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Environmental Assistance to Eastern Europe

6. Environmental Projects in Eastern Europe in 1997

6. Environmental projects in Eastern Europe in 1997
6.1 Size of the appropriation
6.2 Environmental projects in Bulgaria
6.3 Environmental projects in Estonia
6.4 Environmental projects in Belarus
6.5 Environmental projects in Latvia
6.6 Environmental projects in Lithuania
6.7 Environmental projects in Poland
6.8 Environmental projects in Romania
6.9 Environmental projects in Russia
6.10 Environmental projects in Slovakia
6.11 Environmental projects in the Czech Republic
6.12 Environmental projects in Ukraine
6.13 Other environmental projects


6.1 Size of the appropriation

The 1997 appropriation amounted to DKK 390 million. Reserved funds of DKK 53.7 million were transferred from 1996 for 6 tender projects. The preliminary work on these projects took place in 1996 and final contracts for them were signed in 1997. For this reason, a sum of DKK 443.7 million was available in 1997. Furthermore, funds returned to the pool on completion of earlier projects have been added.

A sum of DKK 412.3 million was drawn during the year, while contracts for 5 tender projects could not be finalised in 1997 because of the time required for the tender procedure. This meant transferring DKK 34.1 million to the 1998 financial year.

The annual report for 1997 therefore contains descriptions of projects to a value of DKK 412.3 million, while a description of the tender projects must await the 1998 report.

Table 18 shows the distribution of DESF grants between the recipient countries in 1997 in million DKK, with a breakdown between grants for technical assistance and grants for investment activities. As in 1996, Poland was the main recipient in 1997, closely followed by Russia, which also received substantial assistance. It should also be noted that Bulgaria and Romania are far better represented than in earlier years. No grants were made to Hungary in 1997; a large grant was made to reduce the pollution from a power station, but the project never got going due to lack of Hungarian co-financing. The money has been returned to the pool.

Table 18: DESF grants in 1997 in million DKK with a breakdown into recipient country, grants for technical assistance and grants for investment activities.

  TA IN Total
  sum no. sum no. sum no.
Bulgaria 4.6 4 22.0 2 26.6 6
Estonia 11.3 12 9.0 3 20.3 15
Belarus 3.2 5 8.7 2 11.9 7
Latvia 17.4 16 4.0 2 21.4 18
Lithuania 33.1 13 8.5 3 41.6 16
Poland 15.2 12 62.9 10 78.1 22
Romania 2.8 5 26.8 4 29.6 9
Russia 31.4 12 43.4 5 74.8 17
Slovakia 0.7 2 3.7 1 4.4 3
Czech Republic 9.2 4 5.5 1 14.7 5
Ukraine 10.4 4 16.7 2 27.1 6
Other 41.9 19 19.9 2 61.8 21
Total 181.0 108 231.1 37 412.3 145

Table 19 shows DESF grants in 1997 in million DKK, with a breakdown into recipient countries and target areas.

Table 19: DESF grants in 1997 in million DKK with a breakdown into recipient countries and target areas.

Target area Air Water Waste Nature Institu-
Other Total
Bulgaria 0.6 9.6 16.2   0.2   26.6
Estonia 0.2 10.8 0.3 2.9 6.1   20.3
Belarus 1.9   7.3 1.9 0.8   11.9
Latvia 0.9 7.7 1.6 10.4 0.4 0.4 21.4
Lithuania 0.3 7.5 10.2 9.6 14.0   41.6
Poland 28.5 30.6 6.6 8.9 2.2 1.3 78.1
Romania 7.3 16.1 0.1 5.2 0.9   29.6
Russia 22.6 20.1 11.8 2.8 6.0 11.5 74.8
Slovakia 3.7 0.4       0.3 4.4
Czech Republic 5.7       9.0   14.7
Ukraine 1.5 24.7 0.9       27.1
Other 15.5 0.6   2.5 5.5 37.7 61.8
Total 88.7 128.1 55.0 44.2 45.1 51.2 412.3

6.2 Environmental projects in Bulgaria

Name of project
Improvement of Groundwater Supply Situation and Identification of Groundwater Protection Zones for Well Fields in Pleven, Bulgaria

File No.

Project recipient
Pleven Municipality

Project manager

Project description
Serious contamination of groundwater has been found in Pleven. Geophysical investigations will be carried out in order to map the exposure and make proposals for groundwater protection zones. The project can be used as a basis for a decision on a future water supply structure.

Environmental effect
Cannot be estimated yet.

DKK 3,351,000


Name of project
Special Hospital Waste in Territory of Sofia, Bulgaria

File No.

Project recipient
Sofia Municipality

Project manager

Project description
A separate collection system is being established for special hospital waste from all hospitals and similar within the Territory of Sofia. The project includes the construction of an incinerator for special hospital waste. It also includes education and training of personnel at hospitals etc. and at the incineration plant.

Environmental effect
Up to 100% separation of hospital waste from normal refuse and environmentally safe disposal of the waste. There will also be some beneficial side effects (health & safety, hygiene, utilisation of heat produced during incineration).

DKK 15,675,219


Name of project
Rehabilitation of Varna Waste Water Treatment Plant in

File No.

Project recipient
Varna Municipality

Project manager
Samfundsteknik/Carl Bro A/S

Project description
Improvement of sludge processing through introduction of a new, mechanical dewatering system at Varna Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Environmental effect
Calculated reductions per year: 624 tons COD, 230 tons BOD5.

DKK 6,300,000


Name of project
Processing of Non-ferrous Metals J.S.C., Sofia, Bulgaria. Improvement of Environmental Conditions

File No.

Project recipient
Industrial company in Bulgaria

Project manager

Project description
Feasibility study at a non-ferrous metal processing plant in Sofia to assess the possibility of reducing air pollution from the plant - e.g. by improving the technological lines and energy supply and by mounting filters. Thought should also be given to ways of improving the monitoring conditions.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for reduction of air pollution at the plant.

DKK 618,180


Name of project
Establishment of a New Sanitary Landfill for Domestic Waste and Improvement of the Waste Handling in the Wratza-Mezdra Region

File No.

Project recipient
Vratza-Mezdra Region

Project manager
Samfundsteknik/Carl Bro A/S

Project description
Supplementary investigations in the existing and coming landfill sites. Project documentation will be prepared for establishment of the new landfill and rehabilitation of the existing landfill. Project documentation will also be prepared for future handling of domestic waste in Vratza and Mezdra, together with a proposal for a public information campaign. The potential for utilisation of biogas will be assessed.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for the first West-designed sanitary landfill in Bulgaria.

DKK 528,800


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the project "Approximation of Environmental Legislation in Bulgaria with EU Industrial Pollution Control Requirements"

File No.

Project recipient
Bulgarian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Nordic Consulting Group

Project description
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the above project.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a legislative project.

DKK 159,888


6.3 Environmental projects in Estonia

Name of project
Project formulation mission concerning the projects "Protection of the Biodiversity of the Soomaa National Park" and "National Inventories of Internationally Important Species and Habitats in Estonia in Relation to International Conventions and EU Directives"

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Carl Bro A/S

Project description
The object of the mission is to prepare drafts for two projects concerning a management plan for Soomaa National Park and national inventories of internationally important species and habitats in relation to international conventions and EU directives.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for two projects.

DKK 367,223


Name of project
Desk Appraisal of the project documents "Protection of the Biodiversity of the Soomaa National Park" and "National Inventories of Internationally Important Species and Habitats in Estonia in Relation to International Conventions and EU Directives"

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Ornis Consult

Project description
Desk appraisal of the above-mentioned two project documents.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for two projects.

DKK 44,794


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the project "National Inventories of Internationally Important Species and Habitats in Relation to International Conventions and Directives"

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Hoffman Andersen & Partners K/S

Project description
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the above-mentioned project.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 151,640.40


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the project "Protection of the Biodiversity of the Soomaa National Park"

File No.

Project recipient
Estonia Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Hoffman Andersen & Partners K/S

Project description
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the above-mentioned project.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 164,306


Name of project
Desk Appraisal of Pre-design Study for Emergency Water Supply Project and Water Supply and Waste Water Coverage Project in Tapa and Aruküla in Estonia

File No.

Project recipient
The Estonian towns of Tapa and Aruküla

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
The project comprises a technical and financial analysis of the preliminary studies and draft project documents prepared by Hoffmann Andersen & Partners concerning improvement of the water supply in the Estonian towns of Tapa and Aruküla. The project includes finalising the project documents and preparing a proposal for a tender model for the projects.

Environmental effect
Preparation of tender documents for environmental projects in the two towns.

DKK 125,814


Name of project
Identification phase of Water Improvement Programme

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager

Project description
The project constitutes the identification phase of a Danish-initiated water supply and waste water programme, the purpose of which is to improve the water supply and waste water conditions in small urban communities in Estonia.

A need-prioritised list of small urban communities will be drawn up, together with an action plan for each prioritised community. The report from the identification phase, including these action plans, are intended to be used by the Estonian Ministry of Environment to seek financing from donors.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a water improvement programme.

DKK 1,497,797


Name of project
Preparation of water supply projects in Tapa and Aruküla

File No.
124/009-0005, 124/009-0012

Project recipient
The Estonian towns of Tapa and Aruküla

Project manager
Hedeselskabet (The Danish Land and Development Service) and Hoffman Andersen & Partner

Project description
A supplementary grant has been made for preparation of two projects to improve the water supply in the Estonian towns of Tapa and Aruküla. A detailed description of the projects is given in the annual report from 1996, under the same file number.

Environmental effect
Improvement of the water supply in the above two Estonian towns.

DKK 187,983


Name of project
Sillamäe water supply

File No.

Project recipient
Sillamäe town

Project manager
Krüger International Consult A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project is to safeguard the town of Sillamäe's water supply from the groundwater resource. A feasibility study has shown that, with sensible management of the groundwater, the town can have a sufficient supply of water from this source until at least 2005. This would obviate the need for a costly water intake system from the River Narva.

Environmental effect
Water conservation and ensuring an adequate supply of groundwater for the town of Sillamäe's 20,000 inhabitants until at least the year 2005.

DKK 1,565,000


Name of project
Implementation of the Point Source Pollution Control of the Matsalu Catchment Area Project, Estonia

File No.

Project recipient
8 villages on Matsula Bay in Estonia

Project manager

Project description
Rehabilitation of water supply systems and sewers and establishment of waste water treatment in 8 villages on Matsalu Bay, which is a prioritised Hot Spot in the Baltic Sea Investment Programme.

Environmental effect
Improvement of the water supply and some reduction of emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus to the bay.

DKK 6,995,485


Name of project
Project identification mission concerning waste in Estonia

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager

Project description
The purpose of the mission is to identify ordinary waste projects. The mission report and project catalogue are intended to form the basis for discussions between the Estonian Ministry of Environment and DEPA on prioritisation within the waste sector with a view to procuring financing and subsequent implementation.

Environmental effect
Preliminary project for waste projects.

DKK 309,472


Name of project
Invitation for tenders for the project "Keila Sewage Treatment Plant"

File No.

Project recipient
Keila town

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
Preparation of tender documents, call for tenders and assistance in evaluation of incoming tenders.

Environmental effect
Tender documents.

DKK 172,120


Name of project
Short-time Assistance to Estonia in the Process of Approximation with EU Waste Legislation

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
Assistance to the Estonian Ministry of Environment in the formulation of a strategy and work programme for approximation activities in the entire waste sector and identification of needs for assistance in the waste sector with a view to approximation to European Union law in this sector.

Environmental effect
Contribution to Estonia's work in this sector.

DKK 241,156


Name of project
Project to Assist Estonia with Approximation to European Union Law concerning Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Environmental Management of Industry

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Carl Bro A/S

Project description
Establishment of a basis for the Estonian Ministry of Environment's implementation of EU regulation in the industrial sector - primarily the IPPC directive (96/6/EEC) - promotion of the development of a flexible, result-oriented system for integrated environmental approval of companies.

Environmental effect
No direct environmental effect, but the project is intended to ensure rapid implementation of the IPPC directive and derivative environmental improvements in the industrial sector.

DKK 5,641,227


Name of project
Preparation of tender documents for EU approximation project 124/009-0031

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Nordic Consulting Group

Project description
Preparation of tender documents and subsequent evaluation of incoming tenders concerning implementation of EU legislation in the industrial sector.

Environmental effect
Tender documents for subsequent project.

DKK 200,000


Name of project
A Sustainable Management Strategy for Estonian Forested Wetlands

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Forestry Development Programme
Estonian Forest Survey Centre
Estonian Agricultural University
Estonian Fund for Nature

Project manager
Holsteinsborg Consult

Project description
The main purpose of the project is to develop a strategy for sustainable management and protection of the types of forests in Estonia - swamp forests, forests on boggy ground and similar. These lands, which comprise about one third of the forested area, are very valuable with respect to flora and fauna. On the other hand, the financial viability of forestry here is often doubtful. The project will create a tool for prioritisation that can be used to ensure biodiversity and sustainable forestry in the coming intensification of forestry activities.

Environmental effect
The strategy plan will cover 25-30% of Estonia's state forest, or 275,000-385,000 hectares. The field records in the project will comprise one county.

DKK 2,164,500


Name of project
Project Preparation Mission to Estonia regarding Cleaner Technology

File No.

Project recipient
Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Planmiljø A/S

Project description
A 2-week mission to Estonia to help the Estonian Ministry of Environment prepare the framework for a cleaner technology strategy for Estonia and to prepare 1 project document and 3 detailed project concepts for relevant cleaner technology projects.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for major projects.

DKK 276,990


Name of project
Refurbishment of Genvind 150 kW Wind Turbine at Takuma, Estonia

File No.

Project recipient
Hiiuma Centre for the West Estonian Archipelago Biosphere Reserve and the Estonian Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Danservice Viby Sj. ApS. and Darup Associates

Project description
The purpose of the project is to complete a wind turbine in Estonia since Genvind A/S and Genvind Production had failed to erect and install the turbine. The project consists in examining the entire turbine, mounting any missing components, carrying out any minor repairs that may be needed, connecting the turbine to the grid, checking the computer control system and handing over the fully functioning turbine to the Estonian party.

Environmental effect
The electricity produced by the turbine will replace electricity produced at traditional oil-fired or coal-fired plants.

DKK 181,104


6.4 Environmental projects in Belarus

Name of project
Project formulation mission for the project "Forested Wetlands - Implementation of Recommendations for Sustainable Use and Protection of Forested Wetlands"

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus

Project manager
Holsteinsborg Consult

Project description
The purpose of the mission is to prepare a draft for a project document, together with a plan for future management, protection and monitoring of forested wetlands, of which around a quarter of a million hectares have been drained, often with serious negative consequences for nature and the environment, and often with little financial benefit. The project consists in developing tools that will put Belarus' forest management in a position to prioritise the natural and financial assets and develop a network of protected/undrained forests.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a major project.

DKK 214,290


Name of project
Project formulation mission for the project "Forest Health and Sustainable Management in Belarus"

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus

Project manager
Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute

Project description
The purpose of the mission is to prepare a draft for a project document and a plan for future sustainable management of Belarus' forests, which, due to inadequate and one-sided forest management, are now suffering a number of health problems (drought, diseases, forest fires, etc.) that are having negative ecological and economic consequences. Efforts are being made to introduce integrated forest management principles that take account of biodiversity, hydrological cycles, recreation and long-term sustainable forestry.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 293,324


Name of project
Biodiversity Conservation in Belarus: Bird Ringing Centre and Publication of Bird Book and Posters

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Environment of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Ministry of Forestry, the Institute of Zoology under National Academy of Sciences and the West-Belarussian Society for Bird Preservation in the town of Grodno.

Project manager
Ornis Consult A/S

Project description
Establishment of a national bird ringing centre, translation and publication of a Polish book on birds and printing and issue of three bird posters to all schools in Belarus. The project supports the efforts of the Bonn Convention's secretariat to disseminate information about wild birds and, in the longer term, to promote their protection in the country.

Environmental effect
Increased interest in, and knowledge of, the distribution and situation of birds in Belarus and greater environmental awareness. In the longer term, more responsible hunting practice, especially with respect to migratory birds, and fulfilment of international obligations through ratification of the Bonn Convention.

DKK 1,429,434


Name of project
Power Production from Radioactive Contaminated Biomass and Forest Litter in Belarus

File No.

Project recipient
The Belarussian authorities, comprising the Government Committee on Energy Savings, the Ministry for Disaster Contingency, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Forestry

Project manager
ELSAMPROJEKT, in collaboration with Research Centre Risø and the Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute.

Project description
Remediation of large areas of forest in Belarus that are affected by the radioactive contamination from Chernobyl. The purpose is to collect radioactive biomass from the forest floor and tree felling with a view to controlled incineration for production of electricity and heat. An undertaking has been given for a first phase, which focuses on the environmental aspects, including depositing of ash and ensuring biodiversity and afforestation. The project is being co-financed with the Danish Energy Agency, the US State Department of Energy, an American investor and the Government of Belarus.

Environmental effect
None from the preliminary project alone, but the project managers expect the full-scale project to reduce radioactive contamination from the forests by a factor of 3.

DKK 1,928,450


Name of project
Survey, Management and Disposal of Accumulated Obsolete Pesticides in Belarus

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus

Project manager
Danish Technological Institute in co-operation with COWI and DANCEM

Project description
The purpose of the project is to eliminate stocks of old pesticides in Belarus. The pesticides are putting groundwater and water courses at risk. Methods for classification, incineration and safe depositing will be demonstrated, and a prioritised clean-up plan will be prepared. The Belarussian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection has given this project top priority.

Environmental effect
Actual removal of "several" tons of old pesticides and transfer of know-how and equipment so that the Belarussians can themselves subsequently clear up almost 10,000 tons of old pesticides that have been unsatisfactorily deposited around the country.

DKK 7,273,600


Name of project
Local Programme Co-ordinator in Belarus

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus

Project manager
Local Programme Co-ordinator, Mr. Alexander Levchenco.

Project description
The purpose of appointing a local programme co-ordinator in Belarus is to strengthen the Belarussian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, particularly with respect to project identification, communication and project follow-up in the co-operation between Denmark and Belarus.

Environmental effect
Not measurable.

DKK 170,000


Name of project
Regulation of Pesticides in Belarus - Project Formulation Mission

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus

Project manager
Carl Bro International A/S

Project description
Mission to analyse the Belarussian authorities' capacity for implementation of a pesticide regulation and approval system of EU standard and to prepare a project document for a Danish-supported pesticide regulation project. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the Belarussian Ministry of Environment of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection's capacity for effective regulation of the use of pesticides.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 548,422



6.5 Environmental projects in Latvia

Name of project
Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment in Madona, Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
Madona Municipality

Project manager
Bioplan A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project is to supply a turnkey waste water treatment plant for the town's approximately 10,000 inhabitants in connection with a project that also includes the establishment of a better drinking water supply. The entire project is being co-financed with NEFCO, EU-PHARE and Finland.

Environmental effect
Reduction per year: 18 tons BI5.

DKK 1,525,000


Name of project
Daugavpils Water and Waste Water Project, final design and implementation of renovation of 2 pump stations, etc.

File No.

Project recipient
Daugavpils town

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
As part of a World Bank project to establish a waste water treatment plant and renovate the drinking water supply system for Latvia's second largest town, Daugavpils (pop. 130,000), a grant of DKK 12 million has been made for renovation of sewers and pump stations for waste water. The waste water project is being implemented in collaboration with the Swedish firm SIDA. NEFCO, EU-PHARE and Finland are participating in the entire project. Denmark is financing 30% of the investment in sewers and the waste water treatment plant.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year: 1881 tons BI5, 55 tons phosphorus, 148 tons nitrogen, 286 tons SS.

DKK 2,517,274


Name of project
Appraisal of an earlier project concerning "Elimination of Sr.90 Batteries as a Source of Power in Lighthouses in Latvia and Estonia"

File No.

Project recipient
The environment ministries in Latvia and Estonia

Project manager
The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography

Project description
The purpose of the project is to evaluate the project carried out, which consisted in setting up low-energy equipment at 5 lighthouses in Estonia and Latvia that had previously received power from a number of Sr.90 generators of Soviet origin. The evaluation is intended to serve as the basis for assessment of an application for a similar project at 75 lighthouses in the St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad regions.

Environmental effect
Evaluation of an earlier project.

DKK 254,740


Name of project
Technical-administrative Training Programme, Madona Water, Madona, Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
Madona Municipality

Project manager
Viborg Municipality

Project description
The project, which is based in a twinning arrangement between Viborg Municipality in Denmark and Madona Municipality in Latvia, is intended to enable Madona Municipality to implement an internationally supported project to modernise the water supply system and waste water treatment plant for the town's approx. 10,000 inhabitants.

Environmental effect
Training project relating to the above-mentioned investment project.

DKK 2,002,000


Name of project
Provision of Reception Facilities for Ship-generated Waste in Riga, Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
Port of Riga

Project manager
Carl Bro International A/S

Project description
A feasibility study on the establishment of reception facilities in accordance with the requirements of the MARPOL Convention, establishment of the necessary financing, and design of the facilities. The project also includes setting up and introducing a Port Waste Management Plan that will ensure environmentally acceptable handling of ship-generated waste at the port. The object of the project is to avoid unlawful oil pollution in the Baltic Sea by establishing a means of disposing of waste lawfully at the Port of Riga. The project should be seen together with similar projects planned for other Baltic Sea ports.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 1,591,552


Name of project
Preparation of three Water and Waste Water projects in Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
The project, which is based on two DESF-financed feasibility studies, comprises preparation of an appraisal report and waste water analyses to consolidate the basis for a decision on the investment, and preparation of projects documents with a view to inviting tenders in Denmark.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for major projects.

DKK 1,152,783


Name of project
Ventspils Port, Hydrocarbon Vapour Emission Project

File No.

Project recipient
Ventspils Nafta

Project manager

Project description
Ventspils in Latvia is one of Europe's largest oil terminals for shipment of crude oil piped to the port from Russia. Around 30 million tons of crude oil are exported per year. The oil is transhipped without any measures to reduce air pollution. This project is intended to provide the basis for a decision by the terminal management on the establishment of a vapour-return system. Approx. 23,000 tons of crude-oil vapours (hydrocarbons) are estimated to escape from the activities each year. It is anticipated that more than 98% of this can be recovered by establishing a vapour-return system, the pay-back time for which is less than three years.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a major project.

DKK 777,000


Name of project
Inspection of Genvind 150 kW Wind Turbine in Liepaja, Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
Kursa (a fishery company) and the Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Danservice Viby Sj. ApS. and Darup Associates

Project description
Inspection of a wind turbine at Kursa in Liepaja and description of what needs to be done to get it into working order, including spare parts, service and man-hours.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for erection of a wind turbine.

DKK 78,346


Name of project
Refurbishing of Genvind 150 kW Wind Turbine at Liepaja, Latvia - Service and Training in Estonia and Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
Kursa (a fishery company) in Liepaja, Latvia

Project manager
Dan-Service Viby Sj. ApS.

Project description
The purpose of the project is to get a wind turbine up and working in Liepaja, Latvia, since Genvind A/S and Genvind Production had failed to erect and install the turbine. The project's output will be a serviceable wind turbine in Latvia and training of personnel at the factory. Personnel in Estonia will also receive training for a wind turbine there that was also part of an earlier Genvind project.

Environmental effect
The wind turbine will produce some of the power needed to operate the factory. The power from this source will replace energy produced by oil-fired or coal-fired power stations.

DKK 270,711


Name of project
Project Identification Mission to Liepaja, Latvia

File No.

Project recipient
The Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development and Liepaja Town Council

Project manager
Carl Bro International A/S

Project description
A mission to identify potential projects within cleaner technology and the environment sector in general with a view to initiating regional action in Liepaja. Three projects are to be identified within cleaner technology and three within the environment sector in general.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for several projects.

DKK 194,870


Name of project
Fact-finding Mission concerning Jelgava Hazardous Waste Landfill

File No.

Project recipient
The Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development and the regional environmental authorities

Project manager

Project description
A mission to Latvia took place in August/September to inspect the chemical waste landfill in Jelgava to gain an impression of the extent of the contamination and to prepare a preliminary project for remediation. The preliminary project will later form the basis for an invitation for tenders. The chemical waste landfill was visited by the Advisory Committee in May, and it later decided that Denmark should initiate a remediation project to avert the risk of contamination of groundwater and surface water.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 245,980


Name of project
Baltic Sea Conference on Family Forestry

File No.

Project recipient
Broad participation

Project manager
Danish Forestry Association

Project description
The four organisations representing the owners of private forests in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden wish to assist their nearby Baltic neighbours by holding a joint 3-day conference on private/family forestry. The conference is intended to help promote economically and biologically sustainable family forestry in the countries concerned.
The grant constitutes only part of the total budget.

Environmental effect
No quantitative effect.

DKK 100,000


Name of project
Project formulation mission for the project "Inventories of Species and Habitats, Development of Management Plans and Capacity Building in Relation to Approximation of EU Birds and Habitat Directives"

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Carl Bro A/S

Project description
A mission to prepare a draft for a project document concerning Latvia's adjustment to the EU's birds and habitats directives and implementation of related international nature protection conventions that interface with the directives.
The project is also intended to help develop the capacity of the relevant Latvian authorities and institutions for the necessary adjustment and implementation.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 218,897


Name of project
Desk Appraisal of the project document "Inventories of Species and Habitats, Development of Management Plans and Capacity Building in Relation to Approximation of EU Birds and Habitat Directives"

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Ornis Consult A/S

Project description
Desk Appraisal of the above-mentioned project document.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 58,232


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders for "Project to Assist Latvia in Approximation to European Union Law concerning Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Environmental Management and Industry"

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Water & Power Planners A/S

Project description
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the above-mentioned project.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 60,270


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the project "Assistance to the Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development in Approximation of Legislation and Regulation in the Water Sector"

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Water & Power Planners A/S

Project description
Evaluation of tenders in connection with the above-mentioned project.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 186,360


Name of project
Biodiversity Management in Latvian Farmland - a Decision Support System

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian Fund for Nature
The Latvian Ministry of Agriculture and the Latvian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Project manager
Ornis Consult A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project is to assist in the protection and sustainable utilisation of the biodiversity in Latvian farmland by developing a prioritisation tool (Decision Support System) for the ministries involved and their regional structures. The system has five components: development of nature management guidelines, development of integrated management plans for farmers, improvement of land usage statistics, improvement of monitoring of nature and raising awareness in the agricultural sector of factors affecting nature.

Environmental effect
Protection and sustainable utilisation of the biodiversity in Latvian farmland.

DKK 3,966,860


Name of project
Revision of Latvian Forest Conservation System and Management Plan for Gauja National Park

File No.

Project recipient
Latvian State Forest Service
Gauja National Park
Latvian State Land Service
Latvian State Institute for Forest Inventory

Project manager
Holsteinsborg Consult

Project description
The project has two main objectives:

  1. to develop revised guidelines and regulations for protected state forests and to strengthen forest management
  2. to produce an integrated management plan for Gauja National Park with particular focus on protection of nature and to strengthen the park authorities themselves and their co-operation with all the parties involved.

Environmental effect
The planning component concerns protected state forests (8-900,000 hectares) and Gauja National Park (92,000 hectares).

DKK 5,999,200



6.6 Environmental projects in Lithuania

Name of project
State Park Institutional Development Project

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania, Land and Biodiversity Management Department, Nemuno Kilpos and Meteliai Regional Parks

Project manager
Hedeselskabet (The Danish Land and Development Service)

Project description
The purpose of the project is to strengthen the state park administration in Lithuania by developing capacity (training, advice, raising awareness, involvement of the public) through co-ordinated and linked activities in three areas: 1) the central administration in Vilnius, 2) preparation of a management plan for Meteliai Regional Park and 3) implementation of a management plan for Nemuno Kilpos Regional Park.

Environmental effect
Cannot be quantified at the present time.

DKK 9,325,000


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders for the "State Park Institutional Development Project"

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania

Project manager
Water & Power Planners A/S

Project description
Evaluation of incoming tenders in connection with the above-mentioned project.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for the above-mentioned project.

DKK 202,883


Name of project
Institutional Strengthening through Information Technology, Lithuania

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project is to analyse, design and implement an integrated, administrative and technological infrastructure with a view to improving the internal flow of information at the Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania and the flow between the Ministry and relevant departments/institutions. A better flow of information will be an important planning and decision-making tool for the Ministry.

Environmental effect
Institutional strengthening.

DKK 1,564,800


Name of project
Environmental Management with respect to Protection of Water Resources

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania and Lithuanian Ministry of Defence

Project manager
Krüger A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project is to introduce protection of water resources from contaminated sites into relevant offices and departments at the Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence. In that connection, use will be made of know-how and experience from earlier and present projects that are of relevance to the protection of water resources, and investigative and remedial measures will be introduced with a view to inviting tenders for such projects. Lastly, a case will be selected for demonstration of evaluation, investigation and remediation of a contaminated site - a former army base.

Environmental effect
In the demonstration part, soil contaminated with an unknown quantity of oil will be remediated.

DKK 5,474,000


Name of project
Implementation of cleaner technology in Lithuanian slaughterhouses

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania

Project manager
Nordic Consulting Group

Project description
The purpose of the project was to appraise and revise a project proposal from the Danish Meat Research Institute. This involved a visit to relevant slaughterhouses and the preparation of a project description. A project based on the revised description is expected to commence in 1998.

Environmental effect
No environmental effect from the mission and revision of the proposal.

DKK 234,361


Name of project
Project Identification Mission for a Cleaner Technology Programme for Lithuania

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania

Project manager
Planmiljø A/S

Project description
A mission to prepare an integrated cleaner technology programme, a project document and three detailed project concepts. The mission is also intended to define general goals and tasks for organisation of cleaner technology initiatives in Lithuania.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for later projects.

DKK 348,312


Name of project
Evaluation of tenders for "Project to Strengthen the Framework of Lithuania's Laws"

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania

Project manager
Nordic Consulting Group

Project description
Preparation of tender documents and subsequent evaluation of incoming tenders in connection with the implementation of EU law within the waste sector.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 179,220


Name of project
Project to Strengthen the Framework and Administration of Lithuania's Laws on Waste Management and on Environmental Management of Industry

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
The purpose of the part of the project concerning waste is to assist the Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania with the implementation of EU law on waste - including providing support for the establishment of an integrated waste sector and the development of effective administration in the waste sector.
The purpose of the industrial part of the project is to get a basis established for implementing EU regulation of industry - primarily the IPPC directive (96/6/EEC), to promote the development of a flexible, result-oriented system for integrated environmental approval of companies and to promote the implementation of a cleaner technology programme.

Environmental effect
No direct environmental effect, but the project will enable the Environmental Protection Ministry of Lithuania to implement rapidly the EU rules on waste and industry and thus to achieve the associated environmental improvements.

DKK 12,263,451


Name of project
Consulting assistance for the Klaipeda geothermal energy project

File No.

Project recipient
The geothermal energy company in Klaipeda

Project manager
Nordic Consulting Group

Project description
The project relates to the appointment of an external consultant to provide expert assistance in connection with project follow-up on the establishment of Klaipeda Geothermal Energy Plant, Lithuania, which is being established in co-operation with the World Bank. The project assistance will have a 3-year time frame and a budget of around DKK 100,000 a year.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 300,000


Name of project
Upgrading Vilnius Waste Water Treatment Plant for Nitrogen and Phosphorous Removal

File No.

Project recipient
City of Vilnius

Project manager
Krüger A/S

Project description
The purpose of this last upgrade is primarily to ensure that the plant will be able to comply with the HELCOM limits on N and P discharge concentrations. 4 of the 6 existing aeration tanks in the active sludge section will be equipped with new mechanical equipment to improve removal of nitrogen and phosphorous. The project also includes an improved sludge-dewatering system with a new storage tank, new process control systems (SCADA and STAR) and various building works. The project is scheduled for completion on 31 December 1999.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year:
· BOD5 500 tons
· Total nitrogen 2000 tons
· Total phosphorous 155 tons
· Energy consumption 15 %

DKK 4,015,000


Name of project
Rotor demonstration project in Lithuania

File No.

Project recipient
Waste water treatment plant in Birstonas

Project manager
Krüger A/S

Project description
Installation of aeration equipment at a small waste water treatment plant in Lithuania. This will make it possible to increase the circulation velocity and the efficiency of the treatment process.

Environmental effect
Improved biological treatment of the waste water.

DKK 175,000


Name of project
Investigation of a contaminated site at an earlier
sleeper impregnation plant in Kaunas

File No.

Project recipient
The Lithuanian Railways

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
A contamination study of a site formerly used in connection with a sleeper impregnation plant. The site is heavily contaminated with oil and heavy metals. The results of the study will be used to recommend measures to prevent the contamination from spreading.

Environmental effect
Preliminary study for a subsequent project.

DKK 1,169,000


Name of project
Utilisation of landfill gas

File No.

Project recipient
Vilnius Municipality

Project manager
Krüger International Consult A/S

Project description
The project is intended to help the Lithuanians remedy environmental problems that have arisen with gas and percolate contamination from covered landfills. Proposals will be prepared for gas and ground water monitoring programmes, and the risk of percolation of gas to nearby homes will be analysed. A pilot plant will be established for use of the gas for energy purposes.

Environmental effect
The first part of the project is a feasibility study concerning utilisation of the gas. The expected gas production from the landfill site will be about 4 million cubic metres of gas per year initially and about 2.5 million cubic metres after 10 years. There are around 30 landfill sites of about the same size in Lithuania.

DKK 8,245,000


Name of project
Reception station for hazardous waste in Lithuania

File No.

Project recipient
A waste-handling company in Klaipeda

Project manager
Krüger International Consult A/S

Project description
The project is part of a larger project - the establishment of a reception station for hazardous waste in Klaipeda. The project will be implemented with support from and in co-operation with the PHARE Cross Border Co-operation Programme. The Danish part of the project comprises 1) technical and financial review of the project, 2) an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), 3) preparation of tender documents, 4) evaluation of incoming tenders and assistance in connection with the award of the contract.

Environmental effect
Cannot be calculated quantitatively. The project will prevent percolation of hazardous substances from the waste and consequent contamination of soil and groundwater. Hazardous waste used to simply "disappear" or be stored at the individual companies.

DKK 1,950,000



6.7 Environmental projects in Poland

Name of project
Removal of dust from Zeran Coal-fired Power Station

File No.

Project recipient
Zeran Coal-fired Power Station

Project manager
Skandinavisk Miljø Service

Project description
Installation of electrostatic dust precipitators at Zeran Coal-fired Power Station in Warsaw, together with a combined control, registration and reporting system that will help to optimise the function of the electrostatic dust precipitators.

Environmental effect
Removal of about 50,000 tons of dust per year and an energy saving of around 990,000 kW per year.

DKK 5,584,000


Name of project
Optimisation of waste water treatment plants along the River Narew

File No.

Project recipient
The Municipalities of Bialystok, Bielsk Podlaski, Lapy, Makow Mazowiecki, Ruciane Nida, Nasielak, Wyszkow and Goldap

Project manager
Abrahamsen & Nielsen A/S

Project description
Implementation project resulting in physical implementation of optimisation measures at five waste water treatment plants found to be financially and environmentally sound in an earlier project. Project proposals are being prepared for enlargement of three of the plants.

Environmental effect
Reduction per year: about 210 tons nitrogen.

DKK 5,181,000



Name of project
Installation of process control system at Poznan Central Waste Water Treatment Plant

File No.

Project recipient

Project manager
Krüger A/S

Project description
The central waste water treatment plant in Poznan (600,000PE) is characterised as a HELCOM Hot Spot. The capacity of the plant is to be increased with a view to improve removal of organic substances and nutrient salts. The project includes a process control system that will help improve the quality of the discharge and reduce consumption of chemicals and energy.

Environmental effect
Expected reductions per year: 6,370 tons BOD, 1,880 tons nitrogen, 380 tons phosphorus.

DKK 12,064,000


Name of project
Desulphurisation plant for Polaniec Coal-fired Power Station

File No.

Project recipient
Polaniec Coal-fired Power Station

Project manager
FLS Miljø

Project description
In this project, two desulphurisation units and an electronic monitoring system will be established, together with an absorber system and treatment system for different side flows.

Environmental effect
Reduction per year: approx. 105,000 tons sulphur dioxide.

DKK 15,000,000


Name of project
Lublin Waste Water Treatment Plant

File No.

Project recipient

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
The waste water treatment plant in Lublin (500,000 PE) is characterised as a HELCOM Hot Spot. The capacity of the plant is to be increased to enable removal of organic substances and nutrient salts. The project has three phases: a feasibility study, design and implementation.

Environmental effect
Expected reductions per year: 270 tons BOD, 1,200 tons nitrogen and 150 tons phosphorus.

DKK 8,881,000


Name of project
Assessment of waste projects in Kielce

File No.

Project recipient
Kielce town/county

Project manager

Project description
Assessment of two waste projects that have received DESF support.

Environmental effect
Cannot be calculated.

DKK 145,623


Name of project
Updating the Baltic Sea Investment Programme

File No.

Project recipient
Polish Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry

Project manager

Project description
Poland has headed the secretariat function in connection with an updating of HELCOM's Baltic Sea Investment programme. The purpose of the project has been to provide the secretariat with support for quality assurance etc.

Environmental effect
Cannot be calculated.

DKK 375,158


Name of project
Assessment of lake restoration projects

File No.

Project recipient
Torun County and Bydgoszcz County

Project manager

Project description
Assessment of two lake restoration projects that have received DESF support.

Environmental effect
Cannot be calculated.

DKK 249,100


Name of project
Development of a Code of Good Agricultural Practice in Poland

File No.

Project recipient
Polish Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture

Project manager
Danish Agricultural Advisory Centre

Project description
The purpose of the project is to draw up a Code of Good Agricultural Practice, as described in Annex II of the Nitrate directive and to prepare a plan for implementation of the code. The project will include the publication of a version primarily for agricultural advisors and a shorter version for Polish farmers.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for implementation of legislation.

DKK 1,243,277


Name of project
Amphibian Conservation and Education in Poland

File No.

Project recipient
Research Centre for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Science, Educational Centre of Bialowieza National Park and Wigri National Park

Project manager
Amphi Consult

Project description
The main purpose of the project is to strengthen both scientific and public understanding of the ecological importance of amphibians and the need for conservation. General transfer of Danish know-how will enable the Polish stakeholders to carry out studies of the effect of pesticides on amphibians with a view to comparison with the results of similar Danish studies. Four areas will be reserved for special monitoring studies and general guidelines will be prepared for amphibian conservation in Poland.

