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Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater
Contamination 2000


In 1996 a programme for development of remediation technologies relating to soil and groundwater contamination was set up.

The background and strategy of the development programme were described in the Danish EPA report "Programme for Development of Technology – Soil and Groundwater Contamination" of December 1996, and in each year since 1996 plans have been drawn up for projects in the following year.

Since the programme was launched, about 60 projects have been initiated, half of them to support testing of different remediation technologies. The other half supports development projects dealing with different remediation technologies, or enhances general knowledge on soil contamination.

This report gives an account of the progress of projects initiated, and presents proposals for projects in 2000 and 2001.

Focus is primarily on field projects relating to contamination from chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons, including MTBE and PAHs. The report gives a survey of the technologies selected for testing.

Both public and private developers are eligible for support from the Danish EPA for projects documenting or testing specific remediation techniques. The Danish EPA also initiates development projects and other projects relating to soil pollution – primarily by tender.

At the turn of the year, the Danish EPA invites all regional authorities to submit proposals for sites which can be used to document specific remediation technologies highlighted in the programme.

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