Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas from Separated slurry

Processes H.2 to H.7: Raw slurry from which the fibre fraction origins: production, separation and fate of the liquid fraction

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H.2 In-house storage of slurry

In this scenario, the storage of the slurry in the barn has not changed compared to the reference scenario (Annex A). Accordingly, the life cycle inventory data are identical to table A.9 in Annex A. This also means, that the process is identical to the process in Annex F, section F.2 of this report.

The slurry composition when leaving the barn is identical to the slurry “ex-housing” from table A.1 in Annex A. This is shown in table H.1 below.

Table H.1. Characteristics of slurry “ex-housing” from fattening pigs
Per 1000 kg of slurry ex-housing

  Slurry ex-housing
Total mass 1000 kg
Dry matter (DM) 69.7 kg
Ash content 13.2 kg
Volatile solids (VS) 56.5 kg
Of total VS:
- easily degradable
34.0 kg
- heavy degradable 22.5 kg
Total-N (DJF, 2008) No data
(calculated: 5.54 kg)
Total-N in this study 5.48 kg
NH4+-N No data
Total-P 1.13 kg
Potassium (K) 2.85 kg
Carbon (C) 33.3 kg
Copper (Cu) 30.0 g
Zinc (Zn) 89.4 g
Density 1053 kg per m³
pH 7.8

H.3 Storage of raw slurry in pre-tank at farm

The storage of raw slurry is identical to the process in Annex F, section F.3.

The storage duration is, for this study, assumed to be rather short and it has been assumed that losses of CH4, CO2 and N2O in the pre-tank are negligible.

Accordingly, the composition of the slurry “ex pre-tank” is assumed to be identical to the “ex-housing” composition from table H.1 above.

H.4 mechanical separation (no polymer) – screw press and arc strainers

The mechanical separation process used in this Annex is the Samson Bimatech mechanical separation described in Annex C, section C.4. The life cycle inventory data are shown in table C.4.

Note, that the Samson Bimatech mechanical separation in Annex C does not include the use of polymer. It is possible to add polymer to the separation (J. Mertz, 2008), however this is not included in this report.

The slurry before the separation has the same composition as in Annex C, accordingly, the life cycle inventory data and the resulting separated fibre fraction and liquid fraction are identical to the fractions from Annex C. The composition of the slurry before and after the separation is shown in table H.2 below (and this is identical to table C.3 from Annex C).

Table H.2. Mass balances for mechanical separation of slurry from fattening pigs.
Per 1000 kg of slurry “ex-housing”.

Click here to see Table H.2.

H.5 Outdoor storage of the liquid fraction

H.5.1 General description

The main principles for the outdoor storage of the liquid fraction in this annex are basically the same as for the outdoor storage of the liquid fraction in Annex F, however, as the separation process is different, the composition of the liquid fraction is different. As the emissions depend on the composition of the liquid fraction, the emissions will be different from Annex F (but still be based on the same calculation methods).

As in Annex F, the liquid fraction is stored in an outdoor concrete tank covered with a floating layer consisting of 2.5 kg of straw per 1000 kg slurry stored. Because straw is regarded as a waste product from cereal production (rather than a co-product), the life cycle data of straw production are not included in this study (as in Annex F).

H.5.2 Addition of water

Water will be added in the liquid fraction during storage through precipitations. The amount of precipitations is the same as in Annex A and F, i.e. a total of 86 kg of water.

H.5.3 Electricity consumption

The electricity for pumping and stirring is assumed to be identical to the electricity consumption for the pumping and stirring in Annex F (see section F.5.3), i.e. 1.45 kWh per 1000 kg liquid fraction. This consumption was calculated from the data for raw slurry presented in Annex A, but adjusted by a factor of 0.5 to take into account that the separated liquid fraction is likely to offer much less resistance when stirring or pumping than does the raw slurry. There might be a difference between the viscosity and resistance for the liquid fraction in this annex as compared to the liquid fraction in Annex F since the content of DM is not the same, however, this 0.5 factor adjustment is a rough estimate anyway that only aims to take into account. Moreover, the results of the life cycle assessment for the reference scenario in Annex A shows that the electricity consumption in this stage is rather insignificant for the overall results.

H.5.4 Emissions of CH4

For the calculation of the emissions of CH4 from the outdoor storage of the liquid fraction, the same method has been applied as in Annex F, see the explanation in section F.5.4.

As described in section F.5.4, the CH4 emissions are calculated based on the IPCC methodology, but by using the VS content of the separated liquid fraction (the VS being calculated with the hypothesis that VS = DM * 80 %). This gives a CH4 emission of 1.248 kg per 1000 kg of liquid separated fraction[2]. When comparing with the values of the CH4 emission from the outdoor storage of the liquid fraction from Annex F it can be seen that the CH4 emission from the storage in this annex is significantly higher. This is caused by the higher content of DM (and thereby VS) in the liquid fraction. However, it is still a reduction compared to the outdoor storage of the slurry in the reference scenario. The value of 1.248 kg CH4 per 1000 kg of liquid fraction represents a reduction of 36 % as compared to the emissions occurring during the storage of raw slurry (which was 1.94 kg CH4 per 1000 kg slurry ex-housing, table A.11, Annex A). This is in the range of values presented by Martinez et al. (2003), where reductions in CH4 emissions between 7% and 40% were observed from the storage of different mechanically separated liquid fractions, as compared to raw slurry.

H.5.5 Emissions of CO2

Emissions of CO2 were estimated as a function of the methane emissions, based on the Buswell equation (Symons and Buswell, 1933) and the composition of pig slurry in terms of organic components constituting the VS. This calculation is detailed in Annex F (section F.5.5) and demonstrates that an amount of 1.42 g of CO2 is produced per g of CH4.

As mentioned in section F.2 in Annex F, part of the produced CO2 from the outdoor storage is emitted to air immediately and part of the CO2 is dissolved in the slurry. However, in this life cycle assessment, it is calculated as all the CO2 is emitted to air immediately, which makes the interpretation of the sources easier, as detailed in section F.2.

H.5.6 Emissions of NH3

In this project, the ammonia emissions are calculated using the same assumption as for the reference scenario: According to Poulsen et al. (2001), the emission of NH3–N is 2% of the total-N in the slurry “ex-housing” (i.e. “ex-separation” in the present case). This corresponds to NH3–N emissions of 0.1077 kg per 1000 kg of separated liquid.

H.5.7 Emissions of N2O, NO-N and N2-N

As in Annex F, section F.5.7, the N2O emissions from the outdoor storage is calculated based on the IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2006), using the total-N content of the slurry “ex-separation”. This gives a N2O emission of 0.03244 kg N2O-N per 1000 kg liquid fraction [3]. As mentioned in section F.5.7 it is acknowledged that the N2O emissions may in fact be lower than this estimate due to the lower DM content in the liquid fraction (and thereby a lower potential for easily converted VS content).

The NO-N and N2-N emissions were calculated in the same way as in Annex A, i.e. based on the study of Dämmgen and Hutchings (2008). In their study, they assumed that the emission of nitrogen monoxide (NO) is the same as the direct emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) (measured as NO-N and N2O-N). Furthermore, they assumed that emission of nitrogen (N2) is three times as high as the direct emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) (measured as N2-N and N2O-N).

As regarding the total NOX emissions (NOX = NO + NO2), it was assumed, as in Annex A, that NOX = NO. This is because it has not been possible to find data on NO2.

Therefore, this means that the NO-N emissions (and thereby the NOX-N emissions) correspond to 0.03244 kg per 1000 kg liquid fraction and the N2-N emissions correspond to 0.09732 kg per 1000 kg liquid fraction.

The indirect N2O-N emissions can be calculated as described by IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2006), i.e. as 0.01 * (NH3-N + NOX-N). This gives indirect N2O-N emissions of 0.0014 kg per 1000 kg liquid fraction.

H.5.8 Life cycle data and mass balances for storage of liquid fraction

Table H.3 summarizes the life cycle inventory data for the storage of liquid fraction and presents the comparison with the storage emissions in Annex A. It must be emphasized that 1000 kg liquid fraction do not correspond to 1000 kg slurry ex-animal, so the values of Annex A versus Annex H are not directly comparable. Values from Annex A were only included since they were needed for the calculation of many of the emissions.

Table H.4 presents the mass balance of the liquid fraction in order to establish its composition after the storage. In this table, it can be noticed that the change of DM is estimated as the losses of N and C. It is acknowledged that this is a rough estimation, as other elements of greater molecular weight may also be lost (e.g. dissolved O2). The estimated DM change shall therefore be seen as a minimum change, the actual DM change may in fact be greater than the one taken into account in this study.

Table H.3 Life cycle data for storage of the liquid fraction. All data per 1000 kg of liquid fraction “ex-separation”.

  Reference pig
(scenario A)
Liquid fraction
(fattening pig
(scenario H)
Liquid fraction “ex-separation”   1000 kg The emissions are calculated relative to this.
Slurry “ex-housing” 1000 kg    
Water 86 kg 86 kg  
Concrete slurry store Included Included As in scenario A.
Cut straw 2.5 kg 2.5 kg As straw is regarded as a waste product from cereal production (rather than a co-product), the life cycle data of straw production are not included.
Slurry “ex-storage” 1086 kg 1086 kg  
Energy consumption
Electricity   1.45 kWh Electricity for pumping and stirring (see text).
Emissions to air
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.18 kg
(if calculated as in Annex H :2.755 kg)
1.772 kg Calculated from CH4 emissions: kg CO2 = 1.248 kg CH4 * 1.42 (see text).
Methane (CH4) 1.94 kg 1.248 kg Based on IPCC methodology (IPCC, 2006), but with VS of separated liquid fraction, see text.
Ammonia (NH3-N) 0.11 kg 0.1077 kg NH3-N = 2% of the total-N in the liquid fraction “ex-separation”, see text.
Direct emissions of Nitrous oxide (N2O-N) 0.033 kg 0.03244 kg Evaluated based on reference slurry emissions, adjusted with relative total N ratios (see text).
Indirect emissions of
Nitrous oxide (N2O-N)
0.0014 kg 0.0014 kg 0.01 kg N2O–N per kg (NH3–N + NOX–N) volatilised (IPCC, 2006, table 11.3), see text.
Nitrogen monoxide (NO-N) (representing total NOX) 0.033 kg 0.03244 kg Estimate based on Dämmgen and Hutchings (2008), consisting of assuming that NO-N = (direct) N2O-N * 1, see text.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2-N) No data No data No data
Nitrogen (N2-N) 0.099 kg 0.0973 kg Estimate based on Dämmgen and Hutchings (2008), consisting of assuming that N2-N = (direct) N2O-N * 3
Discharges to water
  None None Assumed to be none, as leakages from slurry tanks are prohibited in Denmark

Table H.4. Mass balances for storage of liquid fraction

  Composition of
liquid fraction
separation and
(from table
Mass balance:
Change during storage
of liquid fraction
Mass balance:
Amount after
storage of liquid
Composition of
liquid fraction AFTER
  [kg per 1000 kg
liquid fraction]
[kg]  [kg] [kg per 1000 kg
liquid fraction
AFTER storage]
Total mass 1000 kg 86 kg 1086 kg 1000 kg
Dry matter (DM) 51.76 kg - 1.688 kg c) 50.072 kg 46.11 kg
Total-N 5.387 kg - 0.270 kg a) 5.117 kg 4.712 kg
Total-P 1.0833 kg No change 1.0833 kg 0.9975 kg
Potassium (K) 2.9187 kg No change 2.9187 kg 2.688 kg
Carbon (C) 24.728 kg - 1.418 kg b) 23.31 kg 21.46 kg
Copper (Cu) 0.030189 kg No change 0.030189 kg 0.0278 kg
Zinc (Zn) 0.088361 kg No change 0.088361 kg 0.08136 kg

a Changes in total N: 0.1077 kg NH3-N + 0.03244 kg N2O-N + 0.03244 kg NO-N + 0.0973 kg N2-N = 0.270 kg N

b Changes in total C: 1.772 kg CO2 * 12.011 [g/mol] /44.01 [g/mol] + 1.248 kg CH4 * 12.011 [g/mol] /16.04 [g/mol] = 1.418 kg C

c The change in DM is assumed to be identical to the sum of the loss of N and C

H.6 Transport of liquid fraction to field

The transport of the liquid fraction to field is assumed to be identical to the transport of the untreated slurry in Annex A. Accordingly the same assumptions have been applied.

This means that the process “Transport, tractor and trailer” from the ecoinvent database has been used (Nemecek and Kägi, 2007, p.204), for a distance of 10 km. This includes the construction of the tractor and the trailer. As the transport by trucks (instead of by tractor with a trailer) is required by law in Denmark when the slurry is transported for distances greater than 10 km, Wesnæs et al. (2009) carried out a sensitivity analysis with a transportation distance of 32 km (involving transport by truck). Yet, they found that the transport distance of slurry from the storage to the field had no significance on the environmental impacts they assessed. Therefore, the transport distance from storage to field is fixed to 10 km in the present project.

H.7 Field processes (liquid fraction)

H.7.1 General description

The main principles for the field processes for the liquid fraction in this annex are basically the same as for the field processes for the liquid fraction in Annex F. However, as the composition of the liquid fraction is different, the emissions will be different from Annex F, as the emissions depend on the composition of the liquid fraction (but they are still based on the same calculation methods).

H.7.2 Emissions of CH4 and CO2

As described in Annex F, section F.7.2, the CH4 emissions on the field are assumed to be negligible, as the formation of CH4 requires an anaerobic environment, which is, under normal conditions, not the case in the top soil.

CO2 emissions and C-binding in the soil are modelled by the dynamic soil organic matter model C-TOOL (Petersen et al., 2002; Gyldenkærne et al., 2007). The development in organic soil N is modelled by assuming a 10:1 ratio in the C to N development.

H.7.3 Emissions of NH3

The NH3-N emissions during application were calculated as in the reference scenario, i.e. 0.5 % of the NH4+-N “ex-storage”. This is based on Hansen et al. (2008). Yet, Hansen et al. (2008) calculated NH4+-N “ex-storage” as 79 % of the total N (instead of 75 % as assumed in this study). In this specific case, because the NH3-N emissions are calculated based on Hansen et al. (2008), the NH4+-N will be evaluated with the figures presented by Hansen et al. (2008), as it was done in Annex A.

The NH3-N emissions for the period after application are calculated by using the same method as described in Annex F, section F.7.3. Therefore, they are estimated as 50% of 0.138 kg NH3-N per kg TAN-N in the pig slurry, assuming that the TAN (NH3+NH4+), at the liquid fraction pH, corresponds to NH4+ only, and evaluating NH4+-N as 79 % of the total N (as these data are also based on Hansen et al., 2008). As this figure includes the NH3-N emissions during application mentioned above, these are subtracted.

