Box 3.1 Economic instruments Economic instrument Mechanism Controls via Area of application Taxes The “cost" of pollution, forcing producers to include pollution in their calculation of production expenses. Price International/ national/ (local) Tradable quotas Emissions quotas can be traded between enterprises to limit emissions in the most cost-effective way Quantity International/ national/ local Joint Implementation Bilateral implementation of pollution reduction measures across national borders, to reduce pollution  in the most cost-effective way Quantity International Subsidies Financial support for research and development, technology, etc., or to improve framework conditions. Price International/ national/ local Voluntary agreements Voluntary reductions of emissions,  in exchange for being exempted from a tax. Quantity National/ local User charges Direct payment for a compulsory service to make an actual expense visible. Price National/ local Environmental liability Obligation to restore damage to environmental assets, or pay compensation if the damage caused cannot be restored. Price (via insurance) National