Samfundsøkonomiske gevinster og omkostninger ved grønne produkter

Tabel 0.1 Characteristica of the selected products
Product-category: Television Washing machine Textile service Copy paper Office shelves
Product 32 "LCD flat screen TV 5 kg household model Work-clothes to an employee in a year 1 Air Dried Ton copy paper 1 section,
5 shelves
Ecolabelling EU-flower and nordic Swan Nordic Swan Nordic Swan EU-flower and Nordic Swan Nordic Swan
Essential ecolabel criteria Limited use of certain substances
Ceiling over energy consumption
Energy and water consumption
Prohibition of certain substances in textiles
Detergents degradability and toxicity
Ceiling on energy and water consumption
Energy consumption
Sustainable forestry Emissions of COD, AOX, NOx og CO2
Sustainable forestry
Energy consumption
Glue, varnish
Main differences, green and conventional products. 1) Ceiling over energy consumption Centrifugation
Warm water intake
Ceiling over energy and water consumption
Environmentally Optimized detergents
SO2, NOx and CO2 Durability/ longer lifetime
Differences in the manufacturing process Minor differences Stronger construction Intake of both warm and cold water Differences are not precisely identified Minor differences as a result of ecolabel criteria spill-overs Lifetime extension reduces production costs
Differences regarding transportation None None None None None
Differences in the use of the products Electricity savings Electricity savings for drying and electricity consumption replaced by district heating Suppliers consumption of energy, water and detergents None Longer lifetime
Differences at disposal Insignificant None None None Lifetime extention reduces the amount of waste
Focus in the socio economic analysis Savings in use versus additional costs in the production process. Savings in use versus additional costs in the production process. Cost savings and positive environmental impacts Cost savings and positive environmental impacts Cost savings and positive environmental impacts

1) Other differences are not included because of their limited importance or because of problems in estimating their size or economic value.


Version 1.0 Januar 2011, © Miljøstyrelsen.