Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example

Appendix E: List of Danish valuation studies in EVRI

0580-171859      Bjorner, T.B., "Combining Socio-acoustic and Contingent Valuation Surveys to Value Noise Reduction", Transportation Research Part D 9, 341-356 , 2004
0593-1254      Bjorner, T.B., "Comparing the Value of Quiet from Contingent Valuation and Hedonic Pricing Methods", AFK, Institute of Local Government Studies - Denmark , 2003
0154-16469      Bjorner, T.B. and C.S. Russell, A. Dubgaard, C. Damgaard and L.M. Anderson., "Public and Private Preference for Environmental Quality in Denmark.", SOM publikation nr. 39, AKF Forlaget, 2000 , 2000
02232-16139      Dubgaard, A., "Economic Valuation of Recreational Benefits from Danish Forests", The Economics of Landscape and Wildlife Conservation. Dabbert, S., A. Dubgaard, L. Slangen, M. Whitby. Oxon, UK, CAB International. , 1998
0028-95120      Jordal-Jørgensen, J., "Samfundsmæssig værdi af vindkraft. Delrapport: Visuelle effekter og støj fra vindmøller - kvantificering og værdisætning." (Social Costs of Wind Power: Partial Report of Visual Impacts and Noise from Windmills)., Institute for Local Government Studies (AKF), Copenhagen, Denmark 1995 , 1995
0081-153429      Kidholm, K., "Assessing the Value of Traffic Safety Using the Contingent Valuation Technique: The Danish Survey", Paper presented at Conference on Valuing the Consequences of Road Accidents, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1994 , 1994
05180-15846      Termansen, M., C.J. McClean, and R. Scarpa., "Economic Valuation of Danish Forest Recreation Combining Mixed Logit Models and GIS", Paper presented at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Conference. Budapest, Hungary. , 2004
05165-04546      Toivonen, A.L., E. Roth, S. Navrud, G. Gudbergsson, H. Appelblad, B.Bengtsson, and P.Tuunainen., "The Economic Value of Recreational Fisheries in Nordic Countries", Fisheries Management and Ecology 11, pp. 1-14. , 2004
04274-192024      Turner, R.K., S. Georgiou, I-M. Gren, F. Wulff, S. Barrett, T. Soderqvist, I.J. Bateman, C. Folke, S. Langaas, T. Zylicz, K-G. Maler, and A. Markowska, "Managing Nutrient Fluxes and Pollution in the Baltic: An Interdisciplinary Simulation Study", Ecological Economics 30: 333-352 , 1999
05295-155050      Zandersen, M., M. Termansen and F. S. Jensen, "Benefit Transfer Over Time of Ecosystem Values: The Case of Forest Recreation", Working Paper no. FNU-61, Danish Centre For Forest, Landscape and Planning , 2005


Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency