Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS

List of scientific terms and abbreviations

Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces
ATSDR Agency for Toxicological Substances and Disease Registry (USA)
Autonomic nervous system Nervous system which cannot be controlled by the mind
C-fibre Special nerve fibre of the olfactory nerve in the nose
Clinical ecologists Physicians who practice according to clinical/ecological guidelines (environmental physicians)
Cognitive Refers to the intellectual functions of the brain: Perception and preparation of sense impressions
Dysesthesia Psychogenic hypersensitivity to external impressions
ECU (Environmental Control Unit)
Climate chamber for exposure experiments
Environmental physicians American physicians who set up a holistically oriented disease model. Organised in the "American Academy of Environmental Medicine".
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
GWS Gulf War Syndrome
Haemoglobin The substance giving blood cells their red colour
Homeostasis The maintenance of a state of equilibrium, especially through physiological processes
Hyper reactive bronchi Bronchi, which contract when cold air is inhaled
Hyperventilation Exaggerated fast breathing during a longer period, which lowers the CO2 concentration in the blood, leading to changes in the blood circulation in the brain
Iatrogenic Of or relating to illness caused by medical treatment
Idiopathic disease Disease of unknown cause
ILO International Labour Organisation
Immune system Defence system of the body against external organisms and substances
Interleukin Special substance which is released by nerve cells during stimulation
MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Neuroendocrine system   Interaction between the central nervous system and the regulation of the hormone balance
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (USA)
NIH National Institute of Health (USA)
NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (USA)
NRC National Research Council (USA)
Nystagmus Spasmodic eye movements caused by the balance organ being affected (see vestibular test)
Olfactory Having to do with the sense of smell
Solvent poisoning Acute: Temporary complaints of malfunctioning of the brainChronic: Permanent symptoms of deteriorated cognitive brain function
Peer review Quality assurance of scientific article in accordance with international rules and criteria for scientific research and documentation
Post-traumatic distress syndrome/disorder
Health complaints arising from a trauma
Somatic Of or relating to the body, physical
T-cells Sub-group of white blood cells (lymphocytes)
TILT Toxic-induced Loss of Tolerance
Toxic encephalopathy Chronic solvent poisoning
Trigger substance Chemical which elicits complaints in low concentrations
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
VDU Visual display unit
Vestibular auto-rotation
test (VAT)
Test of the balance organ in the inner ear
VOC Volatile organic compound
WHO World Health Organization under the UN


Version 1.0 March 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency