Acceptable Daily Intake. Estimated intake, which is assumed not to have any adverse effects. Can be acute or chronic. Is usually based on additives in food |
bw |
body weight |
B value |
The contribution value: Defined in Miljøstyrelsen 2002 as a company's total maximum permissible contribution to the air pollution outside the area of the company. If the B value is used, it is used
directly, as it is calculated from NOAEL levels and with safety factor |
Chemical Abstract Service |
DL |
Detection level |
The Danish Institute for Informative Labelling |
EC |
Effect concentration |
EC50 |
Median effect concentration, i.e. the concentration where effects are observed in 50% of the test animals |
h |
Hour(s) |
LC50 |
Median lethal concentration, i.e. the concentration where 50% of the test animals are dead |
LD50 |
Median lethal dose, i.e. the dose where 50% of the test animals are dead |
Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level |
Maksimaler Arbeitsplatz Konzentration. Limit value for working environment defined by German working environment authorities |
Margin of Safety, which is the distance between the estimated exposure and the concentration which is considered not to constitute a health risk (e.g. NOAEL) |
Ni |
Nickel |
No Observed Adverse Effect Level |
Repr. |
Repro-toxic |
RfC |
Inhalation reference concentration. A concentration in air (e.g. µg/m³) which is an estimate of a daily exposure by inhalation that is assumed to be without adverse effects by inhalation during a
human lifetime. It is presumed that a threshold limit value exists for the toxic effect used to derive the value |
RfD |
Oral reference Dose, which is an estimate of a daily exposure by intake (e.g. µg/kg bw/day) that is assumed to be without adverse effects by intake during a human lifetime. It is presumed that a
threshold limit value exists for the toxic effect used to derive the value |
Tolerable Concentration in Air (inhalation exposure). Dutch value, which in principle is comparable with RfC |
Tolerable daily intake. Estimated as intake that is assumed not to have any adverse effects. Can be acute or chronic. Is usually based on pollutants |
Technical Guidance Document: EU guidance in risk assessment of chemicals |
Threshold Limit Value relevant for the working environment. Typically a time weighted average value over 8 hours is used |
Time Weighted Average |