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Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater
Contamination 2000

1. Background

The Waste Deposits/Landfills Act /1/ stipulated a special programme for developing remediation technologies within the field of soil contamination. The Contaminated Soil Act of 2 June 1999 /2/ states that the Minister for Environment and Energy is responsible for development and testing of new technology within soil contamination. The funds allocated for the programme are determined in the annual national budget.

The background and strategies for the development programme are described in "Program for Teknologiudvikling, jord- og grundvandsforurening, december 1996" [Programme for Development of Technology, Soil and Groundwater Contamination" /3/. The "Udbygning af Program for Teknologiudvikling, jord- og grundvandsforurening for 1998 og 1999" [Extension of Programme for Development of Technology, Soil and Groundwater Contamination /4/ contains descriptions of areas of special interest and project proposals for 1998-99.

This programme features a description of the revised overall objective of the programme (section 2), the status of the programme (section 3), and section 4 lists areas of contamination against which the Technology Programme should be directed during the next few years. Section 5 features descriptions of project proposals for field projects and desk studies planned for the year 2000.

The National Budget for 2000 assigns an amount of DKK 15 million for technology development. The National Budget contains the following:

"The purpose of establishing this programme is, through coordinated efforts within the area of technology, etc., to render remediation of deposits/landfills more efficient and cost-effective and to remove barriers for development and use of target-specific technologies directed towards contamination of soil and groundwater. The funds assigned may e.g. be used to pay for gathering experience and knowledge on soil contamination, as well as development and testing of new technologies. Funds may also be used to develop and test methods, e.g. with a view to determining criteria, risk assessment, and employment analyses, as well as for documenting, assessing and comparing the effectiveness, efficiency, cost, and environmental impact of remediation techniques. The funds allocated may moreover be used to co-finance development and testing of remediation projects prepared and funded by county councils and the local authorities of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg, provided that such projects involve some aspect of development. Moreover, costs may be defrayed and support granted for insurance concerning any liability in connection with remediation work. Costs may be defrayed and support granted for information, advertising and tenders with respect to projects as well as for audits, evaluations, and communication of results, etc".

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