Waste Statistics 1999

6. Waste fractions and status compared to targets for year 2004

6.1 Residues from waste incineration plants
6.2 waste from building and construction activities
6.3   waste from households
6.3.1 Domestic waste
6.3.2 Bulky waste
6.3.3   Garden waste
6.3.4 Household waste per capita
6.4 waste from manufacturing industries
6.5 waste from institutions, trade and offices
6.6 Residues from coal-fired power plants
6.7 sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants

6.1 Residues from waste incineration plants

Figure 8 shows amounts of residues (slag, fly ash, and flue gas cleaning products) from waste incineration in 1994 to 1999, stated in tonnes, as well as treatment option.

Residues from waste incineration plants have not been included in statements of total waste generation presented so far, as waste would otherwise be counted twice. However, residues constitute a significant waste fraction that should be used or disposed of one way or the other.

Fiigure 8 Look here!

By far the largest proportion of residues is recycled, though with a decrease of 3 percentage points in 1999 from the 1998 rate of recycling.

Residues cannot be recycled if heavy metal contents are too high – in that case they will be led to landfill.

According to Waste 21, environmental contaminants such as PVC, impregnated wood and waste electrical and electronic equipment may no longer be assigned to incineration. This means that heavy metal contents in slag will drop significantly.

However, at the same time requirements for recycling will become more stringent in consideration of groundwater, and therefore targets from the previous plan of action are maintained in Waste 21, which means a target recycling rate of 70 per cent.

Table 15 presents the use of residues from waste incineration.

Table 15 Look here!

Amounts of residues from waste incineration naturally depend on amounts of waste incinerated. Slag and flue gas cleaning products account for around 20 per cent and 3 per cent respectively of waste feed.

The table shows that residues from waste incineration in 1999 amounted to 592,159 tonnes, which is some 41,000 tonnes more than the previous year.

Of the amount removed of 592,159 tonnes, 191,704 tonnes were landfilled and 427,177 tonnes were recycled. This means that amounts of fly ash and flue gas cleaning products in storage have been reduced by almost 27,000 tonnes.

6.2 Waste from building and construction activities

In 1999, waste from the building and construction sector amounted to 2,968,000 tonnes, an insignificant increase from 1998 of 5,000 tonnes.

By far the largest proportion of construction and demolition waste is recycled: 90 per cent was recycled in 1999, 2 per cent was incinerated and 8 per cent landfilled cf. Figure 9. The figure shows that recycling of construction and demolition waste increased by 6 percentage points in the period 1994 to 1999. Correspondingly, the landfilled proportion of construction and demolition waste decreased by 7 percentage points.

The figure also shows that the distribution among the different treatment options in 1999 was in total compliance with the 2004 targets for treatment.

The high rate of recycling for construction and demolition waste is partly due to the fact that recycled waste is exempt from the waste tax, contrary to waste landfilled or incinerated. Furthermore, a circular11 on municipal regulations regarding separation of construction and demolition waste with a view to recycling came into effect in 1995.

And finally, the Ministry of Environment and Energy has entered an agreement with the Danish Demolition Association on selective demolition of building materials.

Figure 9 Look here!

There is still scope for improving waste management. In future, special efforts shall be made to separate and treat the types of construction and demolition waste that are most harmful to the environment, such as PVC and impregnated wood.

Finally, "cradle-to-grave" assessments and environmentally correct design shall be used more extensively in connection with new building projects.

Figure 10 shows the distribution of construction and demolition waste among the different fractions in 1999. It is seen that the major part of construction and demolition waste consists of concrete followed by asphalt, other C&D waste and soil and stone.

Source: ISAG reports 1999. Legend: clock-wise from top.

A large proportion of construction and demolition waste is reprocessed in mobile crushing plants moved around the country for various assignments.

In some cases, both the owner of the crushing plant and his client report to the ISAG. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency is aware of this possible source of double counting, and great efforts are made in co-operation with enterprises reporting to subject data to quality assurance in order to avoid double counting.

6.3 Waste from households

Waste from households covers primarily the waste types domestic waste, bulky waste, and garden waste, which again can be divided into waste fractions such as paper and cardboard, bottles and glass, and food waste/other organic waste. See also Table 16 where fractions are stated, in so far as it has been possible to register them separately.

Amounts of, for example, paper and cardboard do not reflect the potential in household waste, but alone the amount separated for recycling. Other paper is covered by the fraction "various burnable".

Total waste generation in households in 1999 amounted to 2,963,000 tonnes, which is an increase of 167,000 tonnes or 6 per cent compared to 1998. Bulky waste and garden waste amounts increased by 17 per cent and 6 per cent respectively, whereas amounts of domestic waste decreased by 2 per cent.

Table 16.
Waste generation in households

By fraction and stated in tonnes




% change 1998-99

Various burnable





Various non-burnable





Paper and cardboard





Bottles and glass





Food waste/other organic





Branches, leaves, grass cuttings etc.





Hazardous waste





Ferrous metals (1)















Source: ISAG reports 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999. (1) Ferrous metals were included in the figure for "other" in 1996.

Amounts of hazardous waste from households increased by 33 per cent from around 14,400 tonnes in 1998 to around 19,000 tonnes in 1999. Correspondingly, the amount of "various burnable" increased in 1999 after a constant decrease since 1996. From 1998 to 1999 the increase reached 9 per cent.

Also amounts of separately collected bottles and glass increased from 1998 to 1999: by 6 per cent. By contrast, amounts of collected paper and cardboard decreased by 14 per cent.

Developments and treatment of the different waste types are detailed below.

6.3.1 Domestic waste

Domestic waste from households covers waste that results from normal consumption in private households, i.e. paper, bottles and glass, organic food waste, and residual waste, collected at the household at regular intervals, normally weekly or every second week.

As mentioned above, amounts of domestic waste decreased from 1,702,000 tonnes in 1998 to 1,665,000 tonnes in 1999, corresponding to a decrease of 2 per cent. Since 1994 amounts of domestic waste have varied from one year to the next without showing any clear trend – in the entire period the amounts have remained more or less stable, cf. Table 1.

In 1999, 15 per cent of domestic waste was recycled, corresponding to 2 percentage points less than in 1998. 78 per cent – the same as in 1998 – was incinerated, and 7 per cent was landfilled in 1999, cf. Figure 11.

The figure also shows that the proportion of domestic waste for recycling has remained more or less stable in the period 1994 to 1999. The change among treatment options has been in the form of diversion from landfill to incineration, even if there has only been a modest increase in the proportion for incineration: 4 percentage points over the period 1994 - 1999.

Too much domestic waste goes to incineration and landfill compared to the targets in Waste 21.

Figure 11 Look here!

To meet the target for recycling in year 2004 of 30 per cent a number of initiatives will be launched in the coming years. For example, separate collection for recycling of glass, paper, and cardboard and plastic packaging will be extended.

Furthermore, initiatives will be launched with a view to recycling of a larger proportion of organic domestic waste. Today, only around 4 per cent is recovered in biogas plants. The target is a recycling rate of 7 per cent of organic domestic waste in year 2004.

6.3.2 Bulky waste

In 1999 Danish householders generated 672,000 tonnes of bulky waste. This is 100,000 tonnes more than the previous year and corresponds to an increase in bulky waste amounts of 17 per cent.

In the period 1994 – 99 bulky waste amounts have increased by 11 per cent overall, with a minor decrease in amounts in 1997 and 1998. This is due to a real increase in bulky waste amounts, but for a major part also to the introduction of collection schemes and bring schemes at recycling centres.

Since 1994, the distribution among the three treatment options has been more or less stable. However, in 1999, there has been a diversion among the treatment options, cf. Figure 12.

The proportion of bulky waste landfilled in 1999 only accounted for 36 per cent, which is a decrease of 5 percentage points from 1998, ensuring compliance with targets in Waste 21 of a maximum of 37.5 per cent landfilling in year 2004.

Unfortunately this does not mean that targets for other treatment options are complied with: the proportion going to incineration increased from 42 per cent in 1998 to 48 per cent in 1999, whereas the proportion recycled decreased from 17 per cent in 1998 to 16 per cent in 1999.

Figure 12 Look here!

If this result is compared with developments in the different waste fractions from households it may indicate that bulky waste developments are responsible for the significant increase in the fraction "various burnable", cf. Table 15.

To comply with treatment targets in year 2004, many efforts are called for in relation to separate collection of more bulky waste fractions. A number of initiatives for, for example, cardboard, electrical and electronic products, impregnated wood, and PVC-containing waste have already been launched or are in the planning phase.

6.3.3 Garden waste

Garden waste collected from households in 1999 amounted to 464,000 tonnes, which is 26,000 tonnes more than in 1998. Garden waste amounts have been on a steady increase throughout the 1990s. Since 1994 the increase in garden waste amounts has reached 62 per cent.

This increase should not be seen as an expression of a real increase in garden waste amounts. It is rather the result of increasing opportunities – and obligations – for disposing of garden waste at municipal treatment plants at the expense of home-burning or home-composting of waste.

Garden waste treatment is presented in Figure 13. 98 per cent of garden waste was recycled in 1999, whereas 1 per cent was incinerated and 1 per cent led to landfill.

This means that recycling increased by 4 percentage points from 1998, whereas incineration and landfilling decreased by 1 and 4 percentage points respectively.

Figure 13 Look here!

Thereby, targets for recycling and incineration of garden waste from households have been met with a good margin. It is estimated to be impossible to increase recycling of garden waste further. Therefore, future efforts with respect to garden waste will concentrate on maintaining the present situation.

6.3.4 Household waste per capita

Table 17 states the generation of household waste per capita and per household. The table covers both waste type and waste fraction.

Table 17 Look here!

Householders’ total waste generation per capita in 1999 was 30 kg larger than in 1998. Stated by household, householders’ waste generation increased by 61 kg. Of this, amounts of domestic waste per capita and per household decreased by 9 kg and 20 kg respectively. Amounts of garden waste increased by 4 kg and 9 kg respectively, whereas amounts of bulky waste increased by 18 kg and 39 kg respectively.

6.4 Waste from manufacturing industries

In 1999, waste generation in industry amounted to 2,653,000 tonnes, corresponding to 130,000 tonnes and 5 per cent less than in 1998.

Waste from manufacturing industries is presented in Figure 14. It can be seen that ferrous metals account for the largest waste fraction, followed by various burnable, various non-burnable, beet soil and paper and cardboard.

The distribution of waste from industry on the different waste fractions remained more or less the same in 1999 as in 1998. However, sludge from industrial production only accounts for 3 per cent of waste from industry in 1999, against a share of 6 per cent i 1998.

This is partly due to the fact that registrations have been changed from 1998 to 1999. Some waste products from food production were registered in 1998 as sludge instead of "food waste/other organic" as it should have been. This has been changed in 1999.

Source: ISAG reports 1999. Legend: clock-wise from top.

However, this change in registrations cannot explain all of the decrease in industrial sludge amounts: 44 per cent from around 154,000 tonnes in 1998 to around 86,400 tonnes in 1999.

From 1998 to 1999 an increase has been registered in the fractions plastic, food waste and hazardous waste of 11 per cent, 24 per cent and 10 per cent respectively which in absolute figures correspond to 3,000 tonnes, 26,600 tonnes and 8,800 tonnes. Amounts of ferrous metals remain more or less unchanged, whereas there has been a decrease in other fractions.

Amounts of beet soil decreased by 20 per cent from 288,000 tonnes in 1998 to 231,000 tonnes in 1999. Beet soil generation depends on weather conditions during harvesting of sugar beets, and weather conditions were better in 1999 than in 1998.

Other remarkable fractions are amounts of paper and cardboard, which decreased by 9 per cent from around 210,300 tonnes in 1998 to around 191,300 tonnes in 1999, and amounts of non-burnable waste, which decreased by 20 per cent from around 290,400 tonnes in 1998 to around 230,600 tonnes in 1999.

Treatment of waste from manufacturing industries is shown in Figure 15. 60 per cent of waste was recycled in 1999, which is 4 percentage points more than in 1998. In absolute figures, however, there has been a decrease of some 14,000 tonnes.

Since 1994, the proportion of waste from industry that has been recycled has increased by 9 percentage points, whereas the proportion going to landfill has decreased by 14 percentage points.

The proportion of waste from industry incinerated in 1999 accounted for 19 per cent, which corresponds to 3 percentage points more than in 1998. This is still within the targets for year 2004. By contrast, only 22 per cent was landfilled in 1999, which is 5 percentage points less than in 1998.

Even if recycling and landfilling rates have developed in a positive direction, there is still some way to go before targets for these two treatment options are met.

Figure 15 Look here!

Amounts and composition of waste from manufacturing industries depend on the sector generating the waste, as well as size and number of enterprises. Possibilities of preventing or recycling waste will therefore differ from one waste fraction and sector to another.

Recently, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has implemented a number of changes to the ISAG system so that from year 2001 it will be possible to state waste from industry on eleven different sectors. All other things being equal, this will increase possibilities of conducting sector-specific analyses and initiatives.

In order to meet targets in Waste 21, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has selected a number of waste types from industry to come into focus.

One such waste type is shredder waste. New treatment technologies shall contribute to diverting shredder waste from landfilling to recycling. Another waste type in focus is hazardous waste, for which collection schemes shall be established with a view to separation and recycling.

6.5 Waste from institutions, trade and offices

Waste from institutions, trade and offices in 1999 amounted to 955,000 tonnes, which is identical to 1998.

The distribution of waste from institutions, trade and offices in 1999 is presented in Figure 16 and is almost similar to 1998.

However, the proportion of various non-burnable waste has decreased by 2 percentage points from 1998, while the proportion of various burnable and paper and cardboard increased by 1 and 2 percentage points respectively.

These minor variations cover a decrease in absolute amounts of various non-burnable of 25 per cent, an increase in separately collected paper and cardboard of 9 per cent and a minor increase in amounts of various burnable of 2 per cent.

Furthermore, amounts of collected bottles and glass decreased by 12 per cent, whereas amounts of separately collected hazardous waste increased by 5 per cent.

Source: ISAG reports 1999. Legend: clock-wise from top.

Of 955,000 tonnes of waste generated by the service sector in 1999, 37 per cent was recycled, 45 per cent was incinerated and 17 per cent went to landfill, cf. Figure 17.

The distribution among treatment options has thereby changed only little from 1998, when 35 per cent was recycled, 46 per cent incinerated and 17 per cent landfilled. Compared to 1994 the largest diversions among the different treatment options have taken place among recycling and landfilling that have increased/decreased by 6 percentage points each.

Compared to targets for treatment in Waste 21 too little waste was recycled and too much landfilled in 1999 from this sector.

If targets are to be met, separation and collection of waste must be improved so that a larger proportion of recyclable material can be recycled and environmental contaminants separated and treated separately.

Figure 17 Look here!

6.6 Residues from coal-fired power plants

Amounts of residues from coal-fired power plants vary over the years due to variations in Danish power exports to Sweden and Norway. As Figure 18 shows, exports of power were especially high in 1996 which resulted in large amounts of residues: 2,332,000 tonnes.

Since then, amounts of residues have decreased by 44 per cent and amounted to 1,299,000 tonnes in 1999. The decrease from 1998 to 1999 reached 12 per cent.

This decrease is explained partly by less power exports in the years since 1996, and partly by the Government’s Energy Action Plan 1996, "Energy 21", according to which natural gas and renewable energy sources, including bio-fuel, shall substitute coal in the long-term perspective. It is reflected in energy statistics12 that an increasing part of electricity generation is based on natural gas and renewable energy sources.

Also in future, Energy 21 will result in a decrease in residues from coal-based energy generation, whereas there will be an increase in fly ash and bottom ash from bio-fuels.

By far the largest proportion of residues from coal-fired power plants can be recycled. In 1999 the rate of recycling of residues reached 99 per cent, which is 13 percentage points more than in 1998.

Targets for treatment of residues from coal-fired power plants have thereby been met by a good margin, cf. Figure 18.

Figure 18 Look here!

In Table 18 recovery options for residues in 1999 are presented in more detail. Almost 85 per cent of recycled residues was used as raw materials in industrial manufacture of, for example, cement, concrete and plaster board. Around 14 per cent was recycled either under the terms of Statutory Order no. 586 of 6 December 1983 from the Ministry of Environment and Energy, or as backfilling with special approval under the Danish Environmental Protection Act.

Table 18 Look here!

6.7 Sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants

Sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants stated in wet weight in 199913 amounted to 1,379,000 tonnes, which is 128,000 tonnes or 10 per cent more than the previous year. The statement only includes sludge, excluding sand and screenings.

Stated in dry weight there has only been a minor increase in sludge amounts from the previous year of 2,600 tonnes. Total sludge amounts in 1999 reached 153,800 tonnes dry weight.

Some of this increase is believed to be due to the national wastewater tax as this tax has meant that many wastewater treatment plants clean wastewater more than required in the discharge license.

Sludge treatment is distributed by 78 per cent for recycling, 13 per cent for incineration and 9 per cent for landfilling, cf. Figure 19.

Amounts for recycling include 396,000 tonnes of sludge wet weight, corresponding to 4,300 tonnes dry weight in long-term storage with the objective of mineralisation. It is expected that this amount will be recycled in some years, and therefore it has been included in the recycling figure.

Figure 19 Look here!

Sewage sludge is mainly recovered as fertiliser on farmland. In future, more stringent requirements for the contents of certain organic and chemical substances will be made in relation to application to farmland. In the short-term perspective, the rate of recycling is therefore expected to decrease.

However, in future, the quality of sludge is expected to improve due to the general policy of phasing-out of xenobiotic substances.

It seems that alternative methods for the recovery of sludge are being developed to a still larger extent. After sludge incineration, the inorganic residue is recovered in production of, for example, sand blasting agents or cement. Sludge recovered in such alternative methods in 1999 amounted to around 40,000 tonnes14. In Figure 19 these 40,000 tonnes have been calculated as incinerated.

11 Circular No. 94 of June 21, 1995

12 Energy Statistics 1999, is found on the homepage of the Danish Energy Agency www.ens.dk

13 The 1999 statement of amounts of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants applied to farmland etc. and incineration of sludge at sludge incineration plants is still outstanding. Figures from 1998 have been used.

14 Cf. footnote 13 figures are from 1998.