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Naturlig nedbrydning af miljøfremmede stoffer i jord og grundvand

6. Litteratur

6.1 Litteratursøgning
6.2 Litteraturliste

6.1 Litteratursøgning

Litteratursøgningen har omfattet dels en systematisk søgning i internationale databaser, dels fremskaffelse af nyere relevant litteratur fra biblioteker ved Geoteknisk Institut og Institut for Miljøteknologi. Desuden er der fremskaffet materiale via Internettet (www).

Den systematiske litteratursøgning er udført ved Statsbiblioteket i perioden november 1997 - januar 1998. Søgningen er foretaget med Dialog i 16 databaser, jf. tabel 6.1, med en tidsmæssig begrænsning til artikler fra perioden 1992 - 1998.

For hvert stof, jf. tabel 1.1, er der gennemført en søgning med følgende søgeord:


Ved søgningerne er stoffernes engelske systematiske navne, trivialnavne i henhold til CAS-registreringsnumre og gængse forkortelser (fx DDT, MTBE) anvendt. Der er ikke søgt på stofgrupper, som fx PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

For hver søgning er der foretaget udskrift af de fundne referencers titler. På baggrund heraf er åbenlyst irrelevante referencer frasorteret. For de resterende referencer er der foretaget udskrift af abstracts. Efter gennemgang af abstracts er irrelevante referencer frasorteret. Frasortering er sket af laboratorieforsøg med begunstigede bakteriekulturer af tilvænnede organismer eller genmanipulerede organismer, af promoverede vækstforsøg i bioreaktorer og af feltforsøg, hvor redoxforhold eller substrat og næringsforhold er manipuleret.

De således udvalgte originalartikler er fremskaffet i deres helhed. De beskrevne forsøg er vurderet kritisk med hensyn til forsøgsbetingelser, anvendte målemetoder, kontrolforsøg, reproducerbarhed og statistisk bearbejdning.

Tabel 6.1
Liste over internationale databaser, hvori der er gennemført systematisk søgning.

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts: 1978-1997,
(U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Bethesda, MD, USA).

BIOSIS Previews: 1969-1997,
(BIOSIS, Philadelphia, USA).

CAB Abstracts: 1972-1997,
(CAB International; Wallingford, Oxfordshire, U.K.).

Ei Compendex Plus: 1970-1998,
(Engineering Information Inc.; Hoboken, NJ, USA).

EMBASE: 1974-1997,
(Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

Enviroline: 1975-1997,
(Congressional Information Service, Inc., a Reed Reference Publishing Sompany; Bethesda, MD, USA).

Environmental Bibliography: 1974-1997,
(Environmental Studies Institute; Santa Barbara, CA, USA).

GeoArchive: 1974-1998,
(Geosystems; Oxon, U.K.).

GEOBASE: 1987-1997,
(Elsevier Science B.V.; Norwich, U.K.).

GeoRef: 1785-1997,
(American Geological Institute; Alexandria, VA, USA).

Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts: 1970-1997,
(American Meteorological Society; Boston, MA, USA).

NTIS: 1964-1997,
(National Technical Information Service, Springfield, USA).

Pollution Abstracts: 1970-1997,
(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Bethesda, MD, USA).

SciSearch: 1974-1997,
(Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia, USA).

WATERNET: 1971-1997,
(American Water Works Association; Denver, CO, USA).

Water Resources Abstracts: 1967-1997,
(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Bethesda, MD, USA).

6.2 Litteraturliste

Alexander, Martin; 1985:
Biodegradation of arganic chemicals.
Environmental Science and Technology, 18, (2), pp.106-111.

Aprill, W., Sims, R.C., Sims, J.L. and Matthews, J.E.; 1990:
Assesing detoxification and degradation of wood preserving and petroleum wastes in contaminated soil.
Waste management and research, 8.

Arbejdstilsynet; 1996:
Grænseværdier for stoffer og materialer.
At-anvisning Nr.

Barbee, Gary C.; 1994:
Fate of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in the Vadose Zone and Ground Water.
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 14, pp. 129-140.

Barrio-Lage, G. A. et. al.; 1990:
Enhanced anaerobic Biodegradation of Vinylchloride in Ground Water.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9, pp. 403-415.

Benker, E., Davis, G.B., Appleyard, S., Berry, D. A. og Power, T. R.; 1994:
Groundwater contamination by trichlorethene (TCE) in a residential area of Perth: Distribution, mobility, and implications for management.
In: Proceedings - Water Down Under ’94, 25th Congress of IAH, Adelaide, South Australia.

Bjerg, P.L., Rügge, K., Cortsen, J., Nielsen, P.H. and Christensen, T.H.; 1997:
Degradation of aromatic and aliphstic hydrocarbons in the anaerobic part of the Grindsted Landfill leachate plume: In situ microcosm and laboratory batch experiments.
Submitted to Ground Water.

Borden, R.C., Daniel, R.A. , LeBrun IV L.E. og Davis C.W.; 1997a:
Intrinsic biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX in a gasoline-contaminated aquifer.
Water Resources Research, 33, (5), pp. 1105-1115.

Borden, R.C.; Hunt, J.H.; Shafer, M.B.; Barlaz, M.A.; 1997b:
Anaerobic biodegradation of BTEX in aquifer material.
Environmental Research Brief, EPA/600/S-97-003.

Bosma, T.N.P. et. al.; 1997:
Intrinsic dechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane at an industrial site.
In: Alleman, B.C. og Leeson, A.; In situ and On-site Bioremediation: Volume 3, pp. 155-159.
Fourth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, 1997.

Bouwer, E. J.; 1994:
Bioremediation of chlorinated solvents using alternate electron acceptors.
In: Norris, R.D. et al. (eds.): Handbook of Bioremediation, pp. 149-175. Lewis Publishers.

Bradley, B.M. og Chapelle, F.H.; 1997:
Kinetics of DCE and VC Mineralization under Methanogenic and Fe(III)-Reducing Conditions.
Environmental Science & Technology 31, (9), pp. 2692-2696.

Buscheck, T.E.; O´Reilly, K.T.; Nelson, S.N.; 1993:
Evaluation of intrinsic bioremediation at field sites.
In Proceedings of the 1993 Petroleum hydrocarbon and organic chemicals in groundwater. Prevention, Detection and Restoration, pp. 367-381. Water Well Journal Publishing Co, Dublin, OH.

Carmichael, L. M. and Pfaender, F. K.; 1997:
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon metabolism in soils: Realtionship to soil characteristics and preexposure.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16, (4), pp. 666-675.

Christensen, L. B., Arvin, E. og Jensen, B.; 1987:
Olieprodukters opløselighed i grundvand.
Rapport til Miljøstyrelsen.
Laboratoriet for teknisk hygiejne, Danmarks Tekniske Højskole.

Christensen, L.B. and Larsen, T.H.; 1993:
Method for Determining the Age of Diesel Oil Spills in the Soil.
Ground Water monitoring review, pp. 142-149.

Coover, M.P., and Sims, R.C. ; 1987:
The effect of temperature on polycyclic aromtic hydrocarbon persistence in an unacclimated agricultural soil.
Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Matter, 4.

Cox, E., Edwards, E., Lehmicke, L. og Major, D.; 1995:
Intrinsic biodegradation of trichloroethylene and trichloroethane in a sequential anaerobic-aerobic aquifer.
In: Hinchee, R.E., Wilson, J.T. og Downwy, D.C. (eds.), Intrinsic Bioremediation, pp. 223-231. Battelle Press.

Davis, J.W. og Carpenter, L.C.; 1990:
Aerobic Biodegradation of Vinyl Chloride in Groundwater Samples.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 56, (12), pp. 3878-3880.

Deeley, G. M., Sierkowski, P. and Robertson, J.M.; 1985:
Biodegradation af [14C] phenol in secondary sewage and landfill leachate measured by double-vial radiorespirometru.
Applied and Evnironmental Microbiology, 49, pp. 867-869.

Dimond, J. B. and Owen, R.B.; 1996.
Long-term residue of DDT compounds in forrest soils in Maine.
Environmental Pollution, 92 (2): pp. 227-230.

Doong, Ruey-an og Chen, Tsu-feng; 1996:
Anaerobic degradation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane with the amendment of different substrate and microbial concentrations.
Chemosphere, 32, (10), pp. 2003-2014.

Dörfler, U., Haala, R., Matthies, M. and Scheunert, I.; 1996.
Mineralization Kinetics of Chemicals in soils in relation to Environmental Conditions. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 34, pp. 216 - 222.

Dupont, R.R., Gorder, K., Sorensen, D.L., Kemblowski, M.W. og Haas, P.; 1997:
Case Study: Eielson Air Force Base, Michigan.
In: "Proceedings on the Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics in Ground Water", pp. 106-111. EPA/540/R-97/504, may 1997.

Ehlke, T.A. og Imbrigiotte, T.E.; 1997:
Estimation og Laboraty and in Situ Degradation Rates for Trichlorethene and cis1,2-Dichloroethene in a Contaminated Aquifer at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey.
In: "Proceedings on the Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics in Ground Water", pp. 149-150. EPA/540/R-97/504, may 1997.

Ellis, David E. et. al.; 1997a:
Remediation Technology Development Forum Intrinsic Remediation Project at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
In: "Proceedings on the Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics in Ground Water", pp. 95-99.
EPA/540/R-97/504, may 1997.

Ellis, David E.; 1997b:
Intrinsic Remediation in the Industrial marketplace.
In: "Proceedings on the Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics in Ground Water", pp.129-132.
EPA/540/R-97/504, may 1997.

Flathman, P.E. et al.; 1991:
Laboraty evaluation of the utilization of hydrogen peroxide for enhanced biological treatment of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in soil.
In: "In situ bioreclamation": Hinchee, R.E. and Olfenbuttel, R.F. (eds.). Butterworth-Heinemann.

Flyvbjerg, J., Arvin, E., Jensen, B.K. and Olsen, S.K.; 1993:
Microbial degradation of phenols and aromatic hydrocarbons in creosote-contaminated groundwater under nitrate-reducing conditions.
Journal of contaminant Hydrology, 12, pp. 133-150.

Fu, M.H. og Alexander, M.; 1992:
Biodegradation af Styrene in samples of natural environments.
Environmental Science and Technology 26 (8), pp. 1540-1544.

Fu, M.H. og Alexander, M.; 1996:
Biodegradation af Styrene in waterlogged Soils and Aquifer Solids.
Soil Science 161 (12), pp. 846-851.

Goodin, J. D. and Webber, M. D.; 1995:
Persistence and Fate of Anthracene and Benzo(a)pyrene in Municipal Sludge Treated Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 24, pp. 271-278.

Grosser, J.R., Warshawsky, D. and Vestal, J.R.; 1995:
Mineralization of polycyclic and N-heeterocyclic aromatik compounds in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14 (3), pp. 375-382.

Henson, J.M., Yates, M.V. og Cochran, J.W.; 1989:
Metabolism of chlorinated methanes, ethanes, and ethylenes by a mixed bacterial culture growing off methane.
Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 4, pp. 29-35.

Hutchins, S.R.; Sewell, G.W.; Kovacs, D.A.; Smith, G.A.; 1991:
Biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons by aquifer microorganisms under denitrifying conditions.
Environmental Science and Technology, 25, pp. 68-76.

Imbrigiotta, T.E., Ehlke, T.A., Wilson, B.H. og Wilson, J.T.; 1997:
Case Study: Natural Attenuation of a Trichloroethene Plume at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey.
In: "Proceedings on the Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics in Ground Water", pp. 85-91. EPA/540/R-97/504.

Jørgensen, C., Jensen, B.K., Christensen, T.H. Kløft, L. and Madsen, A.N.; 1990:
Biorestoration of contaminated soil. Lab. experiments.
In: Arendt, Hinsenveld and Van den Brink (eds.), Contaminated soil '90, pp. 1035-1036.

Keck, J., Sims, R.C., Coover, M., Park, K., Symons, B.; 1989:
Evidence for cooxidation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in soil.
Water Resources 23 (12), pp. 1467-1476.

Kjeldsen, P. & Christensen, T. H.; 1996:
Kemiske stoffers opførsel i jord og grundvand.
Projekt om jord og grundvand fra Miljøstyrelsen. Nr. 20.

Kästner, M., Breuer-Jammali, M. and Mahro, B.; 1994:
Enumeration and characterisation of the soil microflora from hydrocarbon-contaminated sites able to mineralize polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).
Applied Microbiol Biotechnol, 41, pp. 267-273.

Klecka, G.M., Stanley, J.G. og Markham, D.A.; 1990:
Biological Transformations of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane in Subsurface Soils and Ground Water.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9, pp. 1437-1451.

Lee, M.D., Mazierski, P.F. , Buchanan, R.J. Jr., Ellis, D.E. og Sehayek, L.S.; 1995:
Intrinsic and in situ anaerobic biodegradation of chlorinated solvents at an industrial landfill.
In: Hinchee, R.E., Wilson, J.T. og Downwy, D.C. (eds.): Intrinsic Bioremediation, pp. 205-222. Battelle Press.

Lynch, J. M. & Poole, N. J.; 1979:
Microbial Ecology. A Conceptual Approach.
Blackwell Scientific Publikations.

MacIntyre, W.G.; Boggs, M., Antworth, C.P.; Stauffer, T.B.; 1993:
Degradation kinetics of aromatic organic solutes introduced into a heterogenous aquifer.
Water Resources Research, 29, pp. 4045-4051.

Madsen, E.L., Mann, C.L. and Bilotta, S.E.; 1996:
Oxygen limitations and aging as explanations for the field persistence of naphthalene in coal tar-contaminated surface sediments.
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Rügge, K., Bjerg, P.L. and Christensen, T.H.; 1997b:
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