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Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater
Contamination 2000

Appendix B

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Paradigm for pledge for support for field projects.


The Soil Contamination Division

File No.   M
Ref.       /14

Re.: Technology Programme.
(site, city, county).


1. Project title, project description and project period.
2. Budget, payments, etc.
3. Project management.
4. Copyright.
5. Publication.
6. Settlement and payment.
Enclosed documents:

In accordance with Section 8 a (2) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Consolidated Act No. 939 of 27 October 1996 on Waste Deposits and Landfills, the Danish EPA shall issue a pledge for support amounting to a total of DKK (xxxxxx), not including VAT, corresponding to DKK (xxxxxx) including VAT for testing of (xxxxxx) technology under the Danish EPA Technology Development Programme. The following features more detailed specifications for such support.

The pledge issued for support and any support already paid may be revoked if the recipient does not continue to fulfil the conditions for receiving support or is incapable of carrying out activities in a satisfactory manner.


The recipient is requested to sign and return the enclosed letter of acceptance to the Danish EPA.

1. Project title, project description and project period.


The title of the technology project is (xxxxxxx). The project description shall be prepared by (consultant) on (date and year) with assistance from the expert secretary (xxxxxx).

This sketch project (this does not always apply) features outlines of proposals for establishing (method) at the site. It also features more specific detail on project objective, contents, funding, time schedule, etc.

The overall objective of the technology project (which will differ with each project) is to bring about a knowledge base with regard to use of (the method), including:

Provision of documentation for the effect of the use of (the method) as a remediation method under the specific geological conditions and environmental chemistry, including the limitations of the method.
Selection of the key parameters for dimensioning and monitoring.
Preparation of guidelines for establishing, operating, monitoring, and completing remediation by means of (method).
Provision of an estimate of the costs of using the method.

(The recipient) shall hold the legal status of developer and shall thus carry out negotiations with a consultant as well as prepare contracts, etc.

The Danish EPA grants support for testing technology and has no knowledge as to the applicability of the technology in specific cases. Thus, the Danish EPA cannot be held responsible for the results of such testing.

The project will be initiated on (date and year) and completed on (date and year).

2. Budget, payments, etc.

The total budget has been calculated at DKK (xxxxxx) not including VAT.
The Danish EPA shall contribute DKK (xxxxxx) not including VAT,
(The recipient) shall contribute DKK (xxxxxx) not including VAT.

The total support has been calculated at (xxxxxx) DKK, not including VAT; which corresponds to DKK (xxxxxx) including VAT.

The budget is described in more detail in the enclosed project description - however, the support includes costs in connection with HTML coding of the report to a total of DKK (xxxx) not including VAT.

(The two sections below shall be included or omitted as appropriate for the project)


The support includes an amount of approximately (xx) per cent of the total cost, corresponding to DKK (xx) not including VAT, for contingencies.

The contingencies of (xx) per cent can only be used upon agreement with the Danish EPA.

The costs are distributed amongst individual financial years as follows:

2000: (xxxxxx) DKK not including VAT
2001: (xxxxxx) DKK not including VAT
2002: (xxxxxx) DKK not including VAT (contingencies are included here)
- to be deleted if previous sections on this subject have been omitted

The recipient shall assume liability in relation to subcontractors. This includes responsibility for ensuring that contracts are entered into on terms (with regard to price, guarantees, complaints, and liability) which in view of the circumstances are usual and advisable according to expert assessment, that contracts are entered into in accordance with normal business terms, and that contract amounts do not exceed budgeted amounts.

When the Danish EPA has acknowledged that the technology project has been completed, (the recipient) shall take over the plant and all appertaining installations, provided that the equipment is deemed to have been depreciated to a value of DKK 0 at this time.

The Danish EPA shall also require that equipment which has been acquired by (the recipient) with funds granted by the Danish EPA be registered by (the recipient's institution).

3. Project management.

(The recipient) shall be responsible for ensuring that the project is completed within the framework stipulated for timing and funding.

In the event of any problems, such a financial, technical, or time problems, the person responsible for the project shall submit a written proposal for resolving this problem to the Danish EPA.

(The recipient) shall be responsible for securing any equipment.

The contact person and project manager appointed by (the recipient) are (xxxxxx).

The contact person(s) appointed for the Danish EPA are (xxxxxx). Any amendments to the project and the organisation shall be authorised by (the recipient) and the Danish EPA.

A steering committee for the technology project shall be set up, with (xxxxxx) from (the recipient) as chairman. The steering committee shall also include the expert secretary, the consultant, and (xxxxxx) from the Danish EPA.

The steering committee shall be responsible for:

ensuring that the project is carried out according to plan,
carrying out regular assessments of the progress and results of the project,
deciding on any adjustments to the plans regarding the project,
ensuring that the project is coordinated with other projects, if necessary,
approving the result of the project, and
ensuring compliance with the financial framework.

4. Copyright.

(The recipient) and the Danish EPA shall have joint copyright for the results of the project.

The Danish EPA shall hold all electronic publishing rights regarding the products specified in this contract; this includes copyrights on illustrations, etc.

5. Publication.

After completion of the project, (the recipient) and the Danish EPA may use and publish the results of the project as they see fit.

The project shall be concluded by a final report, which is prepared in accordance with the detailed guidelines issued by the Danish EPA: 'Fra manuskript til publikation – gør Miljøstyrelsens publikationer klar til tryk, oktober 1999' ['From Manuscript to Publication - Preparing Danish EPA Publications for Printing, October 1999'] and 'Publikationers klargøring til elektronisk publicering, Vejledning 1998' [Preparation of Publications for Electronic Publication, Guidelines 1998], cf. the design guide and guidelines through the Danish EPA homepage at: http://www.mst.dk/fakta/40000000.htm

The project report shall be ready for printing and electronic publication. The report shall be submitted in the Word ’97 format on a diskette or CD-ROM and as a hard copy, and must be submitted as one document.

The Danish EPA must be approached in connection with electronic publication (HTML coding) in order to determine the actual coding process.

(The following section shall be included or omitted as appropriate)

Upon completion of the project, the advisor shall submit a project article in Danish and English versions, each of which shall be ready for publication as separate units. The project articles shall be written in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Danish EPA, cf. attachment, and be ready to be published electronically. Project articles which are to be printed shall be submitted in a Word ’97 format as hard copies and in file format on a diskette.

All materials to be used for publication shall be proof-read upon submission.

Part one of the enclosed publication form shall be filled in by the person(s) carrying out the project and shall accompany the project report and HTML version.

As far as possible, all of the above shall be submitted collectively to the Danish EPA.

6. Settlement and payment.

Settlement shall be carried out annually to (the recipient) on the basis of detailed accounts. For settlement of projects valued at less than DKK 100,000 not including VAT, copies of documentation for the specified costs shall be enclosed, including time records.

When finalising the accounts, detailed final accounts for the entire project period shall be available. According to the terms of pledges for support, final accounts (greater than DKK 100,000 not including VAT) shall be audited. Where the end accounts exceed DKK 100,000 not including VAT, they shall include an auditor's report, and where they exceed DKK 500,000 not including VAT, the auditor shall be a registered public accountant or a state-authorised public accountant. Expenses for the audit shall be paid by the recipient.

The Danish EPA is currently preparing audit instructions for the support scheme. Until these instructions are available, audit shall be carried out in accordance with good audit practise as described in the enclosed model instructions for project support issued by the Office of the Auditor General of Denmark. The Danish EPA will distribute the audit instructions for the support scheme when they become available.

Reimbursement from the Danish EPA also requires submission of a completed status form with the receipts; this form is to be filled out in accordance with the Danish EPA guidelines, cf. the enclosed.

Invoices for work carried out within a given financial year shall be with the Danish EPA no later than 10 January following the end of the said financial year. Invoices which are submitted later cannot be expected to be reimbursed by the Danish EPA in that year.

Overruns due to increased prices, salaries, and consumption will not be reimbursed by the Danish EPA unless a prior supplementary written agreement to this effect has been entered into.

Best regards

Enclosed documents:

- Project description, dated on [          ] and project budget
- Status form (must be enclosed with each settlement).
- "Forfattervejledning - for projektartikler til Miljøstyrelsens magasin Ny Viden" ['Author's Guidelines - for Project Articles for the Danish EPA Journal "New Knowledge"'].
- Publication form (part 1 shall be filled in by the person carrying out the project).
- Model instructions for audit of support.
- Letter of acceptance of support.


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