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List of Undesirable Substances 2004
List of Undesirable Substances 2004
Key Subjects: inventory, hazardous substances
Key Subjects in Danish: fortegnelser, farlige stoffer
Abstract: The new, revised LOUS is now available. Compared to the previous lists, the criteria for the selection of substances for the list have been changed. This means that a number of chemical substances or substance groups are no longer on the LOUS. These substances/substance groups are listed in Appendix D. A number of criteria are no longer used in the systematic selection. These are listed in Appendix E. As a consequence of the new criteria, a number of substances are on the list for the first time. These are listed in Appendix F. The new selection criteria and the reason for removing from the list some of the original criteria, and consequently substances and substance groups, are described in further detail in the chapter on selection criteria.
Abstract in Danish: Listen over uønskede stoffer er en signalliste og en vejledning til producenter, produktudviklere, indkøbere og andre aktører om kemikalier, hvor brugen på længere sigt bør reduceres eller helt
stoppes. Der foreligger nu en revideret liste. Listen indeholder 68 stoffer/stofgrupper, som Miljøstyrelsen anser for at have problematiske effekter.
Notes: Translation of Listen over uønskede stoffer (Orientering fra Miljøstyrelsen 8/2004)
Series title and no.:
Environmental Review, 15/2004
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Performing organization: Miljøstyrelsen
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Schultz Grafisk (web)
ISBN nr. Elektronic version: 87-7614-477-1
ISSN nr. Printed version: 0107-2722
Data formats:
html, gif, pdf, css
Inventory: default_eng.htm, helepubl_eng.htm, indhold_eng.htm, kap00_eng.htm, kap01_eng.htm, bil01_eng.htm, bil02_eng.htm, bil03_eng.htm, bil04_eng.htm, bil05_eng.htm, bil06_eng.htm, bil07_eng.htm, kolofon.htm_eng, get_adobe_reader.gif, publikation.css, 87-7614-477-1.pdf
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Version 1.0 December 2004, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency