Survey on the international recognition of the EDIP Methodology for life cycle assessment

2. EDIP PC Tool

2.1 Knowledge
2.2 Expected sales potential in Denmark and internationally
2.3 Estimated prize for licenses
2.4 Consistency of a tool with the EDIP methodology

2.1 Knowledge

Only the Danish and one of the German experts know the EDIP PC Tool.
It is generally expressed that it is problematic that the Tool has not yet exceeded the beta stage.
It is regarded important to finalise the Tool - or other tools will take the market.
If the Tool should finance the further development, it must gain a greater market share, and therefore be marketed internationally.
The database and the user manual should be available in English.

2.2 Expected sales potential in Denmark and internationally

The market for LCA products is growing.
The potential market volume in Europe is estimated at 150-200 licenses annually.
The market leader is SimaPro, which includes a number of optional methods (including partly EDIP). An EDIP based tool is expected to be a competitor to SimaPro, because EDIP is an independent methodology.

2.3 Estimated prize for licenses

A prize of 12-20.000 DKK (1600-2600 EURO) is suggested, giving a 50% discount for multi-user licenses to universities. An additional 5-10.000 DKK (650-1300 EURO) yearly may be charged for support and updates.

2.4 Consistency of a tool with the EDIP methodology

A PC tool must be consistent with the ISO 1404X standards. It is not possible to unambiguously check whether a specific tool corresponds with EDIP, so authorisation is not feasible.

It is recommended to develop an interactive tool that guides the user through the phases of LCA and warns and helps to prevent errors and mistakes.