Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

3 Pesticides and parameters

The test cases defined by Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) are listed in Table 3.1. The pesticides were used as input to:

  • four different scenarios in  PestSurf, that is for a stream and a pond in a sandy and a sandy loam catchment respectively,
  • FOCUS SW D3 ditch and D4 pond and stream,
  • the standard waterhole scenario currently used in the Danish risk assessment.

3.1 Parameterisation for PestSurf

Information concerning the different pesticides were collected from EU monographies, the Pate database used by the DEPA and other available sources. As the aim of the exercise is to compare different methods rather than ensuring a perfect parameterisation of each pesticide, assumptions had to be made when the required data were not at hand.

Data requirement for Pestsurf and the status of the data are listed below.

Cas no.
The information was available for all compounds, see Table 3.2.

Molecular weight
The information was available for all compounds, see Table 3.2.

Information concerning the form: acid, basic, neutral
The molecular formula and pKa-value (if relevant) was available for all compounds, see Table 3.2.

The pKa-value was available for all compounds, where it was relevant. However, for pendimethalin, a pKa-value was given, while all other parameters indicated no dissociation. It was therefore assumed that the compound is neutral. The values used are listed in Table 3.2.

If the compound is neutral, the listed Kow-value is used directly. If not, a Kow-value has to be calculated for the neutral and the dissociated species separately.

The assumed formula is:

Kow = KowAH* [AH] + KowA-*[A-]

If Kow is determined at more than one pH-value, it is possible to calculate KowAH and KowA- For two values, the equations can be solved. For three values, an optimised solution can be found. For a few compounds, only one value was reported and the missing value was set to ”1”. Values are shown in Table 3.3.

Water solubility
The information was available for all compounds. No attempt was made to change if the solubility was given at 25 °C instead of 20 °C. The values used are shown in Table 3.2.

Vapor pressure
A value was available for all compounds, but not always at 20 °C. If the vapor pressure was given at 25 °C, a recalculation was attempted. It was assumed that

Ln(P) = A – B/(t+273),

where P is the vapor pressure, t is temperature in °C and A and B are constants.

If vapour pressure was estimated at two temperatures, these were used for recalculation to 20 °C. If the boiling point was given, this was used together with a vapour pressure equal to 1 atmosphere. If the boiling point was not given because the compound disintegrates, the disintegration temperature was used. This is not correct, and must be considered a pragmatic solution. The values are shown in Table 3.4.

Henry’s law constant
The parameter was given for most compounds but for terbutylazin and fluazinam, the value is calculated from molar weight, vapor pressure and water solubility. For the rest of the values, the unit was changed, generally from Pa m³mol-1 to dimensionless. This was done by division with the gas constant and the absolute temperature (assumed to be 20 °C if no temperature was listed with the value). The values are given in Table 3.5.

Sorption parameters
The Freundlich exponent and the Koc-value were derived from the reported sorption studies. Values were selected as recommended by FOCUS (2001). If adequate data were not readily available, a choice was made. The values applied are shown in Table 3.6.

The DT50 was derived from studies and values from different studies were recalculated to 20 degrees and pF2 as recommended by FOCUS (2001). Finally values were selected as recommended by the above mentioned FOCUS report (Aritmetric mean, geometric mean or median value, depending on the number of observations). If adequate data were not readily available, a subjective choice was made.The values are shown in Table 3.6.

Water/Sediment studies
The water/sediment studies were generally poorly documented in the available material. A choice had to be made to what was actually used as input to PestSurf. In most cases the water/sediment study value is used with the reported sediment concentration or the default value from PestSurf. For strongly sorbing compounds, where breakdown only seems to take place in the water phase, the DT50-value for pesticide in water is used with a sediment concentration of 0. The selected values are shown in Table 3.7.

For all compounds information on hydrolysis was available at three different pH-values. Three equations with three unknown were solved.

First the half live value (T1/2, days) were converted to rates:  ln(2)/(24*T1/2)

Then, the equations were made:

Measured ratε = Kacid*[H+] + Kneutral + Kbasic * [H-]

The equations were solved, and the three rates (Kacid, Kneutral, and Kbasic were found. If one of the rates became 0, the rate was kept to 0 and an optimal solution found for the two remaining parameters.

Thirdly, the rates were converted back to T1/2-values: ln(2)/(24*Kx). The original and recalculated values are shown in Table 3.8.

Only two compounds had sufficient data for full parameterisation: bentazon and metamitron. Five compounds are not degraded by photolysis, and a 6th is assumed not to degrade due to lack of information. The last six compounds were assigned a quantum yield and a spectrum that is poorly described. The selected values are shown in Table 3.9.

Plant uptake
Plant uptake was set to 0.5 for all pesticides.

3.2 Parameterisation for FOCUS SW

Information concerning the different pesticides to be used in FOCUS SW is generally similar to waht is required for PestSurf c.f. paragraph 3.1.

Molar mass and water solubility is parameterised according to estimates in Table 3.2, saturated vapour pressure according to estimates in Table 3.4, soil sorption coefficients, Freundlich exponents and half life in soil according to estimates in Table 3.6, and half life in water and sediment according to estimates in Table 3.7.

FOCUS SW require input of “molar enthalpy of vaporisation”. It was for all simulations set to 95000 J/mol. The “molar enthalpy of dissolution” was set to 27000 J/mol. These values were provided by the FOCUS SW software as default values. Similarly, FOCUS SW estimates for diffusion coefficients in water and air were used, these estimates obtained values of 4.3 × 10-5 m²/d and 0.43 m²/d, respectively.

For all FOCUS SW simulations the factor for the uptake by plant roots in soil were set to a 0.50 and the wash-off factor from crop was set to 0.05 mm-1 in MACRO (both default values).

Table 3.1. Pesticides and spraying conditions specified by DEPA for the study.
Tabel 3.1. Pesticider og udbringingsforhold specificeret af miljøstyrelsen for studiet.

Active substance Product Crop Time of treatment Spraying date Dose (kg as/ha)
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) Fastac Winter cereals At attack 1. June 0.015
Bentazon (h) Masaran Spring cereals GS 12-21 acc. to. GAP – approx. 1. – 10. May  Pest. Res. 63, App B 5. May 1.5
Bromoxinil (h) Oxytril Winter wheat 2-3 leaf stage till time of earing acc to. GAP – approx 15. Oct till 15 june jf. Pest. Res. 63, App. B 1. April 0.12
Bromoxinil (h) Oxytril Winter wheat 2-3 leaf stage till time of earing acc to. GAP  Pest. Res. 63, App B 7. Oct. 0.18
Fluazinam (f) Shirlan Potatoes June to September 1. June 0.175 × 4 with 10 days between
Malathion (i) Maladen Peas Vejl. Plantev: against aphids in pea 15. June 0.88
Metamitron (h) Goltix Sugar Beets Vejl. Plantev: dicotyledons at the cotyledon stage 1. May 0.7
Pendimethalin (h) Stomp Winter wheat PE acc to. GAP  - Before 25. Sep,. Pest. Res. 63, App. B
Vejl. Plantev: Just after sowing and in GS 11-12 (1. – 15. Oct). Dose: 1.6 kg as/ha
20. September 1.6
Pendimethalin (h) Stomp Spring cereals Vejl. Plantev:  GS 11-13 (? – 5. May). Dose 0.4 kg as/ha 1. May 0.4
Propiconazol (f) Tilt Spring cereals Vejl. Plantev: at signs of meldew, rust etc.. 1. June 0.125
Prosulfocarb (h) Boxer Winter cereals From sowing to 2-leaf stage Vejl. plantev. – around end of September. 25. September 2.4
Rimsulforon (h) Titus Potatoes Growth stage GS 30 jf. GAP - corr. to 17. June acc. to. Pest. Res. 63, App. B
Vejl. Plantev: Gras 1-6 leaves / dicotyledons 1-2 leaves
17. June 0.03
Terbutylazin (h) Lido Fodder maize Vejl. Planteværn: when weeds have cotyledons 15. May 0.5
Tribenuron methyl (h) Express Winter wheat Growth stage GS 9-29 GAP  - approx. 1. Oct – 4. April Pest. Res. 63, App B
Vejl. Planteværn: Early spring
1. Apr 0.015

Vejl. Planteværn =Planteværn Landbrug 2005, Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab, Axelborg, 1503 København V,

Table 3.2., molecular weight and charge, pKa-value and water solubility of the selected pesticides.
Tabel 3.2. Cas. nr., molekylevægt og ladning, pKa-værdi og vandopløselighed af de udvalgte pesticider.

Active substance Cas-no. Molecular weight Form (acid, basic, neutral) pKa Water solubility
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) 67375-30-8 416.3 Neutral   3.97 µg/l (pH7)
Bentazon (h) 25057-89-0 240.3 Acid 3.28 at 24°C 570 mg/l at 20°C (pH 7)
Bromoxinil (h) 1689-84-5 276.9 Acid 3.86 90 mg/l (distillled water)
Fluazinam (f) 79622-59-6 465.1 Neutral   0.071 mg/l at 20°C and pH 7.0
Malathion (i) 121-75-5 330.36 Neutral   148 mg/l at 25°C (unbuffered solution)
Metamitron (h) 41394-05-2 202.2 Neutral   1800 mg/L at 20°C
Pendimethalin (h) 40487-42-1 281.3 Neutral   0.33 mg/l l at 20°C (pH 7)
Propiconazol (f) 60207-90-1 342.2 Acid 1.09 at 20°C 150 mg/l at 20°C (pH 5.2)
Prosulfocarb (h) 52888-80-9 251.4 Neutral   13.0 mg/l at 20.0 ± 0.5°C
Rimsulforon (h) 122931-48-0 431.45 Acid 4.0 7.3 g/l (pH 7)
Terbutylazin (h) 5915-41-3 229.71 Basic 2.0 8.5 mg/l
Tribenuron methyl (h) 101200-48-0 395.4 Acid 4.7 2.04 g/l at 20°C (pH 7)

Table 3.3. Listed and re-calculated values for Kow.
Tabel 3.3. Opgivne og beregnede Kow-værdier.

Active substance logKow pH logKow pH logKow pH Recalculated values
KowA- KowAH KowAH+
Alpha-cypermethrin (h)     5.5         5.5  
Bentazon (h) 0.77 5 -0.46 7 -0.55 9 -0.54 2.48  
Bromoxinil (h) 1.31 2 1.04 7     1.04 1.31  
Fluazinam (f)     3.56         3.56  
Malathion (i)     2.75         2.75  
Metamitron (h)     0.83         0.83  
Pendimethalin (h)     5.2 7       5.2  
Propiconazol (f)     3.72 6.6       3.72 1
Prosulfocarb (h)     4.48         4.48  
Rimsulforon (h) 0.288 5 -1.46 7     -1.87 1.32  
Terbutylazin (h)     3.21         3.21 1
Tribenuron methyl (h) 2.6 5 0.78 7 0.30 9 0.0094 3.08  

Table 3.4. Listed and re-calculated values for vapor pressure.
Tabel 3.4. Opgivne og beregnede værdier for damptryk.

Active substance Vapor pressure, Pa Temperature
Temp., °C
Recalculated vapor
pressure, Pa
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) 3.4 × 10-7  (97.3%) 25 270 (Decomposition) 1.25 × 10-7
Bentazon (h) 1.7 × 10-4  (100% purity) 20    
Bromoxinil (h) 1.7 × 10-4 25 318.7 (Boiling point) 8.49 × 10-5
Fluazinam (f) 1,1 × 10-3  (study from 1991)
2,3 × 10-5   (study from 1992)
5.1 × 10-6  (RIVM)
Malathion (i) 4.5 × 10-4 25 3.10 × 10-3 Pa at 35 °C 1.63 × 10-4
Metamitron (h) 8.6 × 10-9  20    
Pendimethalin (h) 1.94 x  10-3 25 330 (Boiling point) 1.07 × 10-3
Propiconazol (f) 5.6 × 10-5  (99.1% pure) 25 355 (Decomposition) 2.80 × 10-5
Prosulfocarb (h) 7.9 × 10-4 20    
Rimsulforon (h) 8.9 × 10-7  20    
Terbutylazin (h) 1.5 × 10-4  20    
Tribenuron methyl (h) 5.3 × 10-8  25 175 (Decomposition) 1.25 × 10-8

Table 3.5. Listed and re-calculated values of Henry’s law constant.
Tabel 3.5. Opgivne og beregnede værdier for Henry’s konstant.

Active substance Henry’s law constant Conditions Recalculated value,
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) 0.069 Pa.m³ mol-1 20 °C 2.83 × 10-5
Bentazon (h) 7.2 × 10-5 Pa m³ mol-1   2.96 × 10-8
Bromoxinil (h) 5.3 × 10-4 Pa.m³. mol-1   2.18 × 10-7
Fluazinam (f) Calculated in Pestsurf    
Malathion (i) 1.0 × 10-3 Pa m³ mol-1   4.11 × 10-7
Metamitron (h) 9.53 × 10-13 atm-m³ mol-1 20 °C 3.96 × 10-11
Pendimethalin (h) 2.728 × 10-3 (Kpa x m³ / mol) 25 °C 1.10 × 10-3
Propiconazol (f) 9.2 × 10-5 Pa m³  mol -1   3.78 × 10-8
Prosulfocarb (h) 1.52 × 10-2 Pa m³ mol-1   6.24 × 10-6
Rimsulforon (h) 4.6 × 10-6 Pa m³ mol-1
8,3 × 10-8 Pa m³ mol-1
1.1 × 10-7 Pa m³ mol-1
(pH 5, 25 °C)
(pH 7, 25 °C)
(pH 9, 25 °C)
3.35 × 10-11
Terbutylazin (h) Calculated in Pestsurf    
Tribenuron methyl (h) 1.0 × 10-8 Pa m³ mol-1 pH7 4.11 × 10-12

Table 3.6. Sorption and degradation parameters in soil.
Tabel 3.6. Sorptions- og nedbrydningsparametre i jorden.

Active substance Freundlich exp Koc, l/kg DT50, days
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) 1 57889 103 
Bentazon (h) 1 28.2 23.1
Bromoxinil (h) 0.8 183.6 0.54
Fluazinam (f) 1 1945 56.6
Malathion (i) 1 209 0.133
Metamitron (h) 0.87 110 18.4
Pendimethalin (h) 0.96 14471 148
Propiconazol (f) 0.86 688 61.5
Prosulfocarb (h) 0.96 1637 13.8
Rimsulforon (h) 1 42.4 16.8
Terbutylazin (h) 0.9 251 63.8
Tribenuron methyl (h) 0.95 22.2 9.01

Table 3.7. Degradation in water/sediment.
Tabel 3.7. Nedbrydning i vand/sediment.

Active substance DT50water DT50sedment DT50water/sediment PestSurf input
        DT50, days Sediment konc., mg/l
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) 1.25 days Water/sediment value used due to strong sorption 20.9 days
method not described
20.9 80 (default in PestSurf)
Bentazon (h) 130.5 days No breakdown 716
method not described
130.5 0
Bromoxinil (h) 5.9 dage None mentioned 5.9 days 5.9 80 (default in PestSurf)
Fluazinam (f) From experiment (0.8+1.2)/2
= 1 day
High sorption, degradation on sediment Exp 1: 1 and <7 d, 100 ml vand, 1 % sediment.
Exp 2:  (2.9+3.2)/2=3.05 d
3.5 10000
Malathion (i) 9 hours None mentioned 9 hours 0.375 80 (default in PestSurf)
Metamitron (h) No information None mentioned 9  days 9 80 (default in PestSurf)
Pendimethalin (h) Fast sorption None mentioned range: 4-28 days: 16 days 16 80 (default in PestSurf)
Propiconazol (f) 77-85 d, 1% soil in Rhine water
25-35 d, 1 % soil in pond water
study 2, 113 d. water+ 1% soil
None mentioned 70 days, wole system. 75 10000
Prosulfocarb (h) 1.5day None mentioned 381 days 1.5 0
Rimsulforon (h) 4 days 10.5 days 6 days 6 80 (default in PestSurf)
Terbutylazin (h) 6.5 days No degradation 80 (250 g sed+550 ml water
33 (220 g sed+ 550 ml water
57 425000
Tribenuron methyl (h) 23.5 days None mentioned 25.5 days 25.5 80 (default in PestSurf)

Table 3.8. Listed and re-calculated values for hydrolysis.
Tabel 3.8. Opgivne og beregnede hydrolyse-parametre.

Active substance T1/2 T1/2
  pH 5 pH 7 pH 9 (acid) (neutral) (basic)
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) None 101 7.3 indef indef 5.5 × 10-6
Bentazon (h) No hydrolysis        
Bromoxinil (h) No hydrolysis        
Fluazinam (f) None 42 6 indef 65.2 6.94 × 10-5
Malathion (i) 107 6.21 0.49 indef 10.2 5.7 × 10-6
Metamitron (h) No hydrolysis assumed        
Pendimethalin (h) No hydrolysis        
Propiconazol (f) No hydrolysis        
Prosulfocarb (h) No hydrolysis        
Rimsulforon (h) 4.7 7.3 4.2 7.49 × 10-5 12.6 1.77 × 10-6
Terbutylazin (h) 73 204.6 194 9.90 × 10-4 279 8.32 × 10-5
Tribenuron methyl (h) Very fast <1 day >200 5.25 × 10-6 19.9 indef

Table 3.9. Photolysis.
Tabel 3.9. Fotolyse.

Active substance quantum yield Spectrum Other
Alpha-cypermethrin (h) φ = 8.12 × 10-3 at  λmax (276 nm) : ε = 2073
at 300 nm : ε = 38.64
at pH 5, 22 °C : DT50 = 1.2 d (Cp-label) – 2.2 d (Bz-label)
Bentazon (h) φ=4.38 × 10-4
at 20°C calculated to 4.8 × 10-4.
λmax: 216 nm, 310 nm
Spectrum used
λ ε
295-300      723
300-310 1246
310-320 2088
320-330 2767
330-340 3362
340-350 3079
350-360 2210
360-370 1341
370-380 473
pH 5: 122 h at 25°C
pH 7: 93 h at 25°C
pH 9: 14 h at 25°C
Bromoxinil (h) φ = 4.8 × 10-2 λmax = 221.2, ε = 30343 l mol-1 cm-1
λmax = 287,    ε = 18302 l mol-1 cm-1 – The value 18302 is implemented for 295-300, and the value is reduced by a factor of 5 for the next wavelengths:
295-300: 18302
300-310: 3660;
310-320: 732;
320-330: 146;
330-340: 30
340-350: 0
DT 50 <10 h (2 major by-products)
Fluazinam (f) φ = 2.60 × 10-4 3.86 at 342 nm. DT50= 1-2 days at pH 5 and 3 days at pH 9.
Malathion (i) No absorbance above 290 nm, set to 0 No absorbance above 290 nm  
Metamitron (h) φ = 1.8 × 10 -2 W.-U. Palm, M. Millet und C. Zetzsch. Photochemical reactions of metamitron. Chemosphere , 35 (1997) 1117--1130.
λ ε
295-300      9000
300-310 10100
310-320 10100
320-330 7000
330-340 4000
340-350 1200
350-360 400
360-370 50
370-380 20
photolysis DT50 = 11.4 d natural sunlight
Pendimethalin (h) No relevant direct phototransformation observed, set to 0 238 nm ε = 28775
425 nm, ε = 5490
DT50 = 21 days (under 24 h daily exposure) pH not stated
Propiconazol (f) No absorption
> 290 nm, set to 0
λmax: 220 nm, εmax: 11666 DT50 = 47 – 984 days at 30 - 50 °N latitude
Prosulfocarb (h) Set to 0 due to too little information.   Half-life of 25.5 days with a rate constant of 2.72 × 10-2 day-1
Rimsulforon (h) φ = 0.0047 pH 5.0        ε
λ 240:     2.24e4
λ 290:      4.81e2
PestSurf allows spectrum to be defined from 295-300 nm: so 481 is specified for this range.
Rimsulfuron (25 °C, natural sunlight: 39° 40’ N):
pH 5: 1.1 d, pH 7: 11.7 d, pH 9: 11.1 h
Terbutylazin (h) Set to 0. DT50 = 172 d,
practically 0
Tribenuron methyl (h) n.a. 201 nm (log ε = 4.57)
256 nm (log ε = 4.26)
no maxima beyond 290 nm


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency