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Tabel 2.4.

Estimated consumption and losses of dichloromethane in Denmark.


Massestrømsanalyse for dichlormethan, trichlorethylen og tetrachlorethylen

Application Consumption (tons/y) % of consumption (mean) Emissions to air (tons/y) *6 Emissions to waste water (tons/y) *3, *6 Disposal as hazardous waste (tons/y) *6 Recycling (tons/y) *5
Applications of pure dichloromethane *4 390-430 *1 73 *1 260-320 0-1 90-120 5-15
Ancillaries for production of plastic goods 25 *2 5 24 0 1 0
Plane glas industry 15-30 5 7-10 0 2-5 5-15
Pharmaceutical industry 30 6 0 0-1 30 0
Analysis of asfalt 20 4 19-20 0 0-1 0
Paint strippers manufactured in Denmark 46-50 10 44-50 0 0-2 0
Metal industries (shipyards etc.) 35 7 34-35 0 0-1 0
Other laboratory and research applications 35 7 9 0 26 0
Grafic industry 15-20 4 10-20 0 0-5 0
Other identified applications of pure dichloromethane 40 8 35 0 5 0
Unknown applications of pure dichloromethane 130-140 28 80-120 0 30-40 0
Applications in prepararions *4 110-140 26 100-140 0-1 0-4 0
Paint strippers 90-110 21 80-110 0-1 0-4 0
Ancillaries for production of plastic goods 1 0 <2 *7 0 0 0
Glues 2-7 1 2-7 0 0 0
Fillers 8 2 8 0 0 0
Cleaning agents 3-5 1 3-5 0 0 0
Other preparations 4-10 1 4-10 0 0 0
Total *1, *4 450-510 *2 100 320-400 0-2 90-120 5-15


*1 Double counting of the consumption of preparations manufactured in Denmark is eliminated in the totals (paint stripper, sealer, glues, cleaning agents). Products for which the country of manufacturing is unknown are considered imported (deemed most likely).

*2 An additional 70-90 tons/year are used for Danish manufacturing of products for export (sealers for diecasting of plastics).

*3 Indirect exposure via evaporation to air and subsequent rainfalls are not included.

*4 Totals are rounded up.

*5 Recycling numbers does not include internal recycling integrated in manufacturing processes.

*6 The presented figures are rough estimates based on general knowledge on chemical characteristics and standard routines of use and disposal in the application fields in question.

*7 Part of this loss to air is caused by the danish production of ancillaries for export.