Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Annex 13

13 Short guide to MIKE VIEW-extraction of PestSurf results

13.1 Opening a file

When MIKE VIEW is started, it requests for a file. Specify file type as MIKE 11 DFS (*.res11) and browse to find the result directory. PestSurf result files are usually found under ”pesticide”_”Scenario”\MIKE11. The relevant files are ”pesticide”_”Scenario”.res11 for the pesticide and ”scenario”_”crop”.res11 with respect to water depth and flow.

A menu allowing selection of input data appears on the screen suggesting to load all timesteps and all available results. Click ok to load the data, or unclick data that may not be relevant.

The program responds by loading the data and presenting the outline of the loaded stream on the screen.

By choosing ”View” on the top menu, it is possible to add lables to the stream (names of the different stretches). Calculation points are shown automatically.

Other files can be opened by clicking ”File” on the top menu and ”open” or “add”. From there, follow the description from above. If “add” is used, the time series from the different files can be viewed in the same plots.

13.2 Time series plots

Time series for single points can be seen by selecting ”Plot” in top menu and ”TS in Grid Points”. A menu appears, allowing the user to select result file and data type to be plotted. The user may now click ”ok” and be allowed to select the point to be plotted on the stream outline. When the program is in the selection mode, the chainage number for the point near the selection arrow is shown in the status line at the bottom of the screen.

If ”list” is selected, a list of all calculation points is produced, with minimum and maximum values for each point and the time of occurrence. One or more calculation points can be selected, and a graph can be drawn if ”draw graph” is selected, or a table may be produced of all the values for the selected calculation points if ”show values” is selected. When a time series plot is generated, additional time series can be added by left-clicking on the plot and selecting “add TS”. The result file can then be selected together with the data type and the location to plot.

Selected lists of information can be copied and pasted from MIKE VIEW to Excel.

When the graph is plotted on the screen, a menu can be added by right-clicking on the mouse and selecting ”options”. On the page ”axis and fonds” ”legend” can be selected and will be added to the plot. The plot can be saved to a file by right-clicking on the plot and selecting ”metafile” – ”copy to file”. The plot is stored in *emf-format.

Another way to store a plot is to select “File” and “Print”. A printer menu appears than allows the user to select a printer driver. If Microsoft Office Document Image Writer or other Image writers are installed on the computer, they may be selected and allow the user to store plots in other formats.

When extracting sediment and pore water data from the ponds, it should be noted that the multilayer model used for the ponds is associated with every other calculation point. Data are thus extracted at the end of the pond rather than in the middle.

The water depth may be calculated in MIKE VIEW: Open the file with water flow and depth information, click on “Tools” on the top menu and select “compute and “depth”. The record now appears a data type when data are to be plotted.

13.3 Longitudinal plots

A longitudinal plot is generated by selecting ”Plot” on the top menu and ”longitudinal plot” on the drop-down menu. Click with the mouse on the sections of the stream to be plotted and end with ”control” and mouse-click. The programme responds by asking ”close profile selection and draw profile”. Click yes. A menu appears that allows the user to select the result file and the data type to plot. The plot that appears shows the outline of the stream with the height difference (left axis). The bottom of the stream is shown and the level of the right and left bank is indicated. In addition the data type is shown, - a red punctuated line shows the maximum values obtained for the data type (use left axis). To see the changes in values of the ”data type” over time, click with the mouse on the black triangle Symbol: Triangle on the toolbar. The time indicated on the top of the plot starts running, and the values of the ”data type” changes. The symbol Symbol: Square may be used to stop the display, while Symbol: Equal mark pauses the display and a second click on the mouse on this symbol restarts the time series.

If a time series is open at the same time as a longitudinal plot, a click on the time series will move the longitudinal plot to the selected date and time.

Plots can be saved as pictures when paused. The symbols showing magnifying glasses on the tool bar can be used to magnify (+) or the opposite (-), P is ”zoom to previous” while E is ”zoom to full extent”.

13.4 Units

A number of units are defined in MIKEVIEW. Before a file is opened in MIKEVIEW, units can be changed by selecting ”File” from the top menu and ”Edit Unit Base Groups”. 386 items are available. The most relevant unit for the PestSurf-simulations is for ”Concentration” (unit 60). The default concentration is µg/m³ equal to ng/l. By clicking on the concentration unit, a drop-down menu becomes visible with other units that may be selected. These units will then be used on the axes of the plots and the plot scaled accordingly.

Water levels can be calculated from absolute water levels extracted as time series in MIKE VIEW and the level of the stream bottom in the given point, found from a longitudinal plot of the river stretch to be analysed – or by an analysis of the longitudinal plot at the time of interest.

13.5 PestSurf-files

The PestSurf result files consists of concentration levels for each stored time step in each calculation point in the stream models (133 in the sandy catchment and 72 in the sandy loam catchment). The pond models only contain three points each within the pond (First three points in the simulation equal to 0, 12.5 and 25 m in Lillepond and 0, 20 and 40 m in Odderpond). The simulations cover 2 * 4 years and data are saved every 10 minutes (or less) the first two hours after spraying, every hour up to 30 days after spraying and every day for the rest of the simulation.

Data can be extracted concerning the concentration of active substance in the water phase, the concentration on suspended matter and the concentration on macrophytes. These concentrations are given as µg/m³ (equal to ng/l), and is calculated per m³ of water column.

Data also exists for pesticide sorbed on colloids, but the value is negligible in the simulations carried out. The amount of suspended matter is generally 0. The depth of the sediment layer is given in mm, meaning that 20,000 equals 2 cm.

For all substances, there is a close correlation between the concentrations in the water phase and the concentration in macrophytes. The macrophyte concentration is assumed constant in the ponds and vary over the year in the streams (scaled with a factor 0-1[1]). The maximum concentration of biomass in the water is calculated to be 33 g/m³ for the sandy pond, 875 g/m³ for the sandy loam pond, 276 g/m³ for the sandy stream and 1380 g/m³ for the sandy loam stream. The concentration of active substance in the biomass can be obtained by dividing the concentration with the amount of biomass at the particular time.

Furthermore, the concentration of pesticide is calculated for the pore water (µg/m³) and the sediment (µg/g, meaning that the value should be multiplied by 1000 to get µg/kg or 106 to get ng/kg).

The concentration of active substance in pore water is determined by diffusion. The sediment layer is 2 cm in the stream and 10 cm in the ponds. However, the concentration in the pond is given for the top 2 cm’s only. The porosity is 0.75 except for the eutrophic ponds, where it is 0.95. Sediment concentrations and pore water concentrations show the same pattern, and the amount of adsorbed pesticide is calculated as a function of the pore water concentration.


[1] The function is found in the ”Scenario”_Biomass.dfs0 file in the


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency