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Environmental Shareholder Value
3 Reading guide
The report is addressed to people interested in the environment and finance. That is, investors/shareholders, financial analysts, CEOs and managers, members of boards of directors, and professionals
responsible for environmental policy in large companies.
In order for the two worlds to come together, the report begins with an introduction to the three key concepts: Environment (Chapter 4), Corporate Governance (Chapter 5), and Shareholder Value
(Chapter 6).

Figure 1: The structure of the report and an illustration of the interplay between environment, Shareholder Value, and Corporate Governance
Chapters 7 to 11 describe the interplay between the company's environment and Shareholder Value on the basis of the seven Value Drivers in Figure 1
Chapter 12 contains a specific check list for mapping the correlations between the environment and Shareholder Value in the individual company. Chapter 13 describes three specific examples of how the
correlations can be illustrated in selected key figures for Shareholder Value.
Finally, Chapter 14 suggests how the three elements, environment, Shareholder Value, and Corporate Governance, are connected and can be set in motion in the company.
There is a glossary of specialist terms at the end of the report.
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Version 1.0 April 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency