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Environmental Assistance to Eastern Europe

7. Annex 1

7 Annex 1
7.1 Members of the advisory committee to the Danish
Environmental Support Fund for Eastern Europe

7.1 Members of the Advisory Committee to the Danish Environmental Support Fund for Eastern Europe

Erik Hoffmeyer, former Governor of the National Bank

The Economic Council of the Labour Movement
Frans Clemmesen, Economist

National Environmental Research Institute
Jens Chr. Pedersen, Ph.D.

Danish Society for the Conservation of Nature
Lone Johnsen, Director

Confederation of Danish Industries
Hans Peter Slente, MSc (economics)

Danish Energy Agency
Flemming Secher, Head of Division

Danish Association of Consulting Engineers
John Cederberg, Director General

The Outdoor Council
Jane Lund Henriksen, Vice-chairman

The Danish Chamber of Commerce
Mette Herget, MSc (pharmacology)

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Henrik Skouenborg, Special Adviser

Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Leo Larsen, Deputy Director General
(1. February 1999 appointed
Permanent Undersecretary of State)

Provision of secretariat services to the Committee:

Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Karsten Skov, Head of Division


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