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Mapping of decabromodiphenylether (decaBDE) in other products than electrical and electronical products
The project ”Mapping of decabromodiphenylether (decaBDE) in other products than electrical and electronical products” was completed during the period May to November 2006. The project was completed for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in connection with the Agency’s initiatives on the consumer project area.
The project was completed by a cross-functional project group at Eurofins Miljø A/S. MSc Peter Mortensen has acted as project manager and contact with the Danish EPA. Moreover, MSc Jane Pors and BSc Søren Brødsgaard have executed the project.
The purpose of the project was to map the use of decaBDE in products that are not included in the RoHS Directive, including e.g. cables, furniture, and textiles, together with an assessment of which substances or techniques that are used instead. The project is divided into 2 phases. This report describes the result of the first part of the project. A possible second part will include chemical analyses of selected consumer products for decaBDE content.
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Version 1.0 August 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency