Evaluation of Pesticide Scenarios for the Registration Procedure

7. Perspectives

When assessing the reliability of the selected scenarios it should be noted that they have not been validated against measured pesticide leaching data. While calibration made against measured groundwater table, soil water contents, bromide concentration, and for the clay soils drainage runoff suggested a good model description of water and conservative solute transport, the predicting capability towards pesticide leaching has not yet been evaluated for the PLAP scenarios. Since the start of this project measured pesticide data has been made available at the PLAP sites. Since now possibly, a validation testing the capability of the model to predict pesticide leaching, is highly recommended to attach further reliability to model output.

When assessing the representativeness of the selected scenarios is should be noted that a present correlation between leaching and e.g. precipitation, surface geologies, soil types, and elements of landscapes has not yet been recognised. Establishing these types of correlation would be valuable for attaching further confidence in assessing the representativeness of the selected scenarios.


Version 1.0 August 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency