Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example

Appendix H: Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Denmark, Norway and Sweden 1990-2004 (with 1990 = 100)

Year Denmark Norway Sweden
1990 100,0 100,0 100,0
1991 102,4 103,5 109,3
1992 104,6 105,9 111,8
1993 105,9 108,2 117,0
1994 108,0 109,8 119,6
1995 110,2 112,5 122,6
1996 112,6 113,9 123,2
1997 115,0 116,8 123,8
1998 117,1 119,5 123,7
1999 120,1 122,2 124,2
2000 123,6 126,0 125,5
2001 126,5 129,9 128,5
2002 129,5 131,5 131,3
2003 132,3 134,8 133,8
2004 133,8 135,4 134,4


To convert Danish WTP data at the study site collected in 1999 into 2005 –DKK (i.e. January 2005), add the inflation rate for this period which can be calculatad from the equation below:

Inflation rate =  CPI (2004) - CPI (1999)   =   133.8 – 120.1  = 11.4 %



Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency