The Future of the Cardiff process

Annex II: Council commitments

Full Council Title

Economic and Financial Affairs


Education, Youth and Culture

6th Environmental Action Programme - 6EAP

CC: * Use of incentives;

NR: *** Breaking the link between resource use and economic growth.

CC: Realisation by 2005 of demonstrable progress under Kyoto; ratification and entering into force of the Kyoto Protocol by 2002 and fulfilment of commitment of an 8% reduction in emissions by 2008-12;

NR: Halt biodiversity decline with an aim to achieve this objective by 2010;

H&Q:** Aiming within in one generation (2020) that chemicals are only produced and used in ways that do not lead to significant negative impacts on environment and health;

NR: Meeting quantitative and qualitative targets by 2010, covering all relevant waste;

NR: Developing quantitative and qualitative targets for waste by 2002;

O: **** Establish a coherent set of environment targets to be promoted for adoption at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002.


6th Environmental Action Programme Thematic Strategies

S: Consider how to integrate soil protection onto Regional and Cohesion funding policies;

NR: Doubling of wealth and halving of environmental impact.

S: Communication on 'Planning and Environment- the territorial dimension' by 2003; soil action programme to be proposed in 2004; Directive on soil monitoring to be developed. Discussions on what should be monitored to take place during 2003;

P: ^A series of mandatory requirements within two years, covering eg. Management of pesticide packaging and unused products, regular inspection of machinery; ^^all Member States to produce a hazard and risk reduction plans within two years (2004) of agreeing a new approach.


Conclusions from Gothenburg

CC: Encourage the European Investment Bank to co-operate with the Commission on implementing EU climate change policy;

T: "Decouple transport and GDP growth.

CC: Reaffirming of the commitments to deliver Kyoto targets and the realisation of demonstrable progress in achieving commitment by 2005 - see climate change under 6 EAP;

NR: Halt biodiversity decline with an aim to achieve this objective by 2010;

H&Q: The Commission intends to present proposals and these should be adopted by 2004, therefore ensuring that within a generation chemicals are only produced and used in ways that do not have a significant impact on health and the environment - see sustainable use of resources 6 EAP.


Johannesburg Summit 2002

NR: Facilitate implementation of the Montreal Protocol by ensuring replenishment of its fund by 2003/2005;

H&Q: EU to increase development assistance to more than 22 billion euros in the years to 2006.

H&Q: #Halve by the year 2015, the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water; ##aim, by 2020, to use and produce chemicals in ways that do not lead to significant adverse effects on human health and the environment; promote the ratification and implementation of relevant international instruments so that the Rotterdam Convention can enter into force by 2003 and the Stockholm Convention by 2004; encourage countries to implement the new globally harmonised system for classification and labelling of chemicals so as it is fully operational by 2008 with the development of a strategic approach for chemicals management by 2005;

NR: Develop integrated water resources and management plans by 2005; achieve by 2010, a significant reduction in the current rate of loss of biological diversity.

H&Q: Ensure that by 2015 all children will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling and that girls and boys will have equal access to all levels of education

Biodiversity Strategy 1998 and Action Plans 2001

BS: Internalisation of biodiversity values in CBA; shifting incentives; and identifying indicators;

BAPNR: Adequate financial support for Natura 2000; EC financed programmes to contain clear commitments to protecting biodiversity; evaluation of plans and programmes to integrate the environmental dimension into the Structural Funds programme and the assessment of its effects on biodiversity.

BS: Develop a system of indicators; identify and facilitate exchange of information, including CHM; implement the Habitats Diredtive, support Natura 2000 and provide financial and technical support; develop management plans for selected species; implement and adapt CITES; develop cooperation with Member States to enhance conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity outside protected areas; use the WFD ; enhance ecological function of land cover; protect and restore wetlands; promote better coordination between international initiatives, including identification of interactions between them; promote coastal zone management and planning;

BAPF: promote measures to reduce environmental impact of aquaculture, ie under water framework directive, EIA Directive;

BAPNR: Habitats and birds Directive - full transposition by 2002, adoption of standard EU reporting format by 2001, Community lists of sites by end 2002 and all forest types to be assessed as sufficiently represented by 2002; quality standards for products resulting from the treatment of sludge and biodegradable waste, and intended for application on soils by 2003; public awareness programme on the need to protect soil for biodiversity by 2005; develop instruments to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity across the territory outside protected areas; implementation of EIA and SEA Directives, with particular attention to Structural Funds projects; revised guidelines for EIA; adoption and implementation of public access to environmental information and participation directives, and consider need for further Aarhus instruments;

BAPNR: adoption of revised directive on monitoring, labelling and traceability GMOs by 2000; prevent or minimise the effects on biodiversity caused by release of GMOs; adaptation of CITES to reflect COP decisions; phase out ODS, and in particular methyl bromide in agriculture, by 2003; ratify and implement Cartagena Protocol as soon as possible; secure application of precautionary principle; assess need for proposals aimed at preventing the disappearance of greenfield sites in urban areas to preserve biodiversity; action plan including measures to clean up contaminated land affecting biodiversity, and a plan on how best to benefit biodiversity when reusing brownfield sites; consider developing register of urban contaminated sites; updating the list of alien invasive species under CITES regulation; develop international guidelines by the 6th COP (CBD).

BS: training, information and awareness raising on biodiversity;

BAPF: Information, education and training on biodiversity.


Full Council Title

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs


Employment and Social Policy


Consumer Affairs

6th Environmental Action Programme - 6EAP


H&Q:** Aim by 2020 that chemicals are produced/used in ways that do not lead to negative impacts on health


6th Environmental Action Programme Thematic Strategies




Conclusions from Gothenburg




Johannesburg Summit 2002


H&Q: ##Aim, by 2020, to use and produce chemicals in ways that do not lead to significant adverse effects on human health and the environment;

NR: Reduce by 2015 infant mortality by two thirds and maternal mortality by three quarters; Improve health education to achieve improved health literacy by 2010; Reduce HIV prevalence among people aged between 15-24 by 25% globally by 2010.


Biodiversity Strategy 1998 and Action Plans 2001


BAPNR: secure application of precautionary principle.

BAPNR: secure application of precautionary principle.


Full Council Title



Internal Markets



6th Environmental Action Programme - 6EAP


H&Q:** Aim by 2020 that chemicals are produced/used in ways that do not lead to negative impacts on health.

H&Q:** Recognise the current gaps in chemicals knowledge on the properties, use, disposal and exposure that need to be overcome before the 2020 target can be achieved;

O: Ensure regular information, from 2003 onwards, is available to provide the basis for policy decisions on environment and sustainable development, SDS, wider public. This will be supported by regular reports by the EEA.

6th Environmental Action Programme Thematic Strategies


P: ^^All Member States to produce a hazard and risk reduction plans within two years (2004) of agreeing a new approach.


Conclusions from Gothenburg




Johannesburg Summit 2002


H&Q: ##Aim, by 2020, to use and produce chemicals in ways that do not lead to significant adverse effects on human health and the environment;

NR: Develop community-based initiatives on sustainable tourism by 2004.


Biodivesity Strategy 1998 and Action Plans 2001

BAPNR: secure application of precautionary principle.

BAPNR: Ecolabel award scheme to address biodiversity; secure application of precautionary principle.

BS: task and targets to be integrated into RTD programmes;

BC: address research needs in 6RTD;

BAPF: research on assessment methods, more selective and environmental fishing methods, and alternative management systems, including control and enforcement. Research to provide enhanced knowledge related to biodiversity;

BAPDC: EC support to research efforts in developing countries.


Full Council Title

Transport, Telecommunication and Energy





6th Environmental Action Programme - 6EAP

CC: Identify specific actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from aviation by 2002; identify and undertake specific actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from marine shipping by 2003.


CC:* Encourage renewable energy sources to meet the indicative target of 12% of total energy use by 2010; increase Combined Heat and Power in the Community to 18% of the total gross electricity;

NR: ***Indicative target of 22% of electricity production from renewable energies by 2010.

6th Environmental Action Programme Thematic Strategies


Conclusions from Gothenburg

T: Revised guidelines for trans-European transport networks by 2003; "Commission to propose a framework to ensure that by 2004 the price of using different modes of transport better reflects costs to society.


CC: Reaffirm commitment to increase the use of renewable energy sources for electricity production by 22% by 2010 – see sustainable use of natural resources under 6 EAP.

Johannesburg Summit 2002


Biodiversity Strategy 1998 and Action Plans 2001

BS: minimise impacts of transport infrastructure.


BS: minimise the impact on biodiversity of infrastructures for energy from conventional and renewable sources; implement acidification and climate change strategies with a view to minimise negative impacts on biodiversity; assess best options for biodiversity when deciding on energy sources to meet regional demands.


Full Council Title

General Affairs and External Relations


General Affairs

External Affairs


6th Environmental Action Programme - 6EAP



O: ****Establish a coherent set of development targets to be promoted for adoption at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002.

6th Environmental Action Programme Thematic Strategies




Conclusions from Gothenburg




Johannesburg Summit 2002



H&Q: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the world's people whose income is less than $1 per day and proportion of people who suffer from hunger; by 2020, achieve a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers; #halve by the year 2015 the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation;

NR: Improve access by developing countries to alternatives to ozone depleting substances by 2010.

Biodivesity Strategy 1998 and Action Plans 2001


BS: Promote trade-related agricultural policies and disciplines respecting conservation and sustainable use, and WTO principles;

BAPNR: Habitats and birds Directives - technical adaptation to annexes for candidate countries; BAPDC: support national and international initiatives to add value to biodiversity through market access, incentives, 'global benefits' trading, international standards for regulation of trade, and certification systems and related labelling schemes; secure application of precautionary principle.

BS: avoid aquaculture practices that may affect habitats conservation;

BAPDC: Active participation in Biodiversity in Development Expert Group to harmonise policies, reporting and improve information sharing; support for capacity building; develop clear policies to maintain stocks of domesticated plant and animal species; support access to rural users to gene banks; EC support for rural development programmes to focus on array of habitats and species, to make use of IUCN sustainable development categories, and to incorporate ecosystem approach into cooperation; capacity building for national and local institutions to carry out EIA and SEA; new methods for data gathering and sharing; research into indicators and 5-yearly reviews of policy, programme and project documents.


Full Council Title

Agriculture and Fisheries




6th Environmental Action Programme - 6EAP


NR: Promote greater integration of environmental information into the CFP during its review in 2002.

6th Environmental Action Programme Thematic Strategies

P: ^To support mandatory requirements reports on import/export quantities, pesticide usage applied per crop and area and time of application will be required; ^a series of mandatory requirements within two years, covering education and training for those who use pesticides;

S: Discussion of integration of soil protection into existing and future policy as part of the mid term review.


Conclusions from Gothenburg


NR: Common Fisheries Policy review to be completed in 2002.

Johannesburg Summit 2002


NR: Where possible by 2015 maintain and restore depleted fish stocks with the establishment of marine protected areas being set up by 2012; encourage by 2010 the application of the ecosystem approach to sustainable development of oceans.

Biodiversity Strategy 1998 and Action Plans 2001

BS: policies, programmes and projects to promote plant genetic resources Global Plan of Action; promote development of technologies to assess levels of diversity; reinforce policy of in and ex situ conservation of genetic resources; support the development of gene banks and ensure legislation does not obstruct genetic resource conservation; further develop forestry Regulation 2080/92; promote sustainable forestry development, and the development of appraisal systems and methods for evaluating the impact of management techniques on biodiversity; encourage ecological function of rural areas; promote good agricultural practice standards; increase awareness of polluting potential of agricultural practices; promote and ensure the viability of crop species and domestic races; promote and support low-intensity farming systems in high natural value areas; further develop agri-environment measures;

BC: Identification of indicators;

BAPNR: indicators by 2003 to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity across the territory outside protected areas;

BAPA: integrate biodiversity objectives into relevant provisions of the CAP.

BAPNR: indicators to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity across the territory outside protected areas; secure application of precautionary principle;

BAPF: reduce pressure on commercially exploited stocks: review of basic regulation (3760/92) and secondary acts; more ambitious targets for reduction of overcapacity and effort in fishing fleet (Decision 97/413 and FIFG Regulation 2792/1999); effort linked to management plans; flanking technical measures to protect juveniles and spawning stock; reduce impact on non-target species and habitats: more selective gears, fishing closures and definition of best fishing practice; research: framework for data collection and management of such data in support of the CFP.


Key to Thematic Areas



NR: Natural Resources

S: Soils T: Transport

BS: 1998 Biodiversity Strategy

BAPNR: Biodiversity Action Plan - Natural Resources

BAPF: Biodiversity Action Plan – Fisheries

P: Pesticides

CC: Climate Change

O: Other

H&Q: Health and Quality of Life

BAPC: Biodiversity Action Plan - Chapeau

BAPA: Biodiversity Action Plan - Agriculture

BAPDC: Biodiversity Action Plan – Development Cooperation

* or ^ or " indicates when an aim applies to several Council formations