Working Report no. 24/2000

A Random sampling examination of Crayons in Denmark

An examination of crayon fillers for a possible             content of asbestos

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency have had 15 crayon products from the Danish market examined for possible content of asbestos. The present examination shows that asbestos generally does not occur in crayons, but that a potential risk exists that asbestos may occur if the crayons contain rock materials like talc or dolomite.

Abstract in Danish
Miljøstyrelsen har undersøgt 15 farveblyanter på det danske marked for deres indhold af asbest. Undersøgelsen viser, at der normalt ikke er asbest i blyanterne, men at der kan forekomme asbest i farveblyanter, som indeholder kalk eller dolomit.

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The Danish Environmental Protection Agency will, when op-portunity offers, publish reports and contributions relating to environmental research and development projects financed via the Danish EPA.

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