Environmental effect
More amphibians in water holes and greater understanding of the importance of protecting amphibian habitats against physical intervention, pollution, etc.

DKK 1,332,000


Name of project
Completion of a Protein Recovery System, Poland

File No.

Project recipient
"Korab" Fish Processing and Trading Enterprise

Project manager
Strøm & Pedersen A/S

Project description
Completion of a waste water treatment plant and unit that has received DESF support at "Korab" Fish Processing and Trading Enterprise in Ustka, Poland. The Aminodan project was not completed, so funds have now been granted for this to be done so that Korab can meet the environmental requirements.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year:
BOD: 50,000 -70,000 kg
COD: 170,000 - 210,000 kg
SS: 65,000 - 112,000 kg
Grease/oil: 11,000 - 28,000 kg

DKK 1,424,129


Name of project
Drinking water treatment unit in Wroclaw, Poland

File No.

Project recipient
The Waterworks in Wroclaw and the Town Council

Project manager
Krüger International Consult A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project was to provide a water treatment unit in one of the areas of Poland affected by flooding. The unit was hired with crew by Krüger and shipped to Poland, where it was set up in a district of the town without a water supply.

Environmental effect
Clean drinking water for a district with 4-5,000 inhabitants in Wroclaw for two weeks.

DKK 570,800


Name of project
Assessment of Emergency Assistance in the Environmental Area

File No.

Project recipient
Polish Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry, together with the local environmental authorities

Project manager
Krüger International Consult A/S

Project description
The purpose of the mission is to visit the western and south western part of Poland, which has suffered severe damage from flooding, and to identify potential projects that could help to solve acute environmental problems, primarily with respect to water supply and, in special cases, also waste water treatment.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for subsequent projects.

DKK 263,518


Name of project
Implementation of Environmental Management Systems based on ISO14001 Standard and EMAS in Poland

File No.

Project recipient
The Polish Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry (the EMS unit)

Project manager

Project description
The project is intended to strengthen the unit under the Polish environment ministry that will in future take care of/promote the implementation of environmental management systems in SMEs in Poland. The project includes concurrent start-up of an environmental management system at a chosen industrial firm.

Environmental effect
No directly measurable reduction of pollution,
resource savings or increased protection of nature.

DKK 1,688,000


Name of project
Poland, Geothermal and Environmental Project, Podhale

File No.

Project recipient
The Podhale region in southern Poland

Project manager
Houe & Olsen

Project description
Consulting assistance on the design and implementation of phases 2, 3 and 4 of a geothermal project, including the establishment of a peak-load station, laying of district heating pipes, connection of major customers and individual customers, plus establishment of the geothermal plant itself.

The complete project will result in the establishment of a plant for supplying heat to 100,000 inhabitants on the basis of geothermal energy - using 90*C water from a depth of 3,000 metres.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year: 50,000 tons CO2, 294 tons SO2, 45 tons NOx, 100 tons dust and 138 tons CO.

DKK 7,165,000


Name of project
Sanitary Landfill Project, Mosza, Poland

File No.

Project recipient
Briwinow Municipality

Project manager

Project description
Design, call for tenders and establishment of a sanitary landfill near the village of Mozna in Briwinow Municipality. The landfill will serve 7 municipalities in the area. The project includes training of personnel to ensure proper operation of the installation.

Environmental effect
Safe disposal of 120,000 tons waste per year.

DKK 6,464,120


Name of project
Pyrzyce Geothermal Plant. Investigations and recommendations for geothermal water loop in Pyrzyce in conjunction with operation problems, primarily injection problems

File No.

Project recipient
Pyrzyce Geothermal Plant

Project manager
Dansk Olie & Naturgas A/S

Project description
Advice and assistance on renovation of the injection wells at Pyrzyce Geothermal Plant. Problems have arisen with the wells and their operation because the wells were not constructed correctly by the Polish drilling company. There are also problems caused by clogging of the wells, possibly because of oxidation of the reinjected water.

Environmental effect
Maintenance of investment project with environmental effect calculated earlier.

DKK 739,000


Name of project
Polish-Danish Seminar on EU Approximation in the Water Sector

File No.

Project recipient
Polish Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry

Project manager

Project description
A seminar held to enable Polish and Danish experts in water management to exchange experience and identify projects within the water sector in which Danish experience could help the Polish environment ministry with approximation to EU law in this sector.

Environmental effect
No actual environmental effect, but the project has helped to speed up the implementation of EU law in Poland.

DKK 308,736


Name of project
EU integration seminar in Poland

File No.

Project recipient
Polish Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry

Project manager
The European Institute - Denmark

Project description
A seminar held to pass on to the participating officials from the Polish environment ministry an impression of the experience of Danish officials in the daily handling of the EU co-operation in the environment sector.

Environmental effect
No actual environmental effect, but the seminar has helped to facilitate the Polish integration process in relation to the EU.

DKK 187,090


Name of project
Introducing Multiple-use Principles into Forest Management in the Superintendency Kliniska

File No.

Project recipient
The Polish State Forest Authority
The Regional State Forest Authority in Szczecin
Forest Promotional Complex Kliniska

Project manager
Danagro Adviser A/S

Project description
A modern, multiple-use operating plan is being drawn up for Kliniska Forestry District, which manages 23,000 hectares. In phase 3, selected parts of the plan will be implemented. The multiple-use concept will be introduced, and the flora and fauna and outdoor amenities will be registered and integrated with the operating plan in co-operation between the authorities, experts, NGOs and the Danish consultants. Digital mapping will be used.

Environmental effect
Greater consideration for biodiversity and recreating in a district with an area of 23,328 hectares.

DKK 5,000,000


Name of project
Sustainable Afforestation on the Marginally Productive Lands of the Baltic Coastal Lowlands of Poland

File No.

Project recipient
The Polish State Forest Authority
School of Forestry in Warcino

Project manager
Hedeselskabet (The Danish Land and Development Service)

Project description
At two locations in Northern Poland, two parallel afforestation concepts are being practised: the traditional Polish concept and the Danish concept, which is based on deep ploughing and no use of pesticides. The two methods will be systematically compared, documented and communicated with a view to dissemination of the Danish concept to a wider circle of decision-makers concerning afforestation in Poland.

Environmental effect
12 afforested hectares will help to reduce the nutrient burden on the environment.

DKK 2,631,800


Name of project
Evaluation and minimisation of the environmental impact on the Wielowies Klasztorna Reservoir

File No.

Project recipient
The Kalisz region

Project manager
Danish Hydraulic Institute
Ecological Modelling Centre

Project description
A 50 million m3 reservoir in connection with the River Prosna is planned for drinking water and irrigation purposes, run-off control and recreational purposes.
The project will produce a design for the Klasztorna Reservoir. Extensive consideration will be paid to the environment; for example, an Environmental Impact Assessment will be carried out and general guidelines will be prepared for the design and for operation of the reservoir.
The project will implement a project commenced in 1996 now that the assumptions for the project have been fulfilled.

Environmental effect
The effect will be preventive in that the project is intended to minimise the negative environmental impacts of the design and operation of the reservoir, such as eutrophication, and to ensure that the reservoir contributes significantly to removal of nutrient salts.

DKK 2,053,423



6.8 Environmental projects in Romania

Name of project
Romania Cement Industry

File No.

Project recipient
Romania's largest cement factories

Project manager

Project description
Upgrading and modernisation of 5 cement factories with a view, particularly, to reducing air pollution. The project includes later mounting of filters on both furnaces and coolers. In addition, the cement mills will be altered. The project includes technical training and a finance arrangement component.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for an investment project.

DKK 5,973,300


Name of project
The Ecological Reconstruction of the Ceahlau National Park

File No.

Project recipient
Neamt County

Project manager

Project description
The local authorities have forwarded several proposals for a nature project concerning the Ceahlau massif. A project document will be prepared and an assessment will be made of the possibility of establishing a sound nature project in the region. The project will include assessing the need to delimit the area, controlled tourism, etc. and information activities at schools etc.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 398,286


Name of project
Appraisal of the project document "Conservation of the Biodiversity and Ecological Reconstruction of the Ceahlau National Park"

File No.

Project recipient
Neamt County

Project manager

Project description
An appraisal of the project document "Conservation of the Biodiversity and Ecological Reconstruction of the Ceahlau National Park".

Environmental effect
Appraisal of the project document.

DKK 23,780


Name of project
Sustainable Management and Biological Conservation of the Ceahlau Nature Reserve

File No.

Project recipient
Neamt County

Project manager

Project description
A nature project concerning the Ceahlau massif. The implementation project includes delimiting and protecting the most important parts of the area, controlled tourism, rehabilitation of parts of the area, construction of a visitors' centre, and information activities at schools.

Environmental effect
Increased protection of the natural environment and biodiversity.

DKK 4,785,863


Name of project
Local Project Manager, Romania

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection of Romania

Project manager
The local project manager

Project description
The project concerns the appointment of a local project co-ordinator for the period 1 May 1997 to 31 December 1999. The project co-ordinator's main tasks will be to help strengthen the Ministry, follow up on ongoing projects, suggest new projects to the Ministry and plan visits to the Danish-supported projects.

Environmental effect
Strengthening of the Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection of Romania.

DKK 896,000


Name of project
Solid Waste Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill

File No.

Project recipient

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
In Odorheiu-Secuiesc Municipality, domestic waste is at present deposited in a hollow by the river without any form of membrane or similar. The project therefore comprises the preparation of a project document for establishment of a landfill in Odorheiu-Secuiesc.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a subsequent project.

DKK 128,800


Name of project
Development of the Waste Water Treatment Plant and Sewerage System for Arad

File No.

Project recipient

Project manager
Nellemann, Nielsen & Rauschenberger

Project description
Essential improvement of a waste water treatment plant in order to reduce significantly the present contamination of the River Mures.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year: BOD 1,540 tons, N 370 tons.

DKK 9,526,000


Name of project
Sludge Treatment and Sludge Depositing at the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Brasov - Project Implementation

File No.

Project recipient

Project manager
Grue & Hornstrup

Project description
The waste water treatment plant is in a very poor state, and the sludge is currently simply led to a lagoon. The project comprises the establishment of a landfill for the sludge and an associated dewatering system, and necessary modernisation of the waste water treatment plant.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year: 19,035 kg NH4, 55,450 kg COD, 13 kg Pb and 79 kg Zn.

DKK 6,552,769


Name of project
S.C. Fibrex, Romania "Improvement of the Environmental Conditions"

File No.

Project recipient
S.C. Fibrex

Project manager

Project description
An environmental review of a company, S.C. Fibrex, which makes synthetic fibres. The review will include an environmental review of the technological lines, air pollution, the waster water treatment plant, waste handling and disposal of waste. Any further environmental problems discovered will be described, including health & safety problems.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for an investment project.

DKK 700,000


Name of project
Romania District Heating and Geothermal Project

File No.

Project recipient

Project manager
Houe & Olsen

Project description
Otopeni near Bucharest has a geothermal plant, but it is no longer working, mainly for lack of a peak-load station. A feasibility study will be carried out to assess the possibility of starting the plant up again.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a major project.

DKK 679,600



6.9 Environmental projects in Russia

Name of project
Project identification mission concerning residual products from power stations in the Moscow region

File No.

Project recipient
State Committee for Protection of Environment, Russian Federation

Project manager
Carl Bro A/S

Project description
A mission to map existing special landfills for residuals, present proposals for precautionary measures where there are environmental risks, investigate future means of depositing and recycling/using residual products, and look into combustion technology and the choice of fuels. The mission's output was a project catalogue and 3 thoroughly elaborated project proposals.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 605,712


Name of project
The Danish/Greenlandic Initiative for Assistance to the Indigenous Peoples of Russia

File No.

Project recipient
Arctic region of Russia

Project manager
Natur og Folk i Nord

Project description
Institutional strengthening of the indigenous peoples' organisation, AIPON, in order to improve their ability to solve local problems relating to environmental protection and environmental rehabilitation, definition of sustainability models, etc.

Environmental effect
Strengthening of the indigenous peoples' organisation.

DKK 1,612,350


Name of project
Rehabilitation of the Russian natural gas network

File No.

Project recipient
The Russian natural gas company Gazprom

Project manager

Project description
The purpose of the project is to use Hempel's expertise with corrosion-resistant paint to rehabilitate the Russian natural gas network, which suffers from many leakages and explosions. The project comprises of laboratory tests and a demonstration project, training, and a feasibility study.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a major rehabilitation of the natural gas network.

DKK 3,062,667


Name of project
Institutional Strengthening of Environmental Funds in Russia - Phase 2

File No.

Project recipient
Russian Federal Environmental Fund

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
The purpose of the second phase of this project is to support the Russian authorities' implementation of an action plan. The project has three components: building up an institutional framework, training the fund management, and ad hoc assistance on the construction of the Association of Environmental Funds and with the formulation of legislation on environmental funds.

Environmental effect
Strengthening of the environmental funds.

DKK 3,595,000



Name of project
Moscow City - Revamping and Upgrading of Incineration Plant No. 3 - Preparations for EBRD Co-financing

File No.

Project recipient
City of Moscow

Project manager

Project description
A feasibility study concerning extensive revamping and upgrading of two incineration plants in Moscow. The study will include a description of the waste situation, Moscow's financial status, proposals for and investment programme, an Environmental Impact Assessment, and an economic and financial analysis. The project should be seen in relation to the fact that EBRD has held out the prospect of a loan to Moscow for the upgrade.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for the final investment project.

DKK 2,940,000


Name of project
Ozone-depleting Substance (ODS) Phase-out in the Sector of Refrigeration Servicing in St. Petersburg City and Leningrad Oblast

File No.

Project recipient
Refrigeration service firms in St. Petersburg etc.

Project manager

Project description
The project comprises of supplementary training for 800 technicians within refrigeration service in the St. Petersburg area (5 days practical and theoretical training), transfer of the necessary equipment for the service firms included in the project, construction of 4 recycling centres and a storage yard for heavily contaminated coolants.

Environmental effect
Phase-out of 243 tons ODS.

DKK 7,516,000



Name of project
Contribution to CFC Phase-out Fund at the World Bank

File No.

Project recipient
Companies in Russia

Project manager
The World Bank

Project description
This concerns Denmark's contribution to the World Bank's trust fund for phase-out of CFCs in Russia. The money will be used for a World Bank project to ensure the phase-out of the remaining production and use of CFCs in Russia.

Environmental effect
Final phase-out of ozone-depleting substances at manufacturing companies.

DKK 12,000,000


Name of project
Development of Eco-tourism and Nature Protection in the Kaliningrad Region

File No.

Project recipient
Kaliningrad Regional Forest Administration and National Park Administration

Project manager
North Jutland County

Project description
The Curonian Spit and the Vistula Spit are recognised, nationally and internationally, as unique natural areas. However, their special character is threatened by rapidly increasing exploitation. The aim of the project is to ensure the preservation of natural amenities and a sustainable development of the amenities through the development of eco-tourism, strengthening of the administrative capability of the authorities, and public information.

Environmental effect
The project concerns an area of 10,000 hectares.

DKK 1,293,998



Name of project
St. Petersburg Water Sector Development Programme

File No.

Project recipient
The Vodokanal, St. Petersburg

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
Supplementary grant for a project supported earlier concerning development of the water and waste water sector in St. Petersburg. The long-term objective is for all inhabitants to have access to drinking water of a quality of at least EU standard, for contaminant loads to be reduced to HELCOM standard, and for the water company to be brought up to a level at which it operates on the basis of modern principles and on commercial terms.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a project.

DKK 185,500


Name of project
Slurry Utilisation Project in Pskov Region, Phase 2

File No.

Project recipient
Pskovsky Farm, Pskov Oblast

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
The project is a continuation of the Slurry Utilisation project in the Pskov Region. In this phase, two more liquid manure tanks will be constructed and spreading of liquid manure on fields will be demonstrated. Water-saving measures will be introduced and a video and other information material will be produced. The project is being co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.

Environmental effect
Calculated reductions per year:
Nitrogen: 50 tons
Phosphorus: 4 tons
BOD: 120 tons
SS: 900 tons
Fuel consumption: 10,000 litres
Water consumption: 50,000 m3

DKK 5,247,472



Name of project
Kaliningrad Water and Waste Water Services Feasibility Study

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental authorities in Kaliningrad

Project manager
Krüger International Consult A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project is to prepare a feasibility study of water supply and waste water treatment that complies with EBRD's standard for project descriptions, so that it can subsequently be used as a basis for a loan from EBRD.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for an investment project.

DKK 1,907,000


Name of project
Modernisation and Elaboration of Understanding of the Environment and of Nature in Kaliningrad

File No.

Project recipient
The Environmental School, Kaliningrad

Project manager
Esrum Møllegård, Centre for Environment and Nature

Project description
The main aim of the project is to strengthen and spread environmental awareness among children and young people in the Kaliningrad region of Russia by introducing modern environmental teaching methods. To increase the centre's capacity, a mobile unit (an environment bus) will be supplied and equipped with teaching materials and equipment for active and practical teaching about environmental issues.

Environmental effect
More than 4,000 children participate in the school's activities each year.

DKK 1,500,000


Name of project
Sr.90 St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad Region

File No.

Project recipient
The Russian Administration of Navigation and Hydrography in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad

Project manager
Wilco Marine ApS

Project description
The aim of the project is the removal of 93 thermonuclear generators installed at 75 lighthouses in the St. Petersburg region and the Kaliningrad region, where they provide current for operation of the lighthouses. The radioactive cells will be replaced by solar panels and low-energy optics.

Environmental effect
Removal of 93 radioactive generators from 75 positions in the Bay of Finland and the approach to Kaliningrad.

DKK 11,449,445


Name of project
Solid Waste Management Improvements in Novgorod, Russia

File No.

Project recipient
City of Novgorod

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
Plan for improvement and enlargement of an existing landfill. Establishment of a waste registration system. Supply of a compactor. Establishment of a special section with a membrane for reception of hazardous waste. Implementation of separation of domestic waste at source in a pilot area. Implementation of cleaner technologies in at least 3 industrial enterprises with respect to waste minimisation and recycling. Evaluation of the possibilities of establishing a transfer station/recycling facility.

Environmental effect
Improved handling and storage of hazardous waste in a special section with a membrane. Improved waste registration. Reduction of quantities of waste sent to the landfill. Utilisation of recyclable materials. Less waste in at least 3 industrial enterprises.

DKK 6,440,000


Name of project
Central Treatment of Galvanic Waste in Kaliningrad

File No.

Project recipient
Environmental authorities in Kaliningrad

Project manager

Project description
The purpose of the project is to establish a reception station for waste from galvanic enterprises and to establish a collection system with fees, legislation, etc. The station must be able to handle all types of galvanic waste, including waste containing metal hydroxides. In addition, a schedule will be made of the total quantities of galvanic waste in the region.

Environmental effect
When this project has been completed, galvanic waste will no longer be deposited at ordinary landfills but will instead be collected and processed at the reception station. The quantity of sludge has been tentatively put at 100 tons, about 5 tons of which consists of heavy metals.

