. In 1997, amounts of shredder waste were 95,000 tonnes; 90,000 tonnes were landfilled and 5,000 tonnes incinerated. Relatively large amounts were incinerated in 1997, as tests with incineration of shredder waste were undertaken at Kommunekemi A/S. The objective for 2004 is to recover 75 per cent of shredder waste in a way ensuring recycling of heavy metals and utilisation of energy. Trials of reprocessing shredder waste at special plants, primarily gasification plants, have caused large problems in the past. In recent years, however, many resources have been invested in the development of new technology to treat shredder waste and other heavy metal-containing waste fractions, in an environmentally appropriate manner. In order to share results of this development, a study has been launched, financed by funds from the Council for Recycling and Cleaner Technology, to identify plants at international level that have been established at industrial scale, and that may be adapted to Danish waste management. It will also be investigated what is being done abroad in terms of research, and in parallel Danish pilot tests are being carried out. E 20.2 Future initiatives Measures
On the basis of the ongoing study of reprocessing plants on an industrial scale, up to three plants will be selected for detailed study. Experts will monitor operations for two to three weeks. As it is unrealistic to base the establishment of a Danish reprocessing plant only on shredder waste, the three selected plants will be evaluated in their reprocessing of shredder waste, pressure-impregnated wood, fire-inhibiting plastic, and galvanic waste. Results of these projects are expected to form the basis of a realistic decision on which technique for the treatment of shredder waste can best be adapted to Danish waste management. Initiatives supporting the development of better treatment methods utilising resources contained in shredder waste, will be promoted. When treatment methods have been developed, rules will be issued on management of shredder waste. E 20.3 Regulation Management of shredder waste has so far been regulated by general rules in the Statutory Order on waste and in environmental approvals of enterprises using shredder plants in reprocessing of composite products. Such enterprises are iron and metal recycling enterprises which are on the list of the Danish Environmental Protection Act of heavily polluting enterprises in point K2, and car scrapping enterprises listed under point K5 of the same Act. E 20.4 Capacity It is estimated that sufficient capacity is available for landfilling shredder waste. E 20.5 Environmental assessment Environmental impacts from reprocessing shredder waste will be a reduction of waste for landfilling and thereby reduced risk of leaching to groundwater, increased recycling of the contents of metals in shredder waste, and utilisation of energy of the organic waste fraction. E 20.6 Implications for national authorities When a suitable treatment method has been developed, a Statutory Order on management of shredder waste will be issued. In the coming planning period, efforts will be made to prepare guidelines for environmental design of industrial products and to exploit the possibilities offered by the product panel for electronics, which has been established under the integrated product strategy. E 20.7 Implications for local authorities When the Statutory Order on management of shredder waste has been issued, local councils will assign waste to plants complying with requirements for management of shredder waste. E 21 Waste oil
E 21.1 Status Objective year 2004
Waste oil is collected and incinerated with energy recovery. Today, subsidies are granted for private collection of waste oil. Waste oil is collected from, for example, garages, transport companies, industry, the military, and private car owners. The collection of waste oil is made through municipal transfer stations and a number of private collectors. After collection, water is separated from waste oil, and it is transferred to further treatment, or to Kommunekemi A/S. Almost all registered waste oil collected by private companies is sold after processing for incineration at district heating plants. In 1997, these plants treated 22,576 tonnes of waste oil. In the treatment of waste oil, around 2,000-3,000 tonnes of water and distillation residues are generated. Distillation residues are transferred to Ålborg Portland. Oily waste is also collected from shipping (slop oil). Such waste is primarily delivered to municipal transfer stations and transferred on to Kommunekemi for destruction. In 1997, Kommunekemi A/S received 13,217 tonnes of oily waste. The subsidy scheme gives an incentive to collect oil and incinerate it as district heating plants. No subsidies are granted for recovery as base oil. A study has been launched to clarify economic advantages and disadvantages of reprocessing waste oil into base oil. E 21.2 Future initiatives Future treatment of waste oil will be determined when the results of this study are available. E 21.3 Regulation Management of waste oil is regulated in the Statutory Order on waste. Waste oil is hazardous waste, and under the terms of the Statutory Order on waste, local councils must establish collection schemes for such waste. Subsidies are granted for the disposal of waste oil132. Subsidies are given in the form of reimbursement of mineral oil taxes, at the incineration at district heating plants. The scheme gives an incentive to collect and dispose of waste oil at district heating plants. The subsidy scheme is administered by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. In 1997, reimbursements amounted to DKK 44.4 million. E 21.4 Capacity Waste oil is destroyed today at district heating plants and Kommunekemi A/S. E 21.5 Implications for national authorities The subsidy scheme for waste oil will be evaluated. E 21.6 Implications for local authorities No implications for local authorities. E 22 Foundry waste
Objective year 2004
E 22.1 Status Foundry waste accounts for a large part of landfilled industrial waste. Suitable recycling possibilities have been developed for this waste, and they are now gaining ground in the foundry industry. The foundry industry covers just below 40 foundries (10 iron foundries, the rest metal foundries) with between one and 300 employees. In 1997, 95,000 tonnes of foundry waste were generated. Environmental problems related to foundry waste primarily derive from discarded foundry sand, amounting to 80,000 tonnes per year. Such sand contains chemicals which are used in the production of moulds. Around 5,000 tonnes of slag are generated each year. Furthermore, around 400 tonnes of furnace filter dust are generated that are classified as hazardous waste. The foundry industry has started introducing environmental management. Experience from the industry (from black sand foundries) has shown that environmental reviews of enterprises may lead to a reduction in waste amounts of around 20 per cent. Good treatment methods have been developed, so that, for example, black sand can be recycled, and zinc and lead can be extracted from filter dust. The industry is investigating possibilities of recycling slag from melting furnaces and foundry ladles. Technically, large parts of waste generated at foundries can be recycled today. Measures
E 22.2 Future initiatives Initiatives supporting the development of recycling methods for chemically-bound foundry sand will be promoted. Results and developments will be evaluated regularly. Technically, large parts of waste generated at foundries can be recycled today. It will therefore be ensured that all foundries in Denmark make efforts to recycle waste. This will be ensured in co-operation between the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the foundry industry. E 22.3 Capacity Spent black sand is suitable for application as foundations in construction works and is expected to replace virgin sand in products. A suitable plant for reprocessing zinc from filter dust is expected to be established in Norway as a result of Nordic co-operation. Recycling capacity is available for large fractions. Capacity for reprocessing furnace filter dust depends on the establishment of the Norwegian plant. The need for landfill capacity will decrease over time, as a result of increased recycling. E 22.4 Environmental assessment Environmental impacts from recycling of foundry sand and filter dust from furnaces are expected to be almost similar to the use of virgin raw materials, whereas recycling of slag will have a minimal impact. E 22.5 Economic aspects The introduction of environmental management at foundries will allow for recycling of larger parts of waste. Increased recycling will entail savings for enterprises, as
E 22.6 Implications for national authorities Foundry sand is used for cover at landfills, and in their planning local authorities will therefore take into consideration that, in the long term, less waste of this type will be available. E 22.7 Implications for local authorities Decreasing needs for landfill capacity for foundry waste will have implications for local planning. _________________________ Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997 Statutory Order no. 91 of 22nd February 1996 on collection of lead accumulators and remuneration for collection and disposal for recycling. Statutory Order on fees on lead accumulators In 1995, an environmental fee on nickel-cadmium batteries was introduced in Denmark, in pursuance of Act no. 414 and Act no. 404 of 14th June 1995 Statutory Order no. 93 of 22nd February 1996 In the Plan of Action for waste and recycling 1993-97 the objective was to reduce amounts of waste generated in scrapping of vehicles. The objective was to be achieved by entering voluntary agreements with relevant industrial associations. In 1995, the Minister for Environment and Energy entered an agreement with the Danish Motor Trade Association, the Association of Danish Recycling Industries and municipal associations on a take-back scheme for discarded tyres. Cf. the take-back agreement for tyres, the objective was to recycle 80% of all small tyres from private cars, vans, and motorbikes. In 1997, a collection rate of 93% was registered for small tyres. In 1997, it became possible to dispose of large tyres either for recycling or incineration with energy recovery. On this basis, objectives were revised. Statutory Order no. 799 of 4th September 1996. The agreement took statute form in Statutory Order no. 144 of 3rd March 1995, now replaced by Statutory Order no. 799 of 4th September 1996 on fees and subsidies for disposal of tyres. The Statutory Order is, among others, based on Art. 53 in the Danish Environmental Protection Act, stating that rules can be issued to the effect that importers and manufacturers of certain specifically stated products must pay a fee for waste disposal to cover, in part or in total, costs of disposal of products, and stating rules on fee levying and application. Since January 1996, the subsidy scheme has been administered by the Danish Tyre Trade Environmental Foundation. Total amounts are distributed as follows:92 around 43,000 tonnes electronic equipment and around 60,000 tonnes electrical equipment 93 Statutory Order no. 1067 of 22nd December 1998 on management of waste from electrical and electronic products. This objective is not directly comparable to the objective for recycling of glass from households