Build on the Positive Trends - next steps in the global effort for sustainable production and consumption

7 Conclusion

Over the past ten year years, thanks to the efforts of governmental and non-governmental actors, a series of significant results have been achieved in the shift towards sustainable patterns of production and consumption. However, there is a long way to go before the transition has been completed. Despite promising results in various fields, the combined increase in production and consumption has intensified the pressure on the environment.

Consequently, it is encouraging that the nations of the world used the World Summit on Sustainable Development to give greater priority to the shift towards sustainable production and consumption, for instance through stronger international cooperation and the development of a ten-year framework for programmes in this area

The UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) should, as soon as possible, lay down the overall objectives for the next ten years of work. The ambition ought to be, inter alia, meeting the goals of the Millennium Declaration, a marked reduction in environmental stress caused by a series of sectors in rich countries at home as well as globally, and establishing an effective system for the transfer of environmental technologies to developing countries.

All countries and a series of international organisations, alongside other actors, should develop detailed programmes for their contributions. Thereafter, the CSD should lay down the objectives for the endeavour in the medium term.

However, it is important -in the here and now- to build upon the momentum created through the work of the past ten years. International organisations can and should accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production by deciding to launch activities realisable in the short term.