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Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater
Contamination 2000

Appendix C


Framework for description of field projects:

Background (brief section describing the programme).

The objective of the technology project at the specific site (overall objective).

Description of the site, including:
Geological conditions.
Contamination conditions.
Any remedial measures taken outside the scope of the technology project.
Other conditions and circumstances.
Description of the technology project:
Activities, which are carried out as part of the detailed planning process, including additional surveys, borings, etc.
Activities which must carried out prior to and when establishing plants or carrying out similar measures.
Activities which must carried out during operation of the plant (test measuring, analysis results, observation, etc.).
Activities which are to be carried out to monitor the project.
Reporting on the technology project - both during and upon completion of the project.

Time schedule.

Financial estimates:
For each element of the technology project (see budget).
Staffing (including the steering committee).


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