Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example

Appendix F: Table of Swedish Studies from ValueBaseSWE

This appendix presents, in a table format, studies from The Valuation Study Database for Environmental Change in Sweden (ValueBaseSWE) relevant for Miljøstyrelsen in Denmark. Studies assumed not to be relevant for Danish conditions because they included valuation of e.g. wolf, recreational value of skiing and so on were excluded. Based on a screening using the title of the studies, 38 out of 170 were found to fall within the Miljøstyrelsen priorities for this project; surface water quality, groundwater quality, marine and coastal areas, soil quality, landscape aesthetics, ecosystem functions and biodiversity. Studies without specification of the valuation method and studies not being original studies were also excluded, resulting in 20 relevant to Miljøstyrelsen. To limit the scope to the most recent studies, studies with data collection earlier than 1995 were also excluded, resulting in the 12 studies referred to in than tables below. The complete ValueBaseSWE database can be found at:

In ValueBaseSWE there is no explicit information on whether the WTP is per household, per individual, per year or as a one-time amount, but in most cases the payment vehicle gives information on this.

Swedish SKK values are converted to Danish 2005-DKK by using a Purchase Power  Parity (PPP) corrected exchange rate at the year of data collection (see ), and then adjusting with the Danish Consumer Price Index. (see Appendix H)  from the year of data collection to 2005.


Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Appelblad, Håkan.
The Spawning Salmon as a Resource by Recreational Use. The case of the wild Baltic salmon and conditions for angling in north Swedish rivers.
GERUM 2001:3, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Umeå University  2001.
Data collection 1997
Recreational fishing (salmon angling)
Payment vehicle:
Fishing licence
Elicitation format CV:
PC and OE
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Swedish anglers who had been fishing in the River Byske in 1996.
Registered fishing licence buyers.
Current condition:
89 per day
326 per week
757 per year. Improvement:
142 per day
522 per week
1231 per year.
Current condition:
94 per day
346 per week
804 per year. Improvement:
151 per day
554 per week
1307 per year
Response rate=71%
Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Frykblom, Peter.
Halved Emissions of Nutrients, What are the Benefits? - A Contingent Valuation Survey Applied to Laholm Bay.
in Questions in the Contingent Valuation Method - Five Essays, doctoral thesis, Agraria 100, Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala. 1998.
Data collection 1996
Water quality
Payment vehicle:
A monthly tax on top of the community income tax
Elicitation format CV: DC
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Residents of Båstad, Halmstad and Laholm in the age between 18-75
Random sample
Mean annual WTP: 747
Median annual WTP: 244
Mean annual WTP: 816
Median annual WTP: 266
Response rate=67.4

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Latitila, T and Paulrud, A.
Combining Conjoint Analysis and Choice Experiments for Valuation of Fishing Site Characteristics.
Arbetsrapport 329, Department of Forest Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå. 1998
Datacollection 1998
Angling site
CE and CV
Payment vehicle:
Licence fee
Elicitation format CV: conjoint analysis and DC for the CV
Interview method: Mail questionnaire
Random sample from register of buyers of fishing licenses
Mean WTP in CVM: 46.61 Mean WTP in CVM:

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Paulrud, Anton.
Ekonomisk analys av sportfiskarnas val av fiskeplats – en pilotstudie gällande för öring- och harrfiske i rinnande vatten. Arbetsrapport 290, Department of Forest Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå. 2000.
Data collection 1998
Attributes of fishing sites: type of water, species, accessibility, restrictions of catch, expected catch, distance from residence, number of anglers at the site and license fee
Payment vehicle:
Licence fee
Elicitation format CV:
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Swedish anglers that have visited the study area in 1998
Marginal WTP for an extra fish caught: 16.
An increase of the distance from the fishing site to the closest road increased the Marginal WTP with SEK 0.13 per meter. If the distance between the respondent’s residence and the fishing site increased with 10 km the corresponding decrease in WTP was approximately SEK 8.
Marginal WTP for an extra fish caught: 16.5
An increase of the distance from the fishing site to the closest road increased the Marginal WTP with 0.13 per meter.
If the distance between the respondent’s residence and the fishing site increased with 10 km the corresponding decrease in WTP was approximately 8.2
Response rate=67%

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Söderqvist, Tore.
Contingent Valuation of a Less Eutrophicated Baltic Sea.
Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 88, The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm
Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. 1996.
Data collection 1995
Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
Payment vehicle:
An extra environmental tax paid for 20 years
Elicitation format CV: DC, OE
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Swedes aged between 18 and 85 years
Random sample
Mean annual WTP: for non-protesters kSEK 7 per person. For non-protesters and weak protesters kSEK 6.5 per person.
Total national WTP: MSEK 21816
Mean annual WTP: for non-protesters kDKK 7.7 per person. For non-protesters and weak protesters kDKK 7.2 per person.
Total national WTP: MDKK 24 139
n= 696
Response rate= 60.4%

Landscape aesthetic

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Ek, Kristina.
Valuing the Environmental Impacts of Wind Power – A Choice Experiment Approach.
2002:40, Luleå University of Technology. 2002.
Data collection 2002
Environmental attributes associated with wind power generation: noise, location, height, group and price
Payment vehicle:
Electricity price öre/kWh
Interview method: Mail questionnaire, 6 sets * 2 alternatives * 5 attributes
Swedish house owners
Random sample from the Swedish Official Register of Persons and Addresses (SPAR)
Mean WTP/WTA expressed in öre/kWh.
Noise 1.67
Mountain -2.18
Offshore 3.47
Height 0.26
Small 1.55
Mean WTP/WTA expressed in öre/kWh.
Noise 1.55
Mountain -2.03
Offshore 3.22
Height 0.24
Small 1.44
n=1 000
Response rate=56 %

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Hörnsten, L and
Fredman, P.
On the distance to recreational forests in Sweden.
Landscape and Urban Planning, 51, 1-10.  2000
Data collection 1998
Distance to recreational forests
Payment vehicle:
Amount added to the monthly cost of housing
Elicitation format CV:  OE
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Swedish citizens
Random sample
Monthly mean WTP: 110
Median WTP: 50 including zero bids. Monthly mean WTP: 185
median WTP: 100 excluding zero bids.
Monthly mean WTP: 113
Median WTP: 51 including zero bids. Monthly mean WTP: 190
median WTP: 103 excluding zero bids.
n= 500
Response rate = 48%

Ecosystem function and biodiversity

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Carlsson, F., Frykblom, P. and
Liljenstolpe, C.
Valuing wetland attributes – an application of Choice Experiments
Working Paper Series 2001:3, Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala. 2001.
Data collection 2001
Wetland attributes: total cost, surrounding vegetation, biodiversity, fish, fenced waterline, crayfish and walking facilities.
Payment vehicle:
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
The population of Staffanstorp in the age between 18-75 years
Random sample from the Swedish census register.
Logit model:
high biodiversity 673.22
medium biodiversity 504.58
fish 348.48
fenced waterline -167.53
crayfish -113.48
walking facilities 648.06
Logit model:
high biodiversity 639.48
medium biodiversity 477.17
fish 329.55
fenced waterline -158.43
crayfish -107.31
walking facilities 612.85
n=1 200
Response rate=39 %

Year of data collection /
Environmental goods/services
Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Dalin, Per-Eric.
Småviltsjakten på statens mark ovan odlingsgränsen - en samhällsekonomisk analys.
Arbetsrapport 296, Department of Forest, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå. 2000
Data collection 2000
Small game hunting on public owned land in the mountains of Villhelmina community
Interview method: Mail questionnaire, zonal method
Population: hunters using daily permits and individuals joining the hunters in the study area in 1999
Random sample
Total CS: 186 325
CS per day: 82
Total CS: 184 535
CS per day: 81.2
Response rate=85 %

Year of data/ collection Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Grudemo, Stefan.
E6 genom Ljungskile – ett omstritt motorvägsbygge. Beskrivning av beslutsprocessen och invånarnas inställning och värdering av effekterna på närmiljön.
VTI meddelande nr 843, The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Linköping. 1999.
Data collection 1997 and 1998
Environmental effects of a motorway
Payment vehicle: increase in community tax for 10 years
Elicitation format CV: OE and DC
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Residents of Ljungskile, including the area Lyckorna
Random sample
Annual mean WTP: DC-question 235
OE-question 65
Annual mean WTP: DC-question 180
OE-question 50
n= 600
Response rate = 74%

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Israelsson, Torun.
Valuing Natural Heritage – An Empirical Application of a Choice Experiment.
in “Infrastructure Investments and Environmental Preservation – An economic foundation for public decisions”. Report 122, Department of Forest Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå
Data collection 2000
Encroachment of a road in a Natural Heritage area described by the attributes: biology, landscape, recreation, noise, safety, tax and time.
Payment vehicle:
Non-recurrent tax
Elicitation format
CE: 3 sets * 3 alternatives * 7 attributes
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire
Residents in three Swedish regions: Västerbotten, Södermanland and Västmanland, Skåne
Random sample from a telephone directory
Mean WTP as a once-for all payment:
312 for biology
124 for recreation
180 for landscape
76 for safety
0.09 for time
28 for noise.
Mean WTP as a once-for all payment:
309 for biology
123 for recreation
178 for landscape
75 for safety
0.09 for time
28 for noise.
n= 329
Response rate= 34.3%

Year of data collection/ Environmental goods/services Valuation method and relevant information WTP (SEK in year of data collection) WTP
in 2005-DKK
Sample size
Nilsson, M. and Gullberg, M.
Externalities of Energy: Swedish Implementation of ExternE Methodology: The contingent valuation study on Klippen.
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
External cost of Klippen hydro power station. 1998.
Data collection 1995
External cost of Klippen hydro power station
Payment vehicle:
Annual contribution to a fund
Elicitation format CV: DC
Interview method:
Mail questionnaire/personal interviews
Local population, Swedish population in general and tourists
Random sample of locals and Swedes
Swedes: 700
Locals: 1900
Tourists: 2000
Swedes: 775
Locals: 2102
Tourists: 2213
locals: n=600
Swedes: n=600, Tourists: n=235
Locals =50%, Swedes:= 54%


Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency