Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example

Appendix G: Summary of value transfer validity tests for priority environmental goods

Reference   Resource/Activity Unit value
Transfer Percent Error[22]
Function Transfer Error
Loomis (1992)   Recreation 4 – 39 1 – 18
Parson and  Kealy (1994)   Water / Recreation 4 – 34 1 – 75
Loomis et al. (1995) Nonlinear Least Squares Model Recreation --- 1 – 475
Heckman model --- 1 – 113
Bergland et al. (1995)   Water quality 25 – 45 18 – 41
Downing and Ozuna (1996)   Fishing 0 – 577 ---
Kirchhoff et al. (1997)   White water rafting 36 – 56 87 – 210
  Bird watching 35 – 69 2 – 35
Kirchhoff (1998) Benefit Function Transfer Recreation/Habitat --- 2 – 475
Meta-analysis Transfer --- 3 – 7028
Brouwer and Spaninks (1999)   Biodiversity 27 – 36 22 – 40
Morrison and  Bennett (2000)   Wetlands 4 – 191 ---
Rosenberger and Loomis  (2000a)   Recreation --- 0 – 319
VandenBerg et al. (2001) Individual Sites Water quality 1 – 239 0 – 298
Pooled Data 0 – 105 1 – 56
Shrestha and Loomis (2001)   International Recreation --- 1 – 81

Source: Modified after Brouwer (2000) and Rosenberger (2005).


[22] All percent errors are reported as absolute values


Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency