| Forside | | Indhold | | Tilbage | | Udskriftsvejledning |
Brancheorientering for tekstilfarvning og -tryk
Test |
EU-test nr, direktiv |
OECD guideline nr, seneste rev. |
ISO standarder |
DIN guidelines |
Toxicitet for fisk |
Acute toxicity for fish |
C1, 92/69/EEC |
203, 1992 |
ISO 7346, 1-3 |
DIN 38 412 (11)+(15). |
Fish juvenile growth test |
C14, 2001/59/EC |
215, 2000 |
- |
- |
Fish, short-term toxicity test on Embryo and sac-fry stages |
C15, 2001/59/EC |
212, 1998 |
- |
- |
Fish, Prolonged Toxicity Test: 14-Day Study |
- |
204, 1984 |
- |
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Fish, Early-Life Stage Toxicity Test |
- |
210, 1992 |
- |
- |
Toxicitet for Daphnia |
Acute toxicity for Daphnia |
C2, 92/69/EEC |
202, 2002 |
ISO 6341-1989 |
DIN 38412 (L1)+(Lll). |
Daphnia Magna reproduction test |
C20, 2001/59/EC |
211, 1998 |
- |
- |
Toxicitet for alger |
Alga, Growth Inhibition Test |
C3, 92/69/EEC |
201, 2002 |
ISO 8692 |
Let bionedbrydelighed i vand (screeningstest) |
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) die-away test |
C4 A, 92/69/EEC |
301 A, 1992 |
- |
- |
Modified OECD screening test |
C4 B, 92/69/EEC |
301 E, 1992 |
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Carbon dioxide evolution test |
C4 C, 92/69/EEC |
301 B, 1992 |
- |
- |
Manometric respirometry test |
C4 D, 92/69/EEC |
301 F, 1992 |
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- |
Closed bottle test |
C4 E, 92/69/EEC |
301 D, 1992 |
- |
- |
MITI test |
C4 F, 92/69/EEC |
301 C, 1992 |
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- |
Ready Biodegradability - CO2 in Sealed Vessels (Headspace Test) |
310 (udkast), 2001 |
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- |
Biodegradability in Seawater
(shake flask method and closed bottle test) |
- |
306, 1992 |
- |
- |
Nedbrydelighed, simuleringstest |
Aerobic Mineralisation in Surface Water – Simulation Biodegradation Test |
- |
309 (udkast) 2002 |
ISO 14592-1 |
- |
Aerobic and Anaerobic Transformation in Aquatic Sediment Systems |
C24 (udkast) |
308, 2002 |
ISO 14592-2 |
- |
Nedbrydelighed, andre |
Biochemical oxygen demand |
C5, 92/69/EEC |
- |
ISO 5815 |
- |
Chemical oxygen demand |
C6, 92/69/EEC |
- |
ISO 6060
(DS 217) |
DIN 38409-H-41 |
scope="row"Inherent Biodegradability for Poorly Soluble Substances |
- |
(udkast), 2001 |
- |
- |
Biodegradation : modified SCAS test
(nedbrydelighed ved tilsætning af høje koncentrationer af mikroorganismer) |
C12, 88/302/EEC |
302 A, 1981 |
- |
- |
Biodegradation : Zahn–Wellens / EMPA test
(nedbrydelighed ved tilsætning af høje koncentrationer af mikroorganismer) |
C9, 88/302/EEC |
302 B, 1992 |
- |
- |
Biodegradation: Modified MITI Test (II) |
- |
302 C, 1981 |
- |
- |
Abiotic degradation : hydrolysis as a function of pH |
C7, 92/69/EEC |
111, 2003 |
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Phototransformation of Chemicals in Water-Direct and Indirect Photolysis |
- |
(udkast), 2000 |
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- |
Test med relation til biologiske renseanlæg |
Biodegradation : activated sludge Respiration inhibition test
(bestemmelse af hæmning af aktivt slam) |
C11, 88/302/EEC |
209, 1984 |
ISO 8192-1986. |
- |
Simulation Test – Aerobic Sewage Treatment, Activated Sludge Units
(nedbrydelighed i aktiv slam anlæg) |
C10, 88/302/EEC |
303 A, 2001 |
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- |
Simulation Test – Aerobic Sewage Treatment, Biofilms
(nedbrydelighed i biofilm) |
- |
303 B, 2001 |
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- |
Biokoncentreringsfaktor |
Bioconcentration : flow-through fish test |
C13, 98/73/EC |
305, 1996 |
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- |
Fordelings koefficient mellem oktanol og vand |
Partition Coefficient, shake flask method |
A8, 92/69/EEC |
107, 1995 |
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- |
Partition Coefficient, HPLC method |
- |
117, 2002 |
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- |
Partition Coefficient pH-Metric Method for Ionisable Substances |
- |
122 (udkast), 2000 |
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- |
Partition Coefficient, Slow-Stirring Method |
- |
123 (udkast), 2003 |
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Bilag 1: EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Testing Methods and Directives. Last updated: 5 September 2001
| Forside | | Indhold | | Tilbage | | Udskriftsvejledning |
Version 1.0 August 2010, © Miljøstyrelsen.