H.7.4 Emissions of N2O-N and NOX-N and N2-N

Direct and indirect N2O-N emissions as well as emissions of NOX-N were calculated as in the reference scenario (section A.5.3 and A.5.4 in Annex A). This means that the direct emissions of N2O-N are evaluated as 0.01 kg N2O-N per kg N in the ex-storage liquid fraction (table 11.1 in IPCC (2006)). Yet, it is acknowledged that this may overestimate the N2O emissions occurring from the spreading of the liquid fraction, as the C/N ratio of the liquid fraction is lower than the C/N ratio of the non-separated slurry. In fact, according to Møller et al. (2007c), the centrifugal separation mainly transfers the organic N to the solid fraction, while the dissolved NH4+ goes in the liquid fraction. A higher NH4-N content involves more N in a form directly available for plants. This means that less N shall be available to microorganisms for nitrification (where NO3- is formed), and thus, the potential for denitrification (where NO3- is reduced to N2O, and subsequently to N2) is reduced. According to Amon et al. (2006), a lower C/N ratio also reduces the potential for N immobilisation in the soil N pool, and thereby the availability of N for denitrification.

The indirect N2O-N emissions due to ammonia and NOX are evaluated as 0.01 kg N2O-N per kg of (NH3 + NOX) volatilized. The indirect N2O-N emissions due to nitrate leaching correspond to 0.0075 kg N2O-N per kg of N leaching.

The emissions of NOX-N are calculated as 0.1* direct N2O-N, based on Nemecek and Kägi (2007).

The N2-N emissions are based on the estimates from SimDen (Vinther, 2004). For soil type JB3 the N2-N:N2O-N ratio is 3:1 and for soil type JB6 the N2-N:N2O-N ratio is 6.

H.7.5 Calculation of liquid fraction fertilizer value

The fertilizer value for liquid fraction is calculated and detailed in section H.23.

H.7.6 Nitrate leaching

In order to calculate N leaching values, the same simplifying assumption as in Annex C is used: the liquid fraction, once the respective ammonia losses have been subtracted, can be modeled as: a given proportion of slurry + a given amount of mineral N. The present liquid fraction has a higher content of N relative to C, as compared to the original reference slurry. This is because the mechanical separation transfers relatively more C (i.e. 29.6%) to the fibre fraction than N (i.e. 6.8%). As the amount of organic matter is one of the key properties for its effect on the N partitioning, the amount of C relative to N in the pig slurry from the reference scenario is used. The N values are taken after ammonia volatilization. The C:N proportion is 29.2 [kg C] / (4.80-0.02-0.48) [kg N] = 6.79 for the slurry and 21.7 [kg C] / (4.71-0.02-0.24) [kg N] = 4.876 for the liquid fraction. The “virtual” proportion of N assumed to affect the soil and plants as raw slurry is therefore 4.876/6.79 = 0.72, and the virtual proportion of N assumed to affect the soil and plants as mineral N is accordingly 0.28. The tables A.14 and A.15 of Annex A are therefore the basis for the calculation of N leaching, after correcting for their respective ammonia volatilizations.

H.7.7 Phosphorus leaching

For P leaching, the same assumptions as those used in Annex A were used, i.e., 10% of the P applied to field has the possibility of leaching and 6% of this actually reach the aquatic recipients, based on Hauschild and Potting (2005).

H.7.8 Cu and Zn fate

As in Annex A, it is considered that the entirety of the Cu and Zn applied will leach through the water compartment.

H.7.9 Life cycle data for field application of liquid fraction

Table H.5 presents the life cycle data for the application of ex-storage liquid fraction on the field. The results of the reference case (Annex A) are also presented for comparison purposes. However, in order to be comparable, both results must be related to the functional unit, i.e. 1000 kg slurry ex-animal.

Table H.5. Life cycle data for the field processes related with the application of liquid fraction. All data per 1000 kg of “liquid fraction ex-storage”.

  Fattening pig
(Annex A)
Liquid fraction
after storage
(Annex H)
Slurry/ liquid fraction “ex-storage” 1000 kg 1000 kg Slurry / liquid fraction from the outdoor storage.
Slurry on field,
fertiliser value
Fertiliser replacement value:
3.75 kg N
1.04 kg P
2.6 kg K
Fertiliser replacement value,
N, P and K: see section H.23.
Energy consumption
Diesel for slurry 0.4 litres of diesel 0.4 litres of diesel See Annex A, section A.5.1.
Emissions to air
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Soil JB3
Soil JB6
 81.6 kg
80.2 kg
56.2 (73.562) kg
55.1 (73.142) kg
Modelled by C-TOOL (Gyldenkærne et al, 2007). 10 year value shown, 100 years value in parenthesis. (same as in Annex C, table C.9)
Methane (CH4) Negligible Negligible The CH4 emission on the field are assumed to be negligible, as the formation of CH4 requires anoxic environment (the field is aerobic) (Sherlock et al., 2002).
Ammonia (NH3-N)
during application
0.02 kg 0.0186 kg NH3 emissions during application: 0.5% of NH4+-N “ex-storage”, the NH4+-N “ex-storage” being evaluated as 79 % of total N. Calculation based on Hansen et al. (2008), see text.
4.712 kg N * 79% * 0.5% = 0.0143 kg NH3-N
Ammonia (NH3-N)
in period after application
0.48 kg 0.238 kg Correspond to 50 % of the emissions calculated as in Annex A. In Annex A, it is considered that there is a loss of 0.138 kg NH3-N per kg of NH4-N MINUS the NH3 emissions during application, see above. NH4+-N is here evaluated as 79% of total N.
50% * 0.138 kg NH3-N/kg TAN-N * 79% * 4.712 kg N MINUS 0.0186 kg NH3-N from application
= 0.23825 kg NH3-N.
Direct emissions of
Nitrous oxide (N2O-N)
0.05 kg
0.04712 kg
0.01 [0.003 - 0.03] kg N2O-N per kg N “ex-storage” for application of animal wastes to soil, based on IPPC (IPCC, 2006: table 11.1).
Indirect emissions of
Nitrous oxide (N2O-N)
Soil JB3
Soil JB6
0.005 kg
0.014 kg
0.011 kg
0.00261 kg
0.0146 (0.0163) kg
0.0115 (0.0128)kg
Indirect emissions due to emissions of ammonia and NOX: 0.01 kg N2O–N per kg (NH3–N + NOX–N) volatilised (IPCC, 2006).
Indirect emissions due to nitrate leaching:
0.0075 kg N2O–N per kg N leaching (IPCC, 2006). 10 year value shown, 100 years value in parenthesis.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx-N) 0.005 kg 0.004712 kg NOX–N = 0.1 * direct N2O-N according to Nemecek and Kägi (2007)
Nitrogen (N2-N)
Soil JB3
Soil JB6
0.15 kg
0.30 kg
0.1414 kg
0.2827 kg
Estimated from the SimDen model ratios between N2O and N2 by Vinther (2005), see text.
Discharges to soil
Nitrate leaching
Soil JB3
Soil JB6
1.91 (2.12) kg N
1.50 (1.67) kg N
1.95 (2.17) kg N
1.53 (1.70) kg N
See text. This is as in Annex C, table C.9
Phosphate leaching 0.104 kg P 0.09975 kg P 10 % of the P applied to field, see text.
Copper (Cu) 0.0276 kg 0.0278 kg 100 % of the Cu applied is assumed the leach
Zinc (Zn) 0.0824 kg 0.08136 kg 100 % of the Zn applied is assumed the leach

[2] 80 % * 51.76 kg DM per 1000 kg liquid fraction (see table H.2) * 0.45 * 0.67 * 10 % = 1.248 kg

[3] The content of total-N “ex-separation” is 5.387 kg/1000 kg liquid fraction (table H.2). The content of total-N in the reference slurry is 5.48 kg per 1000 kg slurry ex-housing (table A.1, Annex A). The direct N2O emissions in the reference scenario were 0.033 kg N2O-N per 1000 kg slurry ex-housing (table A.11, Annex A). Therefore, the direct N2O-N emissions are calculated as: 0.033 kg N2O-N * (5.387 kg/ 5.48 kg) = 0.03244 kg N2O-N per 1000 kg liquid fraction.


Version 1.0 August 2010, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency