Water Prices in CEE and CIS Countries. Volume II: Case Studies

Appendix 13.1:
SP Questionnaire

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Willingness to pay

I am now going to ask you to choose between different options for your cold water services. These options will include different levels for:

Unplanned interruptions to the cold water supplied to your household during the day time for 1-2 hours:
- either as it is now or
- no interruptions at all
- once a month

The smell of the cold water from the tap:
- either as now or
- no smell at all
- smells of chlorine even after boiling

Colour of the cold water
- either as now or
- always completely clear
- slightly coloured (with traces of rust)

The cost you pay for cold water services per month*/two months* (*Interviewer use whatever period they get billed in):
- either current, that is.....(see Q22)
- current plus 10%, that is.....(Q22 plus 10%)
- current plus 50%, that is.....(Q22 plus 50%)

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