described in the section on glass. In overall objectives for packaging, more streams are included, and the statement method is different. Hazardous waste covers waste from both primary and secondary sources (e.g. residues from waste incineration plants). In 1997, 182,106 tonnes were generated by primary sources (corresponding to some 1.5 per cent of total waste amounts) and 71,437 tonnes by secondary sources. Council Directive 91/689/EEC of 12th December 1991 on hazardous waste Council Decision (94/904/EC) of 22nd December 1994 establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1 (4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste Statutory Order on Waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997 Source: Rendan Glass statistics 1997. Glass collected in the form of bottles and packaging glass. Collection rate is calculated on the basis of glass consumption. The return bottle system avoids overall what in 1995 corresponded to around 390,000 tonnes waste (calculated as if it were single-use packaging), and assuming the same distribution between plastic and glass packaging as in the present system. Reuse of packaging reduces resource consumption for the manufacture of new packaging and for recycling of spent packaging. According to Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997. This estimate assumes an average lifetime of wood of 32 years. Cf. Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997 This guideline replaces guideline no. 1/1984 from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency on the disposal of hospital waste Statutory Order no. 823 of 16th September 1996 on application of waste products for agricultural purposes. Cut-off values for various organic chemical substances took effect on 1st April 1997. These values will become stricter in year 2000. Statutory Order no. 823 of 16th September 1996 on application of waste products for agricultural purposes. Statutory Order no. 528 of 20th June 1997 Circular no. 132 of 13th June 1996 on municipal regulations on disposal of CFC-containing refrigeration equipment In 1997, the amount of organic domestic waste was assessed at just below 700,000 tonnes. Around 23,000 tonnes for home composting (Rendan compost statistics 1997) and 47,000 tonnes for treatment at central plants (the ISAG 1997). Amounts treated at central plants were distributed by around 46,000 tonnes at composting plants and 1,000 tonnes for biogasification. According to the Plan of Action for waste and recycling 1993-97 the target was to ensure biological treatment of the major part of organic waste, corresponding to 20-25% of total domestic waste from households. It is assumed that in year 2004, 5 million tonnes of manure are subjected to biogasification compared to around 1 million tonne today. Manure-based biogas plants will typically be able to treat up to 20 per cent of organic domestic waste in relation to the amounts of manure. Miljøprojekt nr. 397 og 398, 1998: Organiske restprodukter i industrien, del 1 og 2. (Environmental Project nos. 397 and 398, 1998: Organic residues in industry, parts 1 and 2. Danish only) This study shows (data from 1992-94) that around 8.4 million tonnes of organic residues are generated in industry each year. Of these, 99% is recycled (47% in substitution of raw materials, 8% for biogasification, and 44% directly as fertiliser on farmland). Less than 1% (52,000 tonnes) is incinerated or landfilled. In the study, all residues from industry have been included, also such that are normally not registered as waste. Defined as kitchens generating more than 100 kg food waste per week. Statutory Order no. 883 of 11th December 1986 on municipal collection of food waste from catering centres. The ISAG 1997. Collection efficiency is calculated on the basis of statements of potentials. Wiping paper and dirty packaging are not suitable for recycling, and such paper is widely used in households. Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997 Statutory Order no. 925 of 13th December 1998 on PCB, PCT, and substitute substances Statutory Order no. 1067 of 22nd December 1998 on management of waste from electrical and electronic products. Source: APME (Association of Plastic Manufacturers in Europe) publishes every year statistics of amounts of plastic supplies and waste in Europe, stating waste amounts in Denmark in 1996 at 219,000 tonnes clean plastic excluding additives. On an average, 10 per cent fillers and auxiliary substances are added to plastic, and therefore waste amounts are assessed at 240,000 tonnes. Art. 36, with effect from 1st July 1998 Primary sources are the building and construction sector (around 10,000 tonnes/year), industry and commerce, including end-of-life vehicles (around 14,000 tonnes/year), and households (around 10,000 tonnes/year). Reference is made to the PVC statement Objectives for year 2000 were to recycle 53 per cent of total residues from waste incineration plants. For slag, objectives were to recycle 65 per cent. Statutory Order on waste no. 299 of 30th April 1997 Statutory Order no. 625 of 15th July 1997. 73% of residues from coal-fired power plants was recycled in 1997, corresponding to 1,300,000 tonnes. Of this amount, 113,000 tonnes were exported for recovery. In the Plan of Action for waste and recycling 1993-97 the objective was to recycle 56 per cent of total amounts of residues before year 2000. Statutory Order on application of waste products for agricultural purposes, no. 823 of 16th September 1996.133 Cf. Statutory Order from the Ministry of Environment and Energy no. 1179 of 23rd December 1993 on subsidies for disposal of waste oil (as amended by Statutory Order no. 1047 of 15th December 1995), which took effect on 1st May 1993.