
Environmental Project No. 527  2000

Future Air Quality in Danish cities

Impact study of the new EU Vehicle emission standards

The impact of new EU vehicle emission and fuel quality directives on the future air quality in Danish cities has been modelled for comparison with new limit values in the new EU directive on assessment and management of urban air quality. Nested modelling was applied using a set of air quality and emission models to predict concentration levels in the regional background, urban background and at street level. Air pollution levels were predicted to decrease for NO2, CO and benzene (ozone increased slightly) and the results show that the levels will not exceed the new EU limit values in 2010 despite increases in traffic.

Abstract in Danish
Konsekvenserne for den fremtidige luftkvalitet i danske byer af de nye EU direktiver for emission fra motorkøretøjer og for brændstofskvalitet er modelleret, og resultaterne er sammenlignet med EU’s nye grænseværdier i direktivet om vurdering og styring af luftkvaliteten. Ved hjælp af emissions- og spredningsmodeller er luftkvaliteten i den regionale baggrund, bybaggrunden og i gadeniveau beregnet. Beregningerne viser, at niveauerne af NO2, CO og benzen falder (ozon stiger lidt), og EU’s nye grænseværdier for 2010 forventes ikke at blive overskredet på trods af stigende trafik.

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