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Tabel 2.6.

Estimated consumption and losses of tetrachloroethylene in Denmark.


Massestrømsanalyse for dichlormethan, trichlorethylen og tetrachlorethylen

Application Consumption (tons/y) % of consumption (mean) Emissions to air (tons/y) *6 Emissions to waste water (tons/y) *3, *6 Disposal as hazardous waste (tons/y) *6 Recycling (tons/y) *5
Applications of pure tetrachloroethylene *4 740-800 97 350-500 0-1 270-390 7-11
Dry cleaning of textiles 325-330 41 160-210 0-1 110-150 7-10
Pharmaceutical industry 50-65 7 8-10 0 42-55 0
Processing of flexo printing plates *1 0-10 1 0-7 0 0-2 0-1
Other identified applications of pure tetrachloroethylene 35-60 6 30-57 0 2-9 0
Unknown applications of pure tetrachloroethylene *2 330 42 150-220 0 120-170 0
Applications in preparations *4 20-33 3 14-24 0 3-5 3-4
Compound products for processing af flexo printing plates 17-26 3 11-17 0 3-5 3-4
Cleaning agents 0-0.1 0 0-0.1 0 0 0
Proofing agents 1.6 0 1.6 0 0 0
Other preparations 1-5 0 1-5 0 0 0
Total *4 760-830 100 360-520 0-1 270-400 10-15


*1 The number only includes tetrachloroethylene sold as pure for subsequent mixing by the user. Tetrachloroethylene, which is mixed with other buthanol by the suppliers, is included under preparations.

*2 The net import is reported stabile while the consumption for the major applications is reduced. This indicates, that a considerable amount of tetrachlorethylen can not be accounted for in detail.

*3 Indirect exposure via evaporation to air and subsequent rainfalls are not included.

*4 Totals are rounded up.

*5 Recycling numbers does not include internal recycling integrated in manufacturing processes.

*6 The presented figures are rough estimates based on general knowledge on chemical characteristics and standard routines of use and disposal in the application fields in question.