Life Cycle Assessment of Slurry Management Technologies


Life Cycle Assessment of Slurry Management Technologies

Key Subjects:
Life Cycle Assessment, slurry management, slurry, manure, techniques, acidification, incineration, environmental effect

Key Subjects in Danish:
Livscyklusanalyse, gyllebehandling, gylle, husdyrgødning, teknologier, forsuring, afbrænding, miljøeffekt

This report contains the results of Life Cycle Assessments of two slurry management technologies – acidification and decentred incineration.

The LCA foundation can be used by the contributing companies for evaluating the environmental sustainability of a specific technology from a holistic Life Cycle perspective. Through this the companies can evaluate the environmental benefits and disadvantages of introducing a specific technology for slurry management.

From a societal perspective the results can contribute to a clarification of which slurry management technologies (or combination of technologies) having the largest potential for reducing the overall environmental impacts.

Abstract in Danish:
Nærværende rapport, der indeholder resultater af livscyklusvurderinger af gyllebehandlingsteknologierne gylleforsuring og decentral afbrænding via pyrolyse.

LCA-fundamentet kan bruges af de deltagende virksomheder til at vurdere den miljømæssige bæredygtighed af en specifik teknologi ud fra et helhedsorienteret livscyklusperspektiv. Herigennem kan virksomhederne afklare de miljømæssige fordele og ulemper ved at introducere en bestemt gyllebehandlingsteknologi.

Fra et samfundsmæssigt perspektiv kan resultaterne bidrage til en afklaring af, hvilke gyllebehandlingsteknologier (eller kombinationer af teknologier), der har det største potentiale for at reducere de inkluderede miljøeffekter.

Series title and no.:
Environmental Project No. 1298 2009

Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Performing organization(s):

Danish Environmental Protection Agency

PhD. Marianne Wesnæs, University of Southern Denmark
Prof. Henrik Wenzel, University of Southern Denmark
PhD. Bjørn Molt Petersen, Department of Agroecology and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University.

Schultz Grafisk (web)



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Version 1.0 July 2009, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency