Waste Statistics 1999

Annex 2. Principles for distribution of waste received at recycling centres and transfer stations.

Recycling centres/transfer stations

The ISAG covers a commercial source "recycling centres/transfer stations". This means that waste, for example from households, delivered via transfer stations is not recorded as waste from "households".

The source "recycling centres/transfer stations" is therefore distributed on the original sources. This distribution is obviously based on estimates.

- All domestic waste from "recycling centres/transfer stations" is converted into domestic waste from the source "households".
- All bulky waste, apart from the fractions "paper and cardboard" and "bottles and glass", from "recycling centres/transfer stations" is converted into bulky waste from the source "households".
- All bulky waste covering the fractions "paper and cardboard" and "bottles and glass" is converted into "domestic waste" and transferred from the source "recycling centres/transfer stations" to the source "households".
- All garden waste from "recycling centres/transfer stations" is converted into garden waste from the source "households".
- All industrial and commercial waste from "recycling centres/transfer stations", apart from the fractions "concrete", "tiles", "other construction and demolition waste", "asphalt", "wood", and "asbestos", is converted into industrial and commercial waste from the source "institutions, trade and offices".
- All industrial and commercial waste from "recycling centres/transfer stations", covering the fractions "concrete", "tiles", "other construction and demolition waste", "asphalt", "wood", and "asbestos", is converted into industrial and commercial waste from the source "building and construction sector".
- All hazardous waste from "recycling centres/transfer stations" is converted into hazardous waste from the source "households".
- All waste of the type "treatment residues" and "not registered" from "recycling centres/transfer stations" is converted into a new source: "other".

Bulky waste

- All waste of the type "bulky waste" from the sources "institutions, trade and offices", "manufacturing industries", and "building and construction sector" is converted into "industrial and commercial waste", although deriving from the same sources.

Ferrous metals

- Reports to the ISAG on ferrous metals are made according to the Statutory Order on waste by enterprises, including smelting works, that reprocess collected and separated ferrous metals by remelting. Scrap dealers that collect ferrous metals are not subject to mandatory reporting to the ISAG, but are requested to uphold a register in accordance with ISAG regulations.
- The Danish Environmental Protection Agency receives information from scrap dealers directly from the Association of Danish Recycling Industries and other large scrap dealers. In waste statistics, such ferrous scrap has been attributed to the source "manufacturing industry".