Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas from Separated slurry

Table 5.5. Comparison of the impacts from Scenario A (reference) versus Scenario G (biogas from raw cow slurry + fibre fraction from chemical-mechanical separation). The number of digits is not an expression of the uncertainty.

Impact category Scenario A
- dairy cow
Scenario G Difference, i.e.
Biogas scenario G minus
Reference scenario A
Global warming (during 10 years) [kg CO2 eq.]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 326 kg
- 40 kg
= 286 kg
+ 302 kg
- 123 kg
= 179 kg
-107 [-159 to -82] kg CO2 eq. 25-49% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Global warming (during 100 years) [kg CO2 eq.]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 355 kg
- 51 kg
= 304 kg
+ 331 kg
- 136 kg
= 195 kg
-150 [-224 to -116] kg CO2 eq. 33-63% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Acidification [m² UES, i.e. area of unprotected ecosystem]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 43.3 m²
-5.9 m²
= 37.3 m²
+ 45.9 m²
-10.9 m²
= 35.0 m²
-2.4 [-10 to +2] m² UES No significant
difference due to
N-eutrophication (aquatic) (during 10 years) [kg N - amount reaching aquatic recipients]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 1.55 kg
- 1.00 kg
= 0.55 kg
+ 1.58 kg
- 1.07 kg
= 0.51 kg
-0.04 [-0.09 to +0.004] kg N No significant
difference due to
N-eutrophication (aquatic) (during 100 years) [kg N - amount reaching aquatic recipients]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 1.79 kg
- 1.11 kg
= 0.68 kg
+ 1.85 kg
- 1.21 kg
= 0.64 kg
-0.15 [-0.32 to +0.015] kg N No significant
difference due to
P-eutrophication (aquatic) [kg P - amount reaching aquatic recipients]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 0.0063 kg
- 0.0089 kg
= -0.0026
+ 0.0063 kg
- 0.0099 kg
= -0.0035
-0.0009 [-0.0005 to -0.0019] kg P 8-30% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Photochemical ozone formation [ - see section 3.4.7]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 0.16 p.p.h
-0.02 p.p.h
= 0.14 p.p.h
+ 0.18 p.p.h
-0.04 p.p.h
= 0.14 p.p.h
-0.006 [-0.023 to +0.011] p.p.h No significant
difference due to
Respiratory Inorganics [kg PM2.5 eq, i.e. kg equivalents of 2.5 µm size particles]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 0.25 kg
- 0.05 kg
= 0.20 kg
+ 0.29 kg
- 0.09 kg
= 0.20 kg
[-0.030 to +0.0.028] kg PM2.5
No significant
difference due to
Non-renewable energy [MJ primary energy]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 131 MJ
-410 MJ
= -279 MJ
+ 250 MJ
-1475 MJ
= -1225 MJ
-946 [-1230 to -662] MJ 500-930% reduction of
positive contributions
from scenario A
Phosphorus Resources [kg P]
Positive contributions:
Negative contributions:
+ 0 kg
- 1.38 kg
= -1.38 kg
+ 0 kg
- 1.51 kg
= -1.51 kg
-0.13 [-0.26 to -0.0.066) kg P A significantly larger
amount of P resources
saved in scenario G
Carbon stored in soil during 10 years [kg C] and corresponding amount of CO2-eq
C added with slurry:
C lost as CO2:
C stored in soil:
Net CO2:
+ 47.2 kg C
- 40.2 kg C
= 7.0 kg C = 25.5 kg CO2
+33.1 kg C
- 27.0 kg C
= 6.1 kg C
= 22.3 kg CO2
-0.86 [-2.9 to +1.2 ] kg C
-0.32 [ -10.8 to +4.5] kg CO2
No significant
difference due to
Carbon stored in soil during 100 years [kg C] and corresponding amount of CO2-eq
C added with slurry:
C lost as CO2:
C stored in soil:
Net CO2:
+ 47.2 kg C
- 45.2 kg C
= 2.0 kg C
= 7.3 kg CO2
+ 33.1 kg C
- 31.4 kg C
= 1.7 kg C
= 6.2 kg CO2
-0.3 [-0.9 to +0.3] kg C
-0.1.1 [ -3.4 to +1.1] kg CO2
No significant
difference due to


Version 1.0 August 2010, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency