Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas from Separated slurry

Table 4.5. Comparison of the impacts from Scenario A (reference) versus Scenario F (biogas from raw pig slurry + fibre fraction from chemical-mechanical separation). The number of digits is not an expression of the uncertainty.

Impact category Scenario A
- pig
Scenario F Difference, i.e.
Biogas scenario F minus
Reference scenario A
Global warming (during 10 years) [kg CO2 eq.]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+284 kg
- 36 kg
= 248 kg
 + 253 kg
- 109 kg
= 144 kg
-103 [-154 to -80] kg CO2 eq. 28-54% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Global warming (during 100 years) [kg CO2 eq.]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 304 kg
- 47 kg
= 257 kg
 + 274 kg
- 120 kg
= 154 kg
-104 [-154 to -80] kg CO2 eq. 26-51% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Acidification [m² UES, i.e. area of unprotected ecosystem]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
 + 50.3 m²
-5.5 m²
= 44.8 m²
 + 51.6 m²
-10.2 m²
 = 41.4 m²
-3.4 [-14 to +3] m² UES No significant
difference due to
N-eutrophication (aquatic) (during 10 years) [kg N - amount reaching aquatic recipients]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
 + 1.51 kg
- 0.93 kg
= 0.59 kg
 + 1.47 kg
- 0.99 kg
= 0.48 kg
-0.11 [-0.23 to +0.11] kg N No significant
difference due to
N-eutrophication (aquatic) (during 100 years) [kg N - amount reaching aquatic recipients]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
 + 1.63 kg
- 1.03 kg
= 0.61 kg
 + 1.64 kg
- 1.11 kg
 = 0.53 kg
-0.08 [-0.16 to +0.01] kg N No significant
difference due to
P-eutrophication (aquatic) [kg P - amount reaching aquatic recipients]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
 + 0.0069 kg
- 0.0086 kg
 = -0.0017 kg
 + 0.0069 kg
- 0.0108 kg
= -0.0039
-0.0022 [-0.0044 to -0.0011] kg P 16-64% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Photochemical ozone formation [ - see section 3.4.7]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 0.179 p.p.h
- 0.014 p.p.h = 0.17 p.p.h
+ 0.18 p.p.h
-0.03 p.p.h = 0.15 p.p.h
-0.018 [-0.068 to +0.032] p.p.h No significant
difference due to
Respiratory Inorganics [kg PM2.5 eq, i.e. kg equivalents of 2.5 µm size particles]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 0.29 kg
- 0.05 kg
= 0.24 kg
+ 0.32 kg
- 0.09 kg
= 0.23 kg
[-0.043 to +0.046] kg PM2.5
No significant
difference due to
Non-renewable energy [MJ primary energy]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 151 MJ
-369 MJ = -217 MJ
+ 237 MJ
-1288 MJ = -1051 MJ
-834 [-1084 to -584] MJ 380-710% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Phosphorus Resources [kg P]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
0 kg
- 1.34 kg
= -1.34 kg
0 kg
- 1.67 kg
= -1.67 kg
-0.33 [-0.66 to -0.15) kg P A significantly larger
amount of P resources
saved in scenario F
Carbon stored in soil during 10 years [kg C] and corresponding amount of CO2-eq
C added with slurry:
C lost as CO2:
C stored in soil:
Net CO2:
+ 31.7 kg C
 -28.1 kg C
= 3.6 kg C
= 13.2 kg CO2
+ 19.5 kg C
-16.1 kg C
= 3.4 kg C
= 12.3 kg CO2
-0.25 [-1.3 to +0.8 ] kg C
-0.9 [ -4.9 to +3.0] kg CO2
No significant
difference due to
Carbon stored in soil during 100 years [kg C] and corresponding amount of CO2-eq
C added with slurry:
C lost as CO2:
C stored in soil:
Net CO2:
+ 31.7 kg C
-30.7 kg C
= 1.0 kg C = 3.8 kg CO2
+ 19.5 kg C
-18.5 kg C
= 0.94 kg C
= 3.4 kg CO2
-0.1 [-0.4 to +0.2] kg C
-0.3 [ -1.6 to +0.8] kg CO2
No significant
difference due to

Note: All numbers are all rounded and accordingly, if the reader calculates the difference, it might vary slightly from the numbers shown in the table.


Version 1.0 August 2010, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency