Report of the sub-committee on the environment and health.

Figure 6.4
The total average intake of pesticide residues (denoted I) from different fruit and vegetables, when account is not taken of such factors as peeling and similar that reduce the residual content of pesticides. The vertical line gives the mean value for all pesticides (0.3% of ADI).

(Figure text:
Middelværdi for alle pesticider = Mean value for all pesticides
Pesticid = Pesticide
Orto-phenylphenol = Ortho-phenylphenol
Dimethoat = Dimethoate
Lindan = Lindane
Hexachlorbenzen = Hexachlorobenzene
Dithiocarbamater = Dithiocarbamates
Endosulfan = Endosulfan
Methidathion = Methidathion
Indtag i % af ADI (acceptable daily intake) for det enkelte pesticid) = Intake in % of ADI (acceptable daily intake) for the individual pesticide)