Waste Statistics 2000

4. Hazardous waste

Table 10 shows generation and treatment of hazardous waste in 1999 and 2000 by main groups. The statement covers waste from both primary and secondary sources. A detailed statement by ISAG fractions is found in Annex 3.

Waste from secondary sources, such as waste from incineration plants, is not included in total waste generation, cf. Table 1. This is due to the fact that waste would otherwise be counted in statistics twice: the first time upon reception at the primary treatment plant and the second time as a residue. However, it is reasonable to include waste from both primary and secondary sources in the assessment of capacity needs for management of hazardous waste.

Table 10
Generation and treatment of hazardous waste in 1999 and 2000. Tonnes.

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Hazardous waste from secondary sources amounted in 2000 to 104,000 tonnes, which is 12,000 tonnes less than in 1999. By far the major part – around 97,000 tonnes – were exported for landfilling or storage. In 1999 only around 67,000 tonnes were exported. The large increase in exported amounts is probably attributable to the introduction of a ban on landfilling of waste from flue gas cleaning in Denmark.