DKK 1,831,420


Name of project
Implementation of Sludge Project, Pskov Sewage Treatment Plant, Russia

File No.

Project recipient
Pskov Municipality

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
Pskov Sewage Treatment Plant has been discharging sludge to a 10 hectare lagoon for many years. Now, 200,000 m3 sludge have accumulated in the lagoon. Studies have shown that a considerable part of the large quantities of heavy metals that have accumulated there are leaching into the River Velikaja.

The project consists in the establishment of a sludge treatment system at the treatment plant, including dewatering, stabilisation and depositing (the possibility of spreading the sludge on farmland must be investigated). In addition, a strategy must be drawn up for cleaning the sludge from the lagoon and re-establishing the lagoon as a lake or a sanitary landfill.

Environmental effect
This is a preventive project: A pump station to the lagoon will soon bring the water level down below the critical level of 38 m above the Baltic Sea. At 1-1.5 m over this level, the annual emissions are measured/estimated to be: 10 ammonia, 2 kg phenol, 4 kg cresols, 1 kg lead, 15 kg cadmium, 34 kg chromium, 6 kg nickel, 40 kg zinc and 100 kg copper. Below the 38 m level, the emissions are much lower (measured and estimated) and therefore give no cause for concern.

In about 10 years' time, when the lagoon has been completely cleaned, there will be no risk of an environmental disaster, and the emissions will be negligible.

DKK 12,766,000


Name of project
NIS Focal Point "Environment for Europe"

File No.

Project recipient
ECO-ACCORD and various green organisations in the former Soviet Union

Project manager

Project description
The main purpose of the project is to provide information that will encourage active participation by environmental organisations in the newly independent states and other large groups in continued work with the "Environment for Europe" process. The project is also intended to improve public access to information and raise public awareness in Russia and the former Soviet states.

Environmental effect
No direct effect, but the project will ensure increased co-operation between environmental organisations in East and West.

DKK 814,776


6.10 Environmental projects in Slovakia


Name of project
Installation of dust filters at 3 Slovakian furniture factories

File No.

Project recipient
3 furniture factories situated in central Slovakia

Project manager
Moldow A/S

Project description
Installation of dust filters at 3 furniture factories - Pravence, Prievidza and Uhrovec - all situated in central Slovakia. The waste heat from the production process is used, via cross heat exchangers, for circulation of clean, warm air and the dust collected is used as a fuel in the installed boilers. The dust filters will not only reduce emissions but also greatly improve the working environment.

Environmental effect
Total energy saving: 30,000 GJ/year,
Reductions per year: 4,500 tons CO2, 56 tons SO2, 5 tons Nox and 377 tons dust.

DKK 3,712,450


Name of project
General review of the extent of pollution of soil and groundwater in Slovakia

File No.

Project recipient
The Slovak Republic's Ministry of Environment

Project manager
Nellemann, Nielsen & Rauschenberger

Project description
General review of the extent of pollution of soil and groundwater in Slovakia. Besides an examination of available material, terms of reference will be prepared for 3 types of preventive projects in selected localities.

Environmental effect
General strategy.

DKK 450,000



Name of project
Appointment of a local project co-ordinator at the Slovak Republic's Ministry of Environment

File No.

Project recipient
The Slovak Republic's Ministry of Environment

Project manager
The local project co-ordinator

Project description
Appointment of a local project co-ordinator to work at the Slovak Republic's Ministry of Environment. The co-ordinator will supervise ongoing projects and help to develop and consolidate the bilateral co-operation within the framework of DESF.

Environmental effect
Strengthening of the Slovak Republic's Ministry of Environment.

DKK 280,000



6.11 Environmental projects in the Czech Republic


Name of project
Implementation of a 14 MW CHP plant in the Zelenica district of Decin, Czech Republic

File No.

Project recipient
City of Decin, Decin District Heating Company

Project manager
Bruun & Sørensen

Project description
The project includes an environmental assessment of the activities carried out so far in Decin. Attention will be paid to the greenhouse effect, the use of ozone-depleting substances, acidification, the population's health situation, infant mortality, etc.

The project also includes the preparation of an environmental action plan for implementation of future projects in the town, with a view to prioritisation of the projects from both an environmental and an economic point of view.

Lastly, the project includes the establishment of a natural gas-fired CHP plant and a new district heat distribution system. In this connection, Bruun & Sørensen will take care of the tender procedure and participate in the contract negotiations and quality assurance.

Environmental effect
Reductions per year: 90 tons SO2, 58 tons NOx, 184 tons particles, 25,000 tons CO2 and 1,700 tons slag/ash.

DKK 5,510,959


Name of project
Evaluation of 4 projects for biomass-fired CHP plants in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Project manager
Danske Fjernvarmeværkers Forening (Danish District Heating Association)

Project description
Evaluation of 4 projects for biomass-fired CHP plants. The Austrian Ministry of Environment paid for feasibility studies of the 4 projects, but the studies were encumbered with so many errors and deficiencies that an evaluation of a uniform basis was needed.
In the event of implementation, the projects will be financed in co-operation with the Austrian Ministry of Environment and the Czech Environment Fund.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for an investment project.

DKK 195,000


Name of project
Preparation of tender documents for EU approximation project 124/043-0039

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
Preparation of tender documents and subsequent evaluation of incoming tenders concerning implementation of EU legislation within the water sector.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for legislative project.

DKK 136,239


Name of project
Pre-accession Planning to Meet the Requirements of EU Legislation in the Water Sector in the Czech Republic

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic

Project manager
Carl Bro A/S

Project description
The purpose of the project, on which DEPA is co-operating with the World Bank and two small bilateral donors, is to estimate the cost to the Czech Republic of approximation to EU legislation in the water sector. The project includes a legal analysis of existing divergence from EU legislation, a cost analysis of the approximation to EU legislation, and a time and work schedule for achievement of conformity with the relevant legislation.

Environmental effect
No direct environmental effect, but the project will help the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic to implement the EU legislation more quickly and effectively.

DKK 5,765,745


Name of project
Support to Bank Environmental Programme

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, including the Bank Environmental Programme (BEP)

Project manager
Carl Bro Environment

Project description
Development of tools/guidelines to improve environmental management in the Bank Environmental Programme - including cost-benefit analysis tools for assessing/prioritising environmental projects - and introduction of EMAS in SMEs.

Environmental effect
Strengthening advisory services to companies.

DKK 3,100,000


6.12 Environmental projects in Ukraine


Name of project
Supply of Equipment for Repair and Maintenance of Water Mains and Sewers, Yalta and Sevastopol, Ukraine

File No.

Project recipient
The Vodokanals in Yalta and Sevastopol

Project manager
Per Aarsleff A/S

Project description
Both the water supply system and the sewerage system are in a very bad state, and the number of pipe ruptures exceeds the respective administrations' ability to repair them. With new contracting equipment and the training provided, the Vodakanals will be in a better position to carry out repairs and maintenance.

Environmental effect
In this region (the Crimea), there are regular outbreaks of water-borne diseases, such as hepatitis and cholera. With the new equipment, it will be possible to reduce the risk of disease from sewage running in the streets and leaking from sewers to drinking water pipes and to reduce pollution of the sea and beaches due to leaking outfalls.

DKK 8,449,122


Name of project
Feasibility Study for Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment in Crimea and Sevastopol

File No.

Project recipient
The Vodokanals in the Crimea

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
A feasibility study for a World Bank loan to the Vodokanals in Yalta and Sevastopol for rehabilitation of the water supply and sewerage systems waste water treatment plants. The project will include a view of the Vodokanals' administration with a view to introducing more modern, internationally recognised forms of administration. Lastly, a study will be carried out of the Crimea's water resources and the possibilities of improving the region's water supply system, which is often only in operation for two hours in the morning and two in the evening.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for an environmental loan.

DKK 8,000,000


Name of project
Second Mission on Hazardous Waste Management in Ukraine

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine

Project manager

Project description
The project, which is based on the results of a preliminary mission, consists of a mission to Kyiv and two Ukrainian counties, which, together with the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine, will prioritise the potential projects identified earlier within the handling of hazardous waste and procure the necessary information etc. for preparation of tender documents for the projects agreed upon.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for later projects.

DKK 521,170


Name of project
Cleaner Technology in the Machine Building Industry in Ukraine

File No.

Project recipient
Ukrainian Ministry for Machinebuilding and Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety

Project manager
Danish Technological Institute

Project description
The project, which comprises 20 cleaner technology audits in the engineering industry, 5-10 demonstration projects, support for policy formulation, and training of local experts in cleaner technology, is intended to help ensure that the modernisation of Ukraine's engineering industry takes place on the best possible environmental basis.

Environmental effect
Savings in water, chemicals and energy are expected at the firms used in the demonstration projects.

DKK 8,264,475



Name of project
Preparation of project document concerning pesticide waste in Ukraine and the tender procedure for a feasibility study

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
An earlier mission on the need for a project dealing with hazardous waste, identified the estimated 20,000 tons of pesticide waste in Ukraine as a major national problem. The project comprises the preparation of tender documents and the tender procedure for a feasibility study with a view to indicating practical models for environmentally acceptable disposal of the waste.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a later project.

DKK 381,820


Name of project
Country Programme for Phase-out of Leaded Petrol, Ukraine

File No.

Project recipient
Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Project description
The project has two objectives: firstly, to support the Ukrainian Government in its efforts to regulate the production and use of leaded petrol and, secondly, to generate the necessary commitment for a total phase-out of lead in petrol. The country programme will also form a model for similar programmes and action plans in other CEE countries.

Environmental effect
The country programme will create the necessary criteria for eliminating leaded petrol in Ukraine.

DKK 1,496,000


6.13 Other environmental projects


Name of project
HELCOM PITF MLW Demonstration Project "Management Plans for Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands, Phase 1b"

File No.

Project recipient
HELCOM PITF Working Group on Management of Lagoons and Wetlands

Project manager
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Denmark

Project description
The objective, which is an element of the HELCOM co-operation, is to put management plans into operation for six large coastal lagoons and wetlands in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad and Poland. Plans are being prepared as the final basis for implementing a number of nature conservation projects. This phase of the project includes strengthening public involvement and administrative capability.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for subsequent projects that are expected to result in an average reduction of 400 kg nitrogen/hectare/year per lagoon.

DKK 2,541,000


Name of project
Bosnia/Hercegovina, Sarajevo District Heating Reconstruction Project

File No.
124/007-0001; 124/007-0001B; 129-0046

Project recipient
Sarajevo District Heating Company

Project manager
Carl Bro A/S. Equipment supplies: Starpipe A/S and Danfoss A/S

Project description
Based on a Finnish feasibility study on the reconstruction of Sarajevo's district heating network following the civil war, DESF, in co-operation with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs' fund for the reconstruction of Bosnia-Hercegovina, has financed a supply of district heating pipes and small-scale CHP plants for the district heating network. The supply was made in connection with a major project financed by the World Bank: reconstruction of Sarajevo's entire district heating network.

Environmental effect
Two environmental effects: the establishment of 6 km of district heating pipes and the fact that connection to the district heating network will render unlawful, interim heating devices unnecessary.

DKK 4,911,385


Name of project
Technical Support to DEPA on Identification and Preparation of Approximation-related Projects in Central and Eastern European Countries

File No.

Project recipient
Several countries

Project manager
Milieu Ltd.

Project description
Identification, description and preparation of projects to assist CEE countries in approximation of their environmental legislation to European Union law.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for projects.

DKK 880,500


Name of project
Contribution to Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)

File No.

Project recipient
Central and Eastern Europe in general

Project manager

Project description
This concerns Denmark's contribution to NEFCO, which contributes to joint ventures between Nordic and Central and East European companies in the environment sector by investing in corporate constellations or providing loans for projects. The contribution to the basic capital amounts to about DKK 12 million; in addition, a contribution of about DKK 6 million is made to a special soft loan facility under NEFCO.

Environmental effect

DKK 18,027,552


Name of project
PPC officer for EBRD

File No.

Project recipient
EBRD etc.

Project manager

Project description
In connection with the international work in EBRD, a PPC officer has been appointed, financed by DESF. The officer in question is attached to the Committee for Project Preparations in Central and Eastern Europe cf. Document 120 of 2/2 1994.

Environmental effect
Preparation of projects.

DKK 1,938,000


Name of project
Chisinau Water Services Rehabilitation Project - Implementation Support and Industrial Effluent Monitoring

File No.

Project recipient
Chisinau water authorities

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
Assistance to the Moldavian authorities in connection with the tender and contract procedure for this entire rehabilitation project. The project should be seen in relation to the main project, which amounts to USD 59.2 million.

Environmental effect

DKK 196,960


Name of project
Phase-out of Leaded Petrol

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S.

Project description
The expansion of the project will support the Danish lead phase-out initiative from August 1997 to spring 1998. The expansion comprises further collection and processing of questionnaires concerning leaded petrol, assistance with the formulation of an integrated strategy for phase-out of leaded petrol in Europe, and revision and editing of a report on the subject, with particular emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for an integrated European strategy with particular emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe.

DKK 987,000


Name of project
2. Task Force meeting on phase-out of leaded petrol

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager
International Conference Services

Project description
The grant will finance participation by Central and East Europeans in the 2nd Task Force meeting on phase-out of leaded petrol.

Environmental effect
Not relevant.

DKK 170,518


Name of project
Evaluation of DESF

File No.

Project manager
Mikael Skou Andersen, Århus University, in co-operation with PLS Consult and KPMG C. Jespersen.

Project description
The project is the first external evaluation of DESF. The project has three components. The first is a project evaluation with a view to verify the project results achieved; this component includes an evaluation of the administration of DESF. The second component is a country evaluation of 8 selected programme countries. In the third and last component, the threads of the evaluations are gathered together and recommendations are made for further action.

Environmental effect
Not relevant.

DKK 2,022,775


Name of project
Car Technology and Recommended Fuelling

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager
Danish Technological Institute

Project description
The main purpose of the project is to gather and publish information about East European makes of cars/models that can run on unleaded petrol. This information is of vital importance in connection with the plan to phase out leaded petrol.

Environmental effect
The publication could, in itself, have a significant impact on the use of leaded petrol in Central and Eastern Europe, although the impact is unquantifiable.

DKK 1,050,000


Name of project
Action Plan for Baltic Agenda 21 - Energy

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager

Project description
The project is part of the Baltic Agenda 21 programme initiated by the environment ministers of countries around the Baltic Sea in Saltsjöbaden in October 1996. The purpose of the energy part of the programme is to draw up an action plan for sustainable development in the energy sector in the Baltic region.

Environmental effect
Top-level planning.

DKK 2,941,400


Name of project
Environmental Expenditure in Central and Eastern Europe

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager
COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S.

Project description
The purpose of the project is to procure information on the trend in environmental expenditure in Central and Eastern Europe and to the financing of the expenditure. The project is also intended to improve the methods used for preparation of national environmental statistics in the region. 5 case countries will be selected.

Environmental effect
General study.

DKK 693,725


Name of project
Energy Conservation Initiative

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager

Project description
The purpose of the project is to gain a picture of good and bad experience in the implementation of the Energy Charter Protocol with a view to intensifying the action, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, and thus reducing emissions of CO2, NOx and SO2.

Environmental effect
General study.

DKK 4,400,400


Name of project
Lead Phase-out, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

File No.

Project recipient
The environment and energy ministries in Aserbaijan, Kazakhstan and Usbekistan

Project manager
The World Bank and Chem Systems (UK)

Project description
The purpose of the project is to support the Governments of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in their efforts to regulate the production and use of leaded petrol and to generate the necessary commitment to a total phase-out of leaded petrol. The project will result in phase-out plants for leaded petrol within the framework of the national environmental action plans (NEAPs).

Environmental effect
The project will create the necessary criteria for eliminating leaded petrol in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

DKK 1,026,000


Name of project
Support to the Sofia Initiatives

File No.

Project recipient
Various countries.

Project manager
The Regional Environmental Centre (REC) in Hungary

Project description
The project is intended to strengthen the use of economic control instruments in environment policy and strategic environmental analyses in Central and Eastern Europe through exchange of experience and information, identification of success stories, establishment of an expert network, and institutional strengthening.

Environmental effect
Improved basis for economic control instruments, etc.

DKK 1,687,500


Name of project
Establishment of a database for DESF

File No.

Project recipient
Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Project manager
Mogens Nielsen, consulting engineer

Project description
The project is a continuation of a project to establish a result database containing final reports on all projects that have received grants under DESF. This involves updating about 180 final reports from 1996 and 1997.

Environmental effect
Not relevant.

DKK 962,031


Name of project
Support to enable Central and Eastern Europeans to participate in various conferences

File No.

Project recipient
Various participants from Central and Eastern Europe

Project manager
Stockholm Environmental Institute, Convention of the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, UNEP, Danish Technological Institute and the Danish National Forest and Nature Agency

Project description
Provision of grants to enable Central and East Europeans to participate in the following conferences:

UNCED Progress Assessment in Central and Eastern Europe
Follow-up on the Rio Conference
Conference on natural coolants in Århus
Baltic Sea Conference on Family Forestry

Environmental effect
Indirect effect from holding conferences.

DKK 343,957


Name of project
The Danish Social-Liberal Party: Conference on Environment and Democracy in East and West

File No.

Project recipient
Participants from the Baltic States, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Project manager
The Danish Social-Liberal Party's Environment and Energy Committee

Project description
A conference from 1 to 6 June 1997, the main purpose of which was to increase the CEE countries' knowledge of democracy and environment in theory and practice. Themes included environment, democracy and consumer and citizen influence.

Environmental effect
Indirect effect from a conference.

DKK 245,306


Name of project
Travel and accommodation for Central and East Europeans

File No.

Project recipient
Various Central and East European co-operation partners in the recipient countries

Project manager

Project description
Joint account for payment of the travel and accommodation costs of Central and East European co-operation partners. Co-operation partners, here meaning primarily central authorities, in most CEE countries do not have the necessary funds for travel and accommodation. DESF therefore pays these costs to facilitate co-operation.

Environmental effect
Not relevant.

DKK 300,000


Name of project
Technical assistance with the implementation of an investment project to improve the water supply and waste water situation in 5 Croatian towns

File No.

Project recipient
5 Croatian towns

Project manager
Water & Power Planners

Project description
Preparation of tender documents for technical assistance on an implementation project within water supply and waste water treatment in 5 towns in Croatia. The Danish consultant will also carry out feasibility studies for two other towns, Omis and Sibenik, and help the local authorities to implement the project, including procurements, the tender procedure, building up the necessary organisation, etc. The project will be implemented in all 7 towns.

Environmental effect
Preliminary work for a subsequent project.

DKK 393,920


Name of project
EBRD, Nuclear Safety Account

File No.

Project recipient
CEE countries with safety problems at nuclear power plants

Project manager

Project description
The project is intended to ensure continued action on unsafe nuclear power stations on Central and Eastern Europe. The Danish position is that unsafe nuclear power stations should be closed down, primarily because of the risk of operating them. Where closure is not possible - because, for example, alternative energy sources are not available for economic and other reasons, it should be ensured that the widest possible use is made of safe, Western nuclear power technology.

In 1993, an international grant facility was created under EBRD, Nuclear Safety Account, which takes care of this work.

Environmental effect
Safeguarding unsafe nuclear power stations is a preventive measure.

DKK 15,000,000


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