
Working Report no. 17  2000
Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen

Alternatives to brominated flame retardants 

Screening for environmental and health data

Cowi Consult has prepared a report on the health and environment aspects of the 12 alternatives to brominated flame retardants which are used most commonly in Denmark. From screening appears that also for most of the alternative substances, the health and environment-related properties are negative. Screening was based on summary literature, manuals, databases and other easily accessible information.

COWI har udarbejdet en rapport på engelsk om de miljø- og sundhedsmæssige egenskaber af de 12 alternativer til de bromerede flammehæmmere, der benyttes mest i Danmark. Screeningen viser, at alternativerne for de flestes vedkommende også har uheldige miljø- og/eller sundhedsmæssige egenskaber. Der er kun tale om en screening baseret på oversigtslitteratur, håndbøger, databaser og anden lettilgængelig information.

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