Groundwater Protection in Selected Countries

5. Literature

ALSAG, 1989. Altlastensanierungsgesetz (Act on the Clean-Up of Contaminated Sites), BGBI. No. 299/1989.

Draft RSEA, 1998. Chapter 4 of the 5th report on the state of the environment in Austria. October, 1998.

European Topic Centre on Soil (1998).Contaminated Soils. Final draft. Reviewed version, November 1998.

GSWV, 1991. Grundwasserschwellenwertverordnung (Groundwater Threshold Value Ordinance) BGBI No. /1991.

TWV, 1998. Verordnung über die Qualität von Wasser für den menschlichen Gebrauch (Ordinance on the Quality of Drinking Water) BGBI no. 235/1998.

Umweltbundesamt, 1999. Bericht über die Führung des Verdachtsflächenkataster und Altlastenatlas (Report on the inventory of potentially contaminated sites and the inventory of contaminated sites). BE-148.

WRG, 1990. Wasserrechtsgesetz (Water Act). BGBI No. 215/1990.

WGEV, 1991. Wassergüte-Erhebungsverordnung. (Ordinance on the Water Quality Monitoring System) BGBI. No. 338/1991.

ÖNORM S 2088-1, 1997. Altlasten. Gefährdungsabschätzung für das Schutzgut Grundwasser (Contaminated sites - Risk assessment concerning the pollution of groundwater which is to be safeguarded). October 1, 1997.