Environmental Shareholder Value

12 Keeping a check on Environmental Shareholder Value

Chapters 7-11 draw a picture of the general relationships between Shareholder Value and the company's environment. The questions below could form a good basis for mapping the extent of the knowledge of these relationships in a company and whether a company works with them in a structured manner. If not, the questions can be used as a check list of items to focus on in such a mapping. A company can ask itself the questions or investors and other stakeholders can ask the company the questions.

Fixed capital investments

  • Are environment savings and costs considered in connection with investment assessments?
  • Are environmental conditions considered in connection with the assessment of, for example, new technology?

Working capital investments

  • Does management know the financial significance of environmental conditions for the company?
  • What environment-related costs does the company have?
  • What environment-related income or savings does the company have?

Sales growth and operating profit margin

  • Does the company know the environmental conditions of its market?
  • Is the environment a parameter in the existing competition on the market?
  • Are there environmental barriers to new competitors?
  • Are customers interested in environmental conditions?
  • Are there bottle-necks for environment-friendly supplies?
  • What are the threats from substitute products that are more environment-friendly?
  • Are environmental concerns included in product development?
  • Does the company provide information on the environmental conditions that its stakeholders generally and its customers in particular are interested in?

Cost of capital

  • Risk management:
  • How does management ensure that the company complies with environmental legislation?
  • Does management know the company's environmental risks?
  • Does management receive information on an ongoing basis regarding environmental developments, so that it can control them?
  • Does the company know its stakeholders and their attitudes?
  • Does the company communicate with its owners and stakeholders on the issue?
  • Is the environment being included in assessments when buying and selling divisions or other companies?
  • Does the company report on environmental conditions of interest to the investors?
  • Does the company's reporting illustrate the relationship between the environment and Shareholder Value?

Value Growth Duration

  • How does management keep up-to-date on future environmental legislation and ensure that the company complies with it?
  • Has management prepared a strategy for future environmental legislation?
  • Have financial assessments been prepared of the future impact of environmental legislation on Shareholder Value?


Version 1.0 April 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency