Cleaner Technology Projects in Denmark 1997 Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Renewal in VesterbroMiljøvurdering i Byfornyelsen
![]() | A permanent working committee for environmental impact assessment should be set up to revise targets and recommendations and, in addition, take an innovative approach to measures aimed at achieving more effective environmental initiatives in construction work (renovation and new building projects). |
![]() | The local authority should identify overall environmental initiative targets for the consumption of electricity, heat and water -as well as targets for waste -management and natural areas. |
![]() | The local authority should formulate recommendations with regards to the environmental initiatives that should represent an environmental standard in urban renewal programmes. |
Set against the background of a specification of the potential (possibilities) of environmental improvements, these targets express an estimate of that part of the potentate, which is actually attainable.
This estimate has been made on the basis of rough financial calculations of the profitability of the individual environmental measures, specified as intervals for payback periods.
The potential of environmental improvements has been determined as a total optimum urban-renewal strategy when using the most environmentally compatible technology seen in relation to an average conventional urban renewal strategy in Copenhagen.
In conjunction with the design of the building, it is the client and the project designers who are responsible for assessing and choosing the environmental measures that are best suitable for the building project concerned.
To affect the environmental initiatives in the design stage, it is proposed with reference to the local authoritys targets and recommendations that the client be required to provide proof of the environmental initiatives in the design stage by describing the expected consumption of electricity, water and heat and the environmental measures taken during the building project. This requirement is a precondition for obtaining the local authoritys commitment of its support for the building project.
The aim is to encourage the client and the designers to make the optimum choice of environmental initiatives in the individual building project. Furthermore, the proof may offer the local authority more in-depth knowledge of the type of environmental measures chosen in the urban renewal programme.
In addition to the proof of environmental initiatives in the design stage, it is proposed to recommend that the client, in the statutory operation and maintenance scheme, incorporate a special plan for the environmental initiatives in the operating stage, including user instructions for the occupants.
Author/ institution
Finn Terp, Københavns Kommune. Miljøkontrollen.
Helene Hjort Knudsen
This report is subsidised by the National Council for Recycling and Cleaner Technology
ISSN no. 0105-3094
ISBN no. 87-7810